Вышла Joomla! 1.0.7
Changelog :
database password being incorrectly overwritten with a blank
* SECURITY [ Low Level ]: Hide database password in Global Configuration
# Fixed artf3064 : Warning: Invalid argument supplied mod_fullmenu Line 57
# Fixed artf3063 : Poll Component Output Display Error
# Fixed Caching `Blog` pagination problem
* SECURITY: disallow Author from publishing items or changing publish state [identified Max Dymond]
# Fixed artf3055 : Weblink submit, no email to admin
# Fixed artf3045 : Unhandled fragment identifier with core SEF enabled
# Fixed artf3032 : 1783: Can't get custom CSS in Tiny MCE
# Fixed artf3052 : Contact Component Re-Direct Issue
# Fixed artf3043 : Login & Logout redirecting to $mosConfig_live_site
# Fixed artf3040 : Site Modules | Display can be duplicated on Pages
# Fixed problem with display mod_rssfeed twice on a page
^ Contact Component confirmation now uses mosredireect msg, rather than JS
# Fixed bug in database::loadRowList that reutrn assoc and not numerical array
# Fixed bug in index2.php where joomlajavascript.js is not included
* SECURITY: + simple filter check to Contact Component
# Fixed artf3038 : Warning: array_search(): Wrong datatype for second argument in
# Fixed artf3037 : New 404 tags aren't translated
# Fixed artf3035 : Bug with mod_newsflash
# Fixed mosFormateDate, handling offset's with value 0
* SECURITY: changed `Email Copy` param option for new Contacts now set to `hide`
# Fixed artf2070 : mosHTML:encoding_converter() breaks with ö
# Fixed missing <li> tag in newsfeed component
# Fixed artf1487 : Media Manager breaks when illegal characters in uploaded file name
# Fixed artf2108 : Saving a parent inside of a child
+ caching support to `Frontpage` component
+ missing param for `Table - Weblink Category`
- sef handling in mod_search.php as SEF
- unnecessary `checked out` check in mod_latestnews.php and mod_mostread.php
- unnecessary param variable in mod_latestnews.php
* SECURITY: Fixed artf2386 : Preventing Spambots through com_contact
# Fixed artf2622 : admin.users.php session_start called when a session is already open
# Fixed artf2789 : invalid xhtml
# Fixed artf2989 : User WYSIWYG editor setting resets after adding new user from backend
# Fixed artf2986 : Wrong link to image-icon in weblinks
* SECURITY : Fixed Security Vulnerability in TinyMCE Compressor
* SECURITY: Fixed artf2950 : Information leak with Vcard hide function
* SECURITY: changed `VCard` param option for new Contacts now set to `hide`
# Fixed DOMIT bugs [identified by sarahk]
http://sarahk.pcpropertymanager.com/blog/using-domit-rss/225/ # Fixed artf2793 : New user confirmation link warning on login
# Fixed artf2732 : Pagination in the Blog section/category doesnt work
# Fixed artf2943 : Incorrect Redirect for Weblinks
# Fixed artf2945 : Undefined constant in php_http_exceptions.php
# Fixed artf2933 : Pathway problem on Windows
^ changed mod_archive so that no Itemid is assigned, meaning it uses the default Itemid=99999999
# Fixed artf2738 : Incorrect SEF links for archive com_content links
# Fixed artf1809 : mospagebreak problem with "Special Characters"
# Fixed artf2861 : article_seperator glitch
# Fixed artf2825 : RSS module SEF urls
* SECURITY: Fixed artf2050 : Itemid in index2.php
# Fixed Related items Module shows Expired items - Mambo Tracker [#7590]
# Fixed artf2185 : Changing weblinks possible for everyone
^ Updated copyright information for iCandy Junior icons
# Fixed XHTML validation error in `Blog` view with decmimal value widths
# Fixed XHTML validation error in `Table - Content Category`
# Fixed artf2791 : RSS item links not SEF'd
# Fixed artf2791 : RSS items have no category
# Fixed artf2813 : Media Manager doesn't support ICO files
# Fixed artf2802 : All content made bold for Rss module published on the frontpage
# Fixed artf2780 : Newsflash Read More bad link
# Fixed artf2786 : Newsflash module not picking up "linked title" global setting
# Fixed artf2810 : 1.0.x changelog incorrectly states release date of 1.0.5
# Fixed `Unlimited` banner impressions option
# Fixed artf2776 : Multiple banners not possible
# Fixed artf2788 : admin template css errors
# Fixed artf2646 : name="" not valid XHTML
# Fixed artf2747 : title_alias is missing in mambots
# Fixed `Reset Clicks` button not working in admin component `Banner Manager`
# Fixed artf2712 : Clicks reset on save
^ SEF error handling throws to new /templates/404.php file
# Rolled back changes to database::insertObject
+ New prototype MySQL 5 driver
# Fixed a bug with 404 header being returned for homepage when SEF activated
# Fixed a bug with all items on frontpage returning Itemid=1 (duplicate content)
Добавлено: Ситуация с образованием Joomla подробно описана тут, на английском правда