У меня вначале gogoCLIENT вообще не соединялся. Потом как написано здесь
http://www.gogo6.com/forum/topics/failed-assigning-local-ipv6 заменил некоторые команды в windows.cmd начал соединяться но соединение постоянно разрывается где-то примерно через минуту. Потом опять соединяется и разъединяется. Такая же проблема с разрывами была и здесь
http://www.gogo6.com/forum/topics/failed-assigning-local-ipv6 В течении минуты, пока есть соединение, если протестировать его например зайдя на адрес
http://ipv6.google.com/ страница не открывается. Если проверить IP адрес, например через
http://2ip.ru/ то он остался ipV4, а в gogoCLIENT на вкладке Status как бы присвоен ipV6
Как настроить gogoCLIENT или ещё что-то что бы разрывов не было?
[more=Вот лог из gogoCLIENT]
Код: 22:05:25 gogoCLIENT v1.1-RELEASE build Mar 12 2010-19:02:40 64-bit
22:05:25 Running Windows version 6.1 Service Pack 1.
22:05:25 Establishing connection to server anonymous.freenet6.net using reliable UDP.
22:05:25 Using TSP protocol version 2.0.2.
22:05:25 Retrieving TSP capabilities from Server.
22:05:25 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 784.
22:05:26 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 784.
22:05:26 Received a TSP redirection message from server anonymous.freenet6.net (1200 Redirection).
22:05:26 Processing server reply.
22:05:26 The server redirection list is [ anon-taipei.freenet6.net, anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net, anon-montreal.freenet6.net ].
22:05:26 Sorting the server redirection list.
22:05:26 Creating server timing thread for anon-taipei.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Creating server timing thread for anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Creating server timing thread for anon-montreal.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Waiting for anon-taipei.freenet6.net timing thread to complete.
22:05:26 Sending echo request message #1 to anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Waiting for an echo reply from anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Receiving an RUDP message from anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Received RUDP message from anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net correctly.
22:05:26 Received expected echo reply from anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net: 200 Success.
22:05:26 Sending echo request message #1 to anon-montreal.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Waiting for an echo reply from anon-montreal.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Sending echo request message #1 to anon-taipei.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Waiting for an echo reply from anon-taipei.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Receiving an RUDP message from anon-montreal.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Received RUDP message from anon-montreal.freenet6.net correctly.
22:05:26 Received expected echo reply from anon-montreal.freenet6.net: 200 Success.
22:05:26 Receiving an RUDP message from anon-taipei.freenet6.net.
22:05:26 Received RUDP message from anon-taipei.freenet6.net correctly.
22:05:26 Received expected echo reply from anon-taipei.freenet6.net: 200 Success.
22:05:26 server timing for anon-taipei.freenet6.net completed successfully (384 ms).
22:05:26 Waiting for anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net timing thread to complete.
22:05:26 server timing for anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net completed successfully (71 ms).
22:05:26 Waiting for anon-montreal.freenet6.net timing thread to complete.
22:05:26 server timing for anon-montreal.freenet6.net completed successfully (160 ms).
22:05:26 The optimized server redirection list is [ anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net, anon-montreal.freenet6.net, anon-taipei.freenet6.net ].
22:05:26 Failed to open tsp-broker-list.txt to save the server redirection list.
22:05:26 Failed to write the server redirection list to file.
22:05:26 Establishing connection to server anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net using reliable UDP.
22:05:26 Using TSP protocol version 2.0.2.
22:05:26 Retrieving TSP capabilities from Server.
22:05:26 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 823.
22:05:26 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 823.
22:05:26 Authenticating...
22:05:26 Using AUTH-ANONYMOUS authentication mechanism.
22:05:26 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.077625, sequence 0xf00000f1 timestamp 892.
22:05:26 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.077625, sequence 0xf00000f1 timestamp 892.
22:05:26 Authentication successful.
22:05:26 Using [] as source IPv4 address.
22:05:26 Negotiating tunnel parameters with server
22:05:26 Sending: 'Content-length: 218<tunnel action="create" type="v6anyv4" proxy="no"> <client> <address type="ipv4"></address> <keepalive interval="30"> <address type="ipv6">::</address> </keepalive> </client></tunnel>'
22:05:26 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.148922, sequence 0xf00000f2 timestamp 964.
22:05:27 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.148922, sequence 0xf00000f2 timestamp 964.
22:05:27 Received: '200 Success<tunnel action="info" type="v6udpv4" lifetime="86400"> <server> <address type="ipv4"></address> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1396</address> </server> <client> <address type="ipv4"></address> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1397</address> <dns_server> <address type="ipv6">2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888</address> </dns_server> <keepalive interval="30"> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1396</address> </keepalive> </client></tunnel>'
22:05:27 Processing server reply.
