Мнение тут только одно.
Категорически не рекомендуется юзать данный биллинг.
Если ты заметил, других мнений нет.
Кроме твоего, но твое мнение понятно отчего, ты просто уже купил, и тебе трудно признать, что совершил ошибку.
Ты гугл юзать умеешь?
Ну так юзай!
Не умеешь?
Ну так найми студента, я же об этом писал.
Ты у нас бизнесмен, или кто?
Я то вообще со стороны наблюдаю, и никакого отношения к хостерам не имею.
После пятиминутного времени затраченного в гугле имеем кучу всего..
Я отобрал разные, платные, бесплатные, открытые, закрытые, наиболее известные, обзоры которых есть в солидных изданиях, фирмы производители заслуживают доверия.
Вообщем другими словами - проверено, троянов нет!
ServNetix is a Billing, Marketing and Customer Care Solution for Web Hosting Providers. It provides integrated solutions for: cPanel, DirectAdmin, Ensim, Plesk, Sphera, Enom, Names4ever, OpenSRS,, PayPal, 2Checkout and GeoTrust.
Features include pend or auto create accounts, Domain and SSL registration and management, e-mail or print invoices and statements, automated billing and renewal, integrated help desk, pre-defined reports and a report creator, server management, flexible discounts, setup and resource creation, auto mailer, customizable sign-up form and much much more.
Modernbill is developed specifically for webhosting operations who need to control their billing by automating processes from initial service signup to automatically print invoices for customers each month.
ModernBill has the features that Webhosting operators need for efficient control of their billing. It offers the latest in automation options. ModernBill will allow your customers to automatically sign up for your services and automatically create invoices which can be sent to those customers. You will be able to automatically charge your clients credit cards and keep an automatic ledger of all of your accounts.
ModernBill's latest integration with server control panels from CPanel, Ensim, & Plesk allow automated control of many server functions. Integration with domain registrars allows customers to automatically register domains.
Freeside is an open-source billing and account administration package for Internet Service Providers. We offer commercial installation, customization, support, offsite backup and training services.
Features include automatic invoicing and notices, automatic setup of sites in BIND and Apache, credit card gateway integration and a customer self-service interface.
The software is licensed under the GNU General Public License and is available for download and use free of charge. Commercial installation and support contracts are available.
Advanced ISP Billing System
Advanced ISP Billing is a comprehensive billing package for Internet Service Providers. It offers ease of day to day operations, superb client management, a whole suite of useful managerial reports, seamless system administration and a lot more.
The most effective and highly customizable ISP billing system for small to large ISPs at very low cost, which can be mold according to your business requirements, not the other way. If there is anything, which you don▓t find here do let us. Advanced ISP Billing is a comprehensive billing package for Internet Service Providers. It offers ease of day to day operations, superb client management, a whole suite of useful managerial reports, seamless system administration and a lot more. You can have a live demo from our website.
ISPs which provide dialup services, DSL and wireless access, may use Advanced ISP Billing System for their billing needs. It provides prepaid and postpaid billing, prepaid cards management, hourly, monthly and bandwidth billing, auto provisioning with different email servers, dealers and wholesalers module, credit card charging support, invoicing system and ISP billing in ASP model. For full list of features please visit Features. If you are providing voice services (VOIP) then we have a soluation for you, please visit Advanced VoIP Billing System.
phpCOIN is a free suite of clients, order, invoices, and notes scripts for web hosting providers and resellers to perform a number of client billing and management functions.
phpCOIN is a php/mysql based package for hosting resellers to manage clients, orders, invoices, etc. The package supports "pay links" as the method of billing. phpCOIN permits returning client purchases, secure client/admin login, permits client access to own information (view / print), eMail notifications (template based), auto-send of due invoices, and language file support. Includes following modules: Articles, Contact forms, FAQ, HelpDesk, Custom Content Pages, and Search Site function.
WHNBilling is a fully automatic and affordable billing solution. WHNBilling has over 50+ features that allow you to develop your company and not worry about your billing system. WHNBilling will automatically invoice, and even send your customers a courtesy notice of their next billing date.
The software comes in a range of options including open and close source depending on what packages you select.
WHNBilling is a fully automatic and affordable billing solution. WHNBilling has over 50+ features that allow you to develop your company and not worry about your billing system. WHNBilling will automatically invoice, and even send your customers a courtesy notice of their next billing date.
The software comes in a range of options including open and close source depending on what packages you select.
Ну я же просил, прекрати этот цирк!
Мдя... сколько людей столько и мнений
Мнение тут только одно.
Категорически не рекомендуется юзать данный биллинг.
Если ты заметил, других мнений нет.
Кроме твоего, но твое мнение понятно отчего, ты просто уже купил, и тебе трудно признать, что совершил ошибку.

