Автор: Vitorio
Дата сообщения: 28.03.2007 08:05
Уважаемые, подскажите пожалуйста решение проблемы.
Ситуация: SMS 2003 с SP2, Advanced Security. Клиенты стали, инвентаризация вроде проходит. Пытаюсь настроить распространение пакетов. Создаю набор из компьютеров, создаю пакет, назначаю набору - не устанавливается. Пробовал этот же пакет назначит юзеру(администратору) - установка стартует. Как заставить устанавливаться пакеты набору компьютеров?
В логе execmgr.log клиента пишет следующее:
Creating mandatory request for advert E012000D, program ff, package E0100009
A duplicate execution request is found for program ff
В событиях адвертайзмента на сервере:
1. The program for advertisement "E012000D has not yet started because the content for the package "E0100009" - "ff" (version 1) has not been acquired. Possible cause: The content for this program must be downloaded into the computers cache, or the content could not be located.
Solution: If the program is being downloaded, no action is required. The program will start once the download has been successfully completed. If the content can not be located, ensure that a distribution point with this content is available for this computer. Distribution point availability can be affected by roaming boundary configuration which is used to determine whether distribution points are classified as local or remote, or by enabling distribution points as protected distribution points.
2.The program for advertisement "E012000D" has not be run yet ("E0100009" - "ff"). The program settings indicate that this program has a user logon condition that must be satisfied before it can be run, and this condition has not yet been satisfied. SMS will run this program once the user logon condition is satisfied.
3. Advertisement "E012000D" was received from site "E01".
The client passes any supported platform requirements and the SMS will add the advertisements program to the list that will be displayed to users and/or run via assignment. If an advertisement is received but not displayed on a client, verify that the current time on the client is between the advertisement start and expiration times, and that the program specified in the advertisement is enabled.