22:05:27 Sending: 'Content-length: 35<tunnel action="accept"></tunnel>'
22:05:27 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.216932, sequence 0xf00000f3 timestamp 1041.
22:05:27 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.216932, sequence 0xf00000f3 timestamp 1041.
22:05:27 Tunnel negotiation successful. Accepted offer.
22:05:27 TSP_VERBOSE=3
22:05:27 TSP_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT
22:05:27 TSP_TUNNEL_MODE=v6udpv4
22:05:27 TSP_HOST_TYPE=host
22:05:27 TSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE=����������� �� ��������� ���� 3
22:05:27 TSP_CLIENT_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1397
22:05:27 TSP_CLIENT_DNS_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888
22:05:27 TSP_SERVER_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1396
22:05:27 TSP_LOCAL_DNS01=
22:05:27 TSP_LOCAL_DNS02=
22:05:27 TSP_LOCAL_DNS03=
22:05:27 Executing interface configuration script: "C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT\template\windows.cmd".
22:05:40 Script execution time: 05.01.2013, 22:05:27,17
22:05:40 Setting up a V6UDPV4 tunnel using gogo6's Multi-Virtual Tunnel Adapter.
22:05:40 Tunnel interface is: "������р®�� �� �����ЁB� �� 3"
22:05:40 Setting IPv6 address on v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:05:40 Setting MTU to 1280 on v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:05:40 Adding DNS servers to tunnel v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:05:40 Adding a route to the remote tunnel IPV6 endpoint ...
22:05:40 Routing all IPv6 traffic through the v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:05:40 Setting the DNS server on the v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:05:40 ������� DNS-�ࢥ� ࠡ�⠥� �����४⭮ ��� �� �������.
22:05:40 V6UDPV4 tunnel configuration successful.
22:05:40 Template script execution successful.
22:05:40 Interface configuration script completed successfully.
22:05:40 The host type is 'host'.
22:05:40 The tunnel type is v6udpv4.
22:05:40 Client proxying is disabled.
22:05:40 Your IPv6 address is 2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1397.
22:05:40 Your IPv6 DNS address is 2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888.
22:05:40 Keepalive initialized with peer 2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1396. Interval=30000ms. Timeout=5000ms. General timeout at 3 consecutive timeouts.
22:06:10 Keepalive request sent.
22:06:40 Keepalive request sent.
22:07:10 Keepalive request sent.
22:07:15 Keepalive processing stopped: General timeout detected.
22:07:15 TSP_VERBOSE=3
22:07:15 TSP_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT
22:07:15 TSP_TUNNEL_MODE=v6udpv4
22:07:15 TSP_HOST_TYPE=host
22:07:15 TSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE=����������� �� ��������� ���� 3
22:07:15 TSP_CLIENT_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1397
22:07:15 TSP_CLIENT_DNS_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888
22:07:15 TSP_SERVER_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:1396
22:07:15 Executing interface configuration script: "C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT\template\windows.cmd".
22:07:15 Script execution time: 05.01.2013, 22:07:15,09
22:07:15 �� �⮬ �������� ��� ����஥���� DNS-�ࢥ஢.
22:07:15 ������� �� ������.
22:07:15 ������� �� ������.
22:07:15 ������� �� ������.
22:07:15 Template script execution successful.
22:07:15 Interface configuration script completed successfully.
22:07:15 General timeout detected.
22:07:15 Disconnected. Retrying.
22:07:15 Establishing connection to server anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net using reliable UDP.
22:07:15 Using TSP protocol version 2.0.2.
22:07:15 Retrieving TSP capabilities from Server.
22:07:15 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 285.
22:07:15 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 285.
22:07:15 Authenticating...
22:07:15 Using AUTH-ANONYMOUS authentication mechanism.
22:07:15 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.078750, sequence 0xf00000f1 timestamp 355.
22:07:15 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.078750, sequence 0xf00000f1 timestamp 355.
22:07:15 Authentication successful.
22:07:15 Negotiating tunnel parameters with server
22:07:15 Sending: 'Content-length: 218<tunnel action="create" type="v6anyv4" proxy="no"> <client> <address type="ipv4"></address> <keepalive interval="30"> <address type="ipv6">::</address> </keepalive> </client></tunnel>'
22:07:15 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.156656, sequence 0xf00000f2 timestamp 433.
22:07:15 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.156656, sequence 0xf00000f2 timestamp 433.
