voros Delphi стоят? Судя по ответам Google, это они. Сейчас поищу еще, увидим как это лечить, но разделом ты точно ошибся.
Добавлено Или Paradox.
Добавлено Тут что-то похожее:
http://www.delphicorner.f9.co.uk/articles/db12.htm Добавлено http://www.biblioscape.com/tip_990409.htm 3. There are 3 files that BDE uses to control how a database is accessed by multi-users. These 3 files are: Pdoxusrs.net, Pdoxusrs.lck, Paradox.lck. The two *.lck files are controlled by the Pdoxusrs.net file. The place of Pdoxusrs.net is controlled by the BDE setting. This file keep track of users who are accessing a paradox database. By default, BDE put this file at "c:\". You need to change the BDE setting of "NET DIR", so multiple client PCs will use the same Pdoxusrs.net file. Run BDEadmin.exe under "c:\program files\borland\common files\bde\", and go to "Configuration | Drivers | Native | PARADOX". Change the setting of "NET DIR" from 'C:\" to a directory on file server PC