Автор: roman nelish
Дата сообщения: 28.08.2007 14:56
Создал site-to-site в главном офисе и в филиале, делал все мастером, прописал везде статичный пул адресов, адреса не чем не пересакаются, на обоих концах разные. 2 сервера ISA Server 2006 Standart. Соединение установленно, в мониторинге отображается, что подключен 1 клиент, на обоих концах, но даже сервера не пингуются. Правила сама создала ИСА, разрешен весь трафик в обе стороны.
В Event View отображаются ошибки на обоих сторонах:
Event ID: 21265
Source: Microsoft Firewall
The routing table for the network adapter tengizvpn includes IP address ranges that are not defined in the array-level network tengizvpn, to which it is bound. As a result, packets arriving at this network adapter from the IP address ranges listed below or sent to these IP address ranges via this network adapter will be dropped as spoofed. To resolve this issue, add the missing IP address ranges to the array network. The following IP address ranges will be dropped as spoofed: External:;
Event ID: 14147
Source: Microsoft Firewall
ISA Server detected routes through the network adapter Inet that do not correlate with the network to which this network adapter belongs. When networks are configured correctly, the IP address ranges included in each array-level network must include all IP addresses that are routable through its network adapters according to their routing tables. Otherwise valid packets may be dropped as spoofed. The following ranges are included in the network's IP address ranges but are not routable through any of the network's adapters:;. Note that this event may be generated once after you add a route, create a remote site network, or configure Network Load Balancing and may be safely ignored if it does not re-occur.
Добавлял эти адреса в VPN сети на обоих концах, тогда ошибки пропадали, но все равно никто никого не пингует, проделывал все идентично на каждой стороне.
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