22:07:15 Received: '200 Success<tunnel action="info" type="v6udpv4" lifetime="86400"> <server> <address type="ipv4"></address> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d10</address> </server> <client> <address type="ipv4"></address> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d11</address> <dns_server> <address type="ipv6">2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888</address> </dns_server> <keepalive interval="30"> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d10</address> </keepalive> </client></tunnel>'
22:07:15 Processing server reply.
22:07:15 Sending: 'Content-length: 35<tunnel action="accept"></tunnel>'
22:07:15 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.292324, sequence 0xf00000f3 timestamp 572.
22:07:15 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.292324, sequence 0xf00000f3 timestamp 572.
22:07:15 Tunnel negotiation successful. Accepted offer.
22:07:15 TSP_VERBOSE=3
22:07:15 TSP_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT
22:07:15 TSP_TUNNEL_MODE=v6udpv4
22:07:15 TSP_HOST_TYPE=host
22:07:15 TSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE=����������� �� ��������� ���� 3
22:07:15 TSP_CLIENT_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d11
22:07:15 TSP_CLIENT_DNS_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888
22:07:15 TSP_SERVER_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d10
22:07:15 TSP_LOCAL_DNS01=
22:07:15 TSP_LOCAL_DNS02=
22:07:15 TSP_LOCAL_DNS03=
22:07:15 Executing interface configuration script: "C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT\template\windows.cmd".
22:07:28 Script execution time: 05.01.2013, 22:07:15,92
22:07:28 Setting up a V6UDPV4 tunnel using gogo6's Multi-Virtual Tunnel Adapter.
22:07:28 Tunnel interface is: "������р®�� �� �����ЁB� �� 3"
22:07:28 Setting IPv6 address on v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:07:28 Setting MTU to 1280 on v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:07:28 Adding DNS servers to tunnel v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:07:28 Adding a route to the remote tunnel IPV6 endpoint ...
22:07:28 Routing all IPv6 traffic through the v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:07:28 Setting the DNS server on the v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:07:28 ������� DNS-�ࢥ� ࠡ�⠥� �����४⭮ ��� �� �������.
22:07:28 V6UDPV4 tunnel configuration successful.
22:07:28 Template script execution successful.
22:07:28 Interface configuration script completed successfully.
22:07:28 The host type is 'host'.
22:07:28 The tunnel type is v6udpv4.
22:07:28 Client proxying is disabled.
22:07:28 Your IPv6 address is 2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d11.
22:07:28 Your IPv6 DNS address is 2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888.
22:07:28 Keepalive initialized with peer 2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d10. Interval=30000ms. Timeout=5000ms. General timeout at 3 consecutive timeouts.
22:07:58 Keepalive request sent.
22:08:28 Keepalive request sent.
22:08:58 Keepalive request sent.
22:09:03 Keepalive processing stopped: General timeout detected.
22:09:03 TSP_VERBOSE=3
22:09:03 TSP_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT
22:09:03 TSP_TUNNEL_MODE=v6udpv4
22:09:03 TSP_HOST_TYPE=host
22:09:03 TSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE=����������� �� ��������� ���� 3
22:09:03 TSP_CLIENT_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d11
22:09:03 TSP_CLIENT_DNS_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888
22:09:03 TSP_SERVER_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d10
22:09:03 Executing interface configuration script: "C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT\template\windows.cmd".
22:09:04 Script execution time: 05.01.2013, 22:09:03,87
22:09:04 �� �⮬ �������� ��� ����஥���� DNS-�ࢥ஢.
22:09:04 ������� �� ������.
22:09:04 ������� �� ������.
22:09:04 ������� �� ������.
22:09:04 Template script execution successful.
22:09:04 Interface configuration script completed successfully.
22:09:04 General timeout detected.
22:09:04 Disconnected. Retrying.
22:09:04 Establishing connection to server anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net using reliable UDP.
22:09:04 Using TSP protocol version 2.0.2.
22:09:04 Retrieving TSP capabilities from Server.
22:09:04 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 88.
22:09:04 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 88.
22:09:04 Authenticating...
22:09:04 Using AUTH-ANONYMOUS authentication mechanism.
22:09:04 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.083250, sequence 0xf00000f1 timestamp 162.
22:09:04 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.083250, sequence 0xf00000f1 timestamp 162.
22:09:04 Authentication successful.
22:09:04 Negotiating tunnel parameters with server
22:09:04 Sending: 'Content-length: 218<tunnel action="create" type="v6anyv4" proxy="no"> <client> <address type="ipv4"></address> <keepalive interval="30"> <address type="ipv6">::</address> </keepalive> </client></tunnel>'
22:09:04 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.171844, sequence 0xf00000f2 timestamp 250.
