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Цитата: Gil Cates offers a $2,500 television to Oscar winner with briefest appearance
LOS ANGELES - Winning an Academy Award: priceless. Giving a really short speech when accepting that award: Worth a $2,500 television.
In an effort to contain Oscar winners' ramblings, producer Gil Cates is offering a high-definition TV set to the tersest person at Sunday's ceremony.
"I've tried to be charming and humorous," Cates told nominees at the traditional pre-Oscar lunch. "I've tried persuasion and bribery. It all comes down to my belief that brevity is next to godliness."
He showed clips of past Oscar speeches as an illustration, including Alfred Hitchcock's memorably brief "Thank you" when he received the prestigious Irving G. Thalberg award in 1967.
Nominees including Jeff Bridges ("The Contender") and Geoffrey Rush ("Quills") greeted the prize offer with laughter and bemused looks.
The television is Cates' latest ploy in the fight against winners who recite a laundry list of names instead of celebrating the joy of the moment in their allotted 45 seconds.
Taken from: http://wildcat.arizona.edu/papers/94/121/04_3_m.html
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