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Vista Home Premium SP1 rus.
Все время обновлял (забегая вперед - и сейчас прекрасно обновляется) с Windows Update. Решил, что хочу обновлять и другие продукты Microsoft и попробовал обновляться с Microsoft Update. Выдается ошибка 8024402F. Перепробовал много всяких умных предложений, но все так и решилось: не может обновиться с Microsoft Update, а спокойно обновляется с Windows Update. Теперь хочу спросить и здесь. Вот
последние мои мысли.
А вот [more=лог]2008-05-13 14:08:59:538 1128 12d4 AU ########### AU: Setting new AU options ###########
2008-05-13 14:08:59:538 1128 12d4 AU Setting AU Approval Type to 2
2008-05-13 14:08:59:538 1128 12d4 AU # Policy changed, AU refresh required = No
2008-05-13 14:08:59:538 1128 12d4 AU # Approval type: Pre-download notify (User preference)
2008-05-13 14:08:59:538 1128 12d4 AU AU settings changed through User Preference.
2008-05-13 14:08:59:806 1128 12d4 DtaStor Update service properties: service registered with AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2008-05-13 14:08:59:807 1128 12d4 DtaStor Update service properties: service registered with AU is {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2008-05-13 14:08:59:807 1128 108c AU Service Provider info changed
2008-05-13 14:08:59:807 1128 108c AU AU Refresh required....
2008-05-13 14:08:59:808 1128 108c AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2008-05-13 03:18:59
2008-05-13 14:09:02:759 1128 12d4 AU Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2008-05-13 14:09:02:759 1128 12d4 AU Triggering Online detection (interactive)
2008-05-13 14:09:02:760 1128 108c AU #############
2008-05-13 14:09:02:760 1128 108c AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates
2008-05-13 14:09:02:760 1128 108c AU #########
2008-05-13 14:09:02:783 1128 108c AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {EC049138-57F0-474E-B406-86DD148F2B92}]
2008-05-13 14:09:02:804 1128 b74 Agent *************
2008-05-13 14:09:02:804 1128 b74 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-05-13 14:09:02:804 1128 b74 Agent *********
2008-05-13 14:09:02:804 1128 b74 Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2008-05-13 14:09:02:804 1128 b74 Agent * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2008-05-13 14:09:02:804 1128 b74 Agent * ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}
2008-05-13 14:09:02:804 1128 b74 Setup Checking for agent SelfUpdate
2008-05-13 14:09:02:804 1128 b74 Setup Client version: Core: 7.0.6001.18000 Aux: 7.0.6001.18000
2008-05-13 14:09:02:809 1128 b74 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab:
2008-05-13 14:09:02:813 1128 b74 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-05-13 14:09:03:293 1128 b74 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab:
2008-05-13 14:09:03:296 1128 b74 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-05-13 14:09:03:300 1128 b74 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wuident.cab:
2008-05-13 14:09:03:305 1128 b74 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-05-13 14:09:04:056 1128 b74 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wuident.cab:
2008-05-13 14:09:04:060 1128 b74 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-05-13 14:09:04:062 1128 b74 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wsus3setup.cab:
2008-05-13 14:09:04:066 1128 b74 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-05-13 14:09:04:319 1128 b74 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wsus3setup.cab:
2008-05-13 14:09:04:323 1128 b74 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-05-13 14:09:04:340 1128 b74 Setup Determining whether a new setup handler needs to be downloaded
2008-05-13 14:09:04:340 1128 b74 Setup SelfUpdate handler is not found. It will be downloaded
2008-05-13 14:09:04:340 1128 b74 Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.381"
2008-05-13 14:09:04:892 1128 b74 Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.381" is already installed.
2008-05-13 14:09:04:893 1128 b74 Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.381"
2008-05-13 14:09:04:911 1128 b74 Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.381" is already installed.
2008-05-13 14:09:04:911 1128 b74 Setup Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.381"
2008-05-13 14:09:04:943 1128 b74 Setup Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.381" is already installed.
2008-05-13 14:09:04:943 1128 b74 Setup SelfUpdate check completed. SelfUpdate is NOT required.
2008-05-13 14:09:07:006 1128 b74 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab:
2008-05-13 14:09:07:011 1128 b74 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-05-13 14:09:07:075 1128 b74 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\WuRedir\9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77\wuredir.cab:
2008-05-13 14:09:07:079 1128 b74 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2008-05-13 14:09:07:083 1128 b74 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server updates +++++++++++
2008-05-13 14:09:07:083 1128 b74 PT + ServiceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, Server URL =
https://www.update.microsoft.com/v6/ClientWebService/client.asmx 2008-05-13 14:09:14:358 1128 b74 Agent Update {75682FEC-45FC-4E1B-9AF2-75DEF5056536}.101 is pruned out due to potential supersedence
2008-05-13 14:09:14:358 1128 b74 Agent * Added update {5133DA2F-1312-43E1-9B4F-D64E3C014C02}.102 to search result
2008-05-13 14:09:14:358 1128 b74 Agent * Added update {C918C1DD-160D-49F3-812E-44C49FE00460}.101 to search result
2008-05-13 14:09:14:358 1128 b74 Agent * Added update {06956B49-AB50-400E-ABCD-5EF81951E1BF}.104 to search result
2008-05-13 14:09:14:358 1128 b74 Agent * Found 3 updates and 15 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 277 out of 370 deployed entities
2008-05-13 14:09:14:372 1128 b74 Agent *********
2008-05-13 14:09:14:372 1128 b74 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2008-05-13 14:09:14:373 1128 b74 Agent *************
2008-05-13 14:09:14:374 1128 bdc AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {EC049138-57F0-474E-B406-86DD148F2B92}]
2008-05-13 14:09:14:374 1128 bdc AU # 3 updates detected
2008-05-13 14:09:14:420 1128 bdc AU #########
2008-05-13 14:09:14:421 1128 bdc AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {EC049138-57F0-474E-B406-86DD148F2B92}]
2008-05-13 14:09:14:421 1128 bdc AU #############
2008-05-13 14:09:14:427 1128 bdc AU AU setting next detection timeout to 2008-05-13 23:16:50
2008-05-13 14:09:14:445 1128 bdc AU AU setting pending client directive to 'Download Approval'
2008-05-13 14:09:14:566 1568 11d0 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6001.18000, tz: +1100) ===========
2008-05-13 14:09:14:567 1568 11d0 Misc = Process: C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
2008-05-13 14:09:14:567 1568 11d0 Misc = Module: C:\Windows\system32\wucltux.dll
2008-05-13 14:09:14:566 1568 11d0 WUApp FATAL: GetProperty "updateSummary" failed with hr=80070057
2008-05-13 14:09:19:372 1128 b74 Report REPORT EVENT: {63B0A7D9-88A1-4C14-B719-80AD1F4184EE} 2008-05-13 14:09:14:372+1100 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Software Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 3 updates.[/more] того же самого, но при убранной галочке "Использовать Microsoft Update" в параметрах. Прокси-проверка уже прошла в предыдущем этапе, поэтому и не спрашивает...
Но ведь здесь же все нормально! Какого тогда она в первом случае не может обновиться?
P.S. А Шапку в теме че не включили?