22:09:04 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.171844, sequence 0xf00000f2 timestamp 250.
22:09:04 Received: '200 Success<tunnel action="info" type="v6udpv4" lifetime="86400"> <server> <address type="ipv4"></address> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d84</address> </server> <client> <address type="ipv4"></address> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d85</address> <dns_server> <address type="ipv6">2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888</address> </dns_server> <keepalive interval="30"> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d84</address> </keepalive> </client></tunnel>'
22:09:04 Processing server reply.
22:09:04 Sending: 'Content-length: 35<tunnel action="accept"></tunnel>'
22:09:04 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.234738, sequence 0xf00000f3 timestamp 325.
22:09:04 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.234738, sequence 0xf00000f3 timestamp 325.
22:09:04 Tunnel negotiation successful. Accepted offer.
22:09:04 TSP_VERBOSE=3
22:09:04 TSP_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT
22:09:04 TSP_TUNNEL_MODE=v6udpv4
22:09:04 TSP_HOST_TYPE=host
22:09:04 TSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE=����������� �� ��������� ���� 3
22:09:04 TSP_CLIENT_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d85
22:09:04 TSP_CLIENT_DNS_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888
22:09:04 TSP_SERVER_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d84
22:09:04 TSP_LOCAL_DNS01=
22:09:04 TSP_LOCAL_DNS02=
22:09:04 TSP_LOCAL_DNS03=
22:09:04 Executing interface configuration script: "C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT\template\windows.cmd".
22:09:17 Script execution time: 05.01.2013, 22:09:04,51
22:09:17 Setting up a V6UDPV4 tunnel using gogo6's Multi-Virtual Tunnel Adapter.
22:09:17 Tunnel interface is: "������р®�� �� �����ЁB� �� 3"
22:09:17 Setting IPv6 address on v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:09:17 Setting MTU to 1280 on v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:09:17 Adding DNS servers to tunnel v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:09:17 Adding a route to the remote tunnel IPV6 endpoint ...
22:09:17 Routing all IPv6 traffic through the v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:09:17 Setting the DNS server on the v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:09:17 ������� DNS-�ࢥ� ࠡ�⠥� �����४⭮ ��� �� �������.
22:09:17 V6UDPV4 tunnel configuration successful.
22:09:17 Template script execution successful.
22:09:17 Interface configuration script completed successfully.
22:09:17 The host type is 'host'.
22:09:17 The tunnel type is v6udpv4.
22:09:17 Client proxying is disabled.
22:09:17 Your IPv6 address is 2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d85.
22:09:17 Your IPv6 DNS address is 2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888.
22:09:17 Keepalive initialized with peer 2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d84. Interval=30000ms. Timeout=5000ms. General timeout at 3 consecutive timeouts.
22:09:47 Keepalive request sent.
22:10:17 Keepalive request sent.
22:10:47 Keepalive request sent.
22:10:52 Keepalive processing stopped: General timeout detected.
22:10:52 TSP_VERBOSE=3
22:10:52 TSP_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT
22:10:52 TSP_TUNNEL_MODE=v6udpv4
22:10:52 TSP_HOST_TYPE=host
22:10:52 TSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE=����������� �� ��������� ���� 3
22:10:52 TSP_CLIENT_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d85
22:10:52 TSP_CLIENT_DNS_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888
22:10:52 TSP_SERVER_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0d84
22:10:52 Executing interface configuration script: "C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT\template\windows.cmd".
22:10:52 Script execution time: 05.01.2013, 22:10:52,41
22:10:52 �� �⮬ �������� ��� ����஥���� DNS-�ࢥ஢.
22:10:52 ������� �� ������.
22:10:52 ������� �� ������.
22:10:52 ������� �� ������.
22:10:52 Template script execution successful.
22:10:52 Interface configuration script completed successfully.
22:10:52 General timeout detected.
22:10:52 Disconnected. Retrying.
22:10:52 Establishing connection to server anon-amsterdam.freenet6.net using reliable UDP.
22:10:52 Using TSP protocol version 2.0.2.
22:10:52 Retrieving TSP capabilities from Server.
22:10:52 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 603.
22:10:52 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.000000, sequence 0xf00000f0 timestamp 603.
22:10:52 Authenticating...
22:10:52 Using AUTH-ANONYMOUS authentication mechanism.
22:10:52 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.081000, sequence 0xf00000f1 timestamp 675.
