Aleek если тему открыл то можно было бы и ссылку хотя бы дать на офсайт в первом посте
плюс краткое описание например:
Цитата: Macromedia Fireworks MX is the solution for professional web graphics design and production. It is the first production environment to address and solve the special challenges facing web graphics designers and developers.
You can use Fireworks to create, edit, and animate web graphics, add advanced interactivity, and optimize images in a professional environment. In Fireworks, you can create and edit both bitmap and vector graphics in a single application. Everything is editable, all the time. And you can automate the workflow to meet the demands of time-consuming updates and changes.
Fireworks integrates with other Macromedia products such as Dreamweaver, Flash, FreeHand, and Director, as well as your other favorite graphics applications and HTML editors, to provide a true integrated web solution. You can easily export Fireworks graphics with HTML and JavaScript code customized for the HTML editor youre using.
аглицким ты владеешь
с Фотошоп не сравнивай - он несравненный
и к тому же Fireworks не графический редактор подобный PS, Corel DRAW, FreeHand, PaintShop Pro и т.п. - он прежде всего ориентирован на веб-разработку и тесно интегрирован с продуктами той же Макромедиа
100_let Цитата: ну Fireworks - растровая графика, а Freehand - векторная
вау! ну тогда и ты почитай