Автор: demonHunter12
Дата сообщения: 28.01.2007 15:48
конкретно я рекомендую ueuo.com
Unmetered traffic - to prevent abuse there is a limit of 1GB/day. It will be raised on request.
200 MB Webspace, 10 MB file size limit(!!!)
PHP5 with GD2 library (FreeType, Gif, Jpg, Png, Wbmp, Xbm support), curl, zlib and all important modules
MySQL 4.1 - one free db per account
Php mail() enabled
SSI Support (Server Side Includes - .shtml)
Free Subdomain - yourchoice.ueuo.com
Free Technical Support - just contact us
Ioncube Loader - support for your php files already encoded with ioncube encoder
Full FTP Access with FXP Support - you get one free ftp account to upload your files.
Custom error page - all errors under your account (htm/html pages) are redirected to your main index page; be sure you have one
Free Website Tools, preinstalled phpMyAdmin
Instant Activation - Registration process is automatic. You will be able to access your new account in minutes.
Advanced Control Panel - Included: Tool to Change Account Details, File Manager (WYSIWYG File Editor, FTP client - browser based, Tool to set File Permissions, to Create Directories, to Create Files, Tool for Renaming).