вышла весия 603, тут:
http://ldu.neocrome.net/page.php?id=1271 Добавлено New tags are listed in the Tags HQ here.
- Improved security checks.
- New skin "Era", XHTML 1.1 compliant.
- Splitted all the core files into loaders (/*.php) and includes (/system/core/*.inc.php)
- Improved flexibility for code hacks, LDU can now load and change core file on-the-fly.
- Added ability to load custom TPLs for plugins (sample : /skins/*/plugin.standard.whosonline.tpl)
- Added ability to load custom TPLs category-related when editing a page (sample : page.edit.files.tpl)
- Added ability to load custom TPLs category-related when adding a page (sample : page.add.files.tpl)
- Added ability to load extra language files for a given skin (sample : era.uk.lang.php, era.fr.lang.php)
- Added the "jump to last unread post" in forums.
- Added 3 new fields for pages (extra1, 2, 3, type: 255 chars).
- Added a new option to limit the viewing of user details.
- Added sub-groups for the logger, and more actions are now logged.
- Added a new tag to handle the copyright notice, not in {FOOTER_BOTTOMLINE} anymore.
- Added 2 new tags to handle creation time and SQL statistics.
- Added a new tag for the avatars in comments.
- Pulled the "You have X private messages" out of the tags {*_LOGSATUS}
- Included the plugin "default category order" into the admin panel.
- Fixed the counter for pruned posts that did not increase when deleting a single post.
- Removed the table/tr/td tags in forums statistics, and made it simpler.
- Fixed the new folders in PFS always being set a public galleries by default.
- Fixed the avatar max size being 1024 times higher than expected.
- Fixed the MSN, ICQ and IRC fields in user's profile.
- Fixed all the plugins for XHTML 1.1 compliancy.
- Fixed a potential cross-site scripting issue with a BBcode.
- Fixed potential malicious code injections in SQL queries.
Добавлено Ant0ny опс, сорри, это уже не новость