22:10:52 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.081000, sequence 0xf00000f1 timestamp 675.
22:10:52 Authentication successful.
22:10:52 Negotiating tunnel parameters with server
22:10:52 Sending: 'Content-length: 218<tunnel action="create" type="v6anyv4" proxy="no"> <client> <address type="ipv4"></address> <keepalive interval="30"> <address type="ipv6">::</address> </keepalive> </client></tunnel>'
22:10:52 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.162000, sequence 0xf00000f2 timestamp 756.
22:10:52 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.162000, sequence 0xf00000f2 timestamp 756.
22:10:52 Received: '200 Success<tunnel action="info" type="v6udpv4" lifetime="86400"> <server> <address type="ipv4"></address> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0548</address> </server> <client> <address type="ipv4"></address> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0549</address> <dns_server> <address type="ipv6">2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888</address> </dns_server> <keepalive interval="30"> <address type="ipv6">2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0548</address> </keepalive> </client></tunnel>'
22:10:52 Processing server reply.
22:10:52 Sending: 'Content-length: 35<tunnel action="accept"></tunnel>'
22:10:52 RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.249750, sequence 0xf00000f3 timestamp 852.
22:10:52 Reply: RUDP packet 0, RTO 2.249750, sequence 0xf00000f3 timestamp 852.
22:10:52 Tunnel negotiation successful. Accepted offer.
22:10:52 TSP_VERBOSE=3
22:10:52 TSP_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT
22:10:52 TSP_TUNNEL_MODE=v6udpv4
22:10:52 TSP_HOST_TYPE=host
22:10:52 TSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE=����������� �� ��������� ���� 3
22:10:52 TSP_CLIENT_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0549
22:10:52 TSP_CLIENT_DNS_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888
22:10:52 TSP_SERVER_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0548
22:10:52 TSP_LOCAL_DNS01=
22:10:52 TSP_LOCAL_DNS02=
22:10:52 TSP_LOCAL_DNS03=
22:10:52 Executing interface configuration script: "C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT\template\windows.cmd".
22:11:05 Script execution time: 05.01.2013, 22:10:52,98
22:11:05 Setting up a V6UDPV4 tunnel using gogo6's Multi-Virtual Tunnel Adapter.
22:11:05 Tunnel interface is: "������р®�� �� �����ЁB� �� 3"
22:11:05 Setting IPv6 address on v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:11:05 Setting MTU to 1280 on v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:11:05 Adding DNS servers to tunnel v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:11:05 Adding a route to the remote tunnel IPV6 endpoint ...
22:11:05 Routing all IPv6 traffic through the v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:11:05 Setting the DNS server on the v6udpv4 tunnel interface ...
22:11:05 ������� DNS-�ࢥ� ࠡ�⠥� �����४⭮ ��� �� �������.
22:11:05 V6UDPV4 tunnel configuration successful.
22:11:05 Template script execution successful.
22:11:05 Interface configuration script completed successfully.
22:11:05 The host type is 'host'.
22:11:05 The tunnel type is v6udpv4.
22:11:05 Client proxying is disabled.
22:11:05 Your IPv6 address is 2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0549.
22:11:05 Your IPv6 DNS address is 2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888.
22:11:05 Keepalive initialized with peer 2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0548. Interval=30000ms. Timeout=5000ms. General timeout at 3 consecutive timeouts.
22:11:35 Keepalive request sent.
22:12:05 Keepalive request sent.
22:12:08 Keepalive processing stopped: Keepalive engine was explicitly stopped.
22:12:08 TSP_VERBOSE=3
22:12:08 TSP_HOME_DIR=C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT
22:12:08 TSP_TUNNEL_MODE=v6udpv4
22:12:08 TSP_HOST_TYPE=host
22:12:08 TSP_TUNNEL_INTERFACE=����������� �� ��������� ���� 3
22:12:08 TSP_CLIENT_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0549
22:12:08 TSP_CLIENT_DNS_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888
22:12:08 TSP_SERVER_ADDRESS_IPV6=2001:05c0:1400:000a:0000:0000:0000:0548
22:12:08 Executing interface configuration script: "C:\Program Files\gogo6\gogoCLIENT\template\windows.cmd".
22:12:08 Script execution time: 05.01.2013, 22:12:08,74
22:12:08 �� �⮬ �������� ��� ����஥���� DNS-�ࢥ஢.
22:12:08 ������� �� ������.
22:12:08 ������� �� ������.
22:12:08 ������� �� ������.
22:12:08 Template script execution successful.
22:12:08 Interface configuration script completed successfully.
22:12:08 Finished.