Вот тут услышал заявление от Друга что мол если кто этим скриптом пользуется то у его нет денег на "лучший" а теперь может кто приведет пример действительно качественого, поллноценного скрипта билнга(цена не важна)!
Да, в рунете встречал несколько комерческих версий, так мало того что они очень дорогие(хотя это не важно) так они по своей структруре и функциональности не очень то и блестали возможностями.
Ты гугл юзать умеешь?
Ну так юзай!
Не умеешь?
Ну так найми студента, я же об этом писал.
Ты у нас бизнесмен, или кто?
Я то вообще со стороны наблюдаю, и никакого отношения к хостерам не имею.

После пятиминутного времени затраченного в гугле имеем кучу всего..
Я отобрал разные, платные, бесплатные, открытые, закрытые, наиболее известные, обзоры которых есть в солидных изданиях, фирмы производители заслуживают доверия.
Вообщем другими словами - проверено, троянов нет!

ServNetix is a Billing, Marketing and Customer Care Solution for Web Hosting Providers. It provides integrated solutions for: cPanel, DirectAdmin, Ensim, Plesk, Sphera, Enom, Names4ever, OpenSRS,, PayPal, 2Checkout and GeoTrust.
Features include pend or auto create accounts, Domain and SSL registration and management, e-mail or print invoices and statements, automated billing and renewal, integrated help desk, pre-defined reports and a report creator, server management, flexible discounts, setup and resource creation, auto mailer, customizable sign-up form and much much more.
Modernbill is developed specifically for webhosting operations who need to control their billing by automating processes from initial service signup to automatically print invoices for customers each month.
ModernBill has the features that Webhosting operators need for efficient control of their billing. It offers the latest in automation options. ModernBill will allow your customers to automatically sign up for your services and automatically create invoices which can be sent to those customers. You will be able to automatically charge your clients credit cards and keep an automatic ledger of all of your accounts.
ModernBill's latest integration with server control panels from CPanel, Ensim, & Plesk allow automated control of many server functions. Integration with domain registrars allows customers to automatically register domains.
Freeside is an open-source billing and account administration package for Internet Service Providers. We offer commercial installation, customization, support, offsite backup and training services.
Features include automatic invoicing and notices, automatic setup of sites in BIND and Apache, credit card gateway integration and a customer self-service interface.
The software is licensed under the GNU General Public License and is available for download and use free of charge. Commercial installation and support contracts are available.
Advanced ISP Billing System
Advanced ISP Billing is a comprehensive billing package for Internet Service Providers. It offers ease of day to day operations, superb client management, a whole suite of useful managerial reports, seamless system administration and a lot more.
The most effective and highly customizable ISP billing system for small to large ISPs at very low cost, which can be mold according to your business requirements, not the other way. If there is anything, which you don▓t find here do let us. Advanced ISP Billing is a comprehensive billing package for Internet Service Providers. It offers ease of day to day operations, superb client management, a whole suite of useful managerial reports, seamless system administration and a lot more. You can have a live demo from our website.
ISPs which provide dialup services, DSL and wireless access, may use Advanced ISP Billing System for their billing needs. It provides prepaid and postpaid billing, prepaid cards management, hourly, monthly and bandwidth billing, auto provisioning with different email servers, dealers and wholesalers module, credit card charging support, invoicing system and ISP billing in ASP model. For full list of features please visit Features. If you are providing voice services (VOIP) then we have a soluation for you, please visit Advanced VoIP Billing System.
phpCOIN is a free suite of clients, order, invoices, and notes scripts for web hosting providers and resellers to perform a number of client billing and management functions.
phpCOIN is a php/mysql based package for hosting resellers to manage clients, orders, invoices, etc. The package supports "pay links" as the method of billing. phpCOIN permits returning client purchases, secure client/admin login, permits client access to own information (view / print), eMail notifications (template based), auto-send of due invoices, and language file support. Includes following modules: Articles, Contact forms, FAQ, HelpDesk, Custom Content Pages, and Search Site function.
WHNBilling is a fully automatic and affordable billing solution. WHNBilling has over 50+ features that allow you to develop your company and not worry about your billing system. WHNBilling will automatically invoice, and even send your customers a courtesy notice of their next billing date.
The software comes in a range of options including open and close source depending on what packages you select.
WHNBilling is a fully automatic and affordable billing solution. WHNBilling has over 50+ features that allow you to develop your company and not worry about your billing system. WHNBilling will automatically invoice, and even send your customers a courtesy notice of their next billing date.
The software comes in a range of options including open and close source depending on what packages you select.
Напиши биллинг, впарь туда троян, сопри у кого-нить базу и потом ментам объясняй, что это так называемая фича, а потом в местах не столь отдаленных тоже объясняй, что тебя за фичу посадили, тут не все так просто, специально написаны статьи чтобы люди не создавали трояны и пр. гадости, т.к. это нарушение Уголовного Кодекса, если это кому-то не страшно и кажется глупостью, что ж, могу только посочувствовать.
Ну я же просил, прекрати этот цирк!