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» FeedDemon - RSS клиент

Автор: roman78
Дата сообщения: 14.02.2004 11:49

Мощная, многофункциональная программа для чтения новостных каналов RSS. Ее отличительная особенность в том, что вы можете даже не знать, что такое RSS, и все равно без особых усилий получить доступ к огромному разнообразию новостей всех направлений, а также обеспечить их комфортный просмотр и грамотную систематизацию. Подробнее

Официальный сайт

Freeware c версии 2.6
Adware c версии 3.0 до 4.1
Freeware версия 4.5

Текущая версия (последняя): FeedDemon 4.5 (июнь 2013)
Ссылка на загрузку
Исправленный русский перевод

Лекарство к прошлым версиям ищем в Варезнике
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 06.10.2004 00:37
FeedDemon 1.5 Beta 1a
[q]Latest Changes:
- Added: Integration with NewsGator Online Services, which works much like the integration with Bloglines
- Fixed: Two status bars are shown instead of one
- Fixed: Alternate row colors don't work in the news item list
- Fixed: Mousing over an channel's unread count doesn't highlighted the channel
Автор: TCPIP
Дата сообщения: 23.10.2004 22:17
Как импортировать каналы из opml-файла в уже созданную группу каналов, не создавая новой группы?
Пример: хочу мигрировать с NewsGator на FeedDemon. Выбираю команду File|New|New Channel Group. В открывшемся диалоговом окне New Channel Group устававливаю переключатель Create a new channel group for my NewsGator subscriptions. Создается папка (то есть группа каналов) с названием NewsGator, после чего мне любезно предлагается ввести параметры моей подписки с помощью онлайновых служб NewsGator (NewsGator Online Services, NGOS), которых я не могу сообщить, так как, по понятным причинам, не имею NGOS-подписки... Ладно, завершаем на этом работу мастера. Открываем только что созданную группу каналов NewsGator и видим, что в ней имеется 2 автоматически созданных FeedDemon'ом элемента --- Group Newspaper и Manage Subscriptions. Вспоминаем про то, что хорошо бы использовать созданную группу каналов по назначению и импортировать в нее доставшийся в наследство от NewsGator opml-файл NewsGatorSubs.opml. Выбираем команду File|Import OPML File, указываем путь к импортируемому NewsGatorSubs.opml, затем выбираем импортируемые каналы и... FeedDemon предлагает ввести имя новой группы каналов! То есть он не дает возможности произвести импорт в уже имеющуюся группу NewsGator... Ну, хорошо --- не дает, так не дает, назовем новую папку Imported и импортируем все в нее. Казалось бы, теперь нужно только переместить (или скопировать) все каналы из папки Imported в папку NewsGator, но не тут-то было: ключевое слово --- все. А FeedDemon позволяет за один раз перемещать или копировать из группы в группу только один канал! Как быть?
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 26.10.2004 19:44
FeedDemon 1.5 Beta 2

Latest Changes:
- Added: Default channel groups in "Welcome" wizard are now displayed as a tree which enables choosing the channels in each group
- Added: "Expando" style, based on a combination of Techno-Weenie's SimpleCollapsible style and Michael Sippey's two-pane aggregator style
- Added: Category column added to the list of feeds displayed when importing an OPML file (displays the category from the OPML)
- Changed; Support for Bloglines and Newsgator synchronization has been re-designed. Instead of selecting "New Channel Group," you now choose the new "New Synchronized Channel Group" feature
- Changed: Support for color-coded modified items has been dropped
- Changed: Several newspaper styles have been removed from the install and placed on the "Download Styles" page
- Changed: In previous versions, empty values in the news item list showed "(empty)" but now the values are left blank
Автор: egrv
Дата сообщения: 03.12.2004 10:16
FeedDemon 1.5 Beta 3

Added: Podcasting supporting via FeedDemon FeedStation
Added: "Podcasters" channel group. If you don't see this group, you can add it from the "Default Channel Groups" page of the welcome screen (Help > Show Welcome).
Added: Category filter added to "Add Channel" and "Sychronized Channel Group" dialogs, which enables filtering the list of channels by their category (as defined in the OPML file). This should significantly simplify the process of separate creating channel groups from specific categories in large OPML files, as well as make it much easier to create separate channel groups for each Bloglines category.
Added: Performance improvements to downloading and parsing feeds
Added: Significant performance and memory usage improvements when switching between channels containing a large number of items
Added: "Unread or Flagged" added to newspaper filter
Changed: Restoring from the system tray now requires only a single click on the FeedDemon tray icon.
Fixed: Incorrect parsing of descriptions that have text before CDATA
Fixed: "Expando" style links don't work on XP SP2, and images overlap content
Fixed: Access violation when adding Bloglines or NewsGator channel whose title contains a CR or LF
Fixed: Exception when attempting to display desktop alert when screensaver is active
Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't start in the correct position when split between monitors on a multimon system
Fixed: FeedDemon's browser only keeps the last two newspapers in its history
Fixed: Homepage URL for Bloglines feeds is often incorrect
Fixed: When adding a new channel, special characters show as entities in the channel title
Fixed: Crash at startup when launched by ActiveWords
Fixed: Channel bar tooltip displays over other dialogs
Fixed: Subscribing to a secure feed on a site with an invalid security certificate fails without giving an indication of the problem
Fixed: Selecting all items then choosing "Toggle news item flag" fails to toggle the first item beneath each group

Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 24.12.2004 06:46
FeedDemon 1.5 Beta 4

Latest Changes:
- Added: "Manage Channel Groups" now enables selecting multiple channels
- Added: FeedStation's "Add URL" dialog now recognizes URLs in the clipboard
- Added: FeedDemon now uses IE's popup blocker when running XP SP2
- Added: "New synchronized channel group" now enables specifying the title to give the group
- Added: Author now displayed in default newspaper style
- Added: Install now warns when FeedDemon is already running
- Added: "Download retries" setting added to FeedStation
- Added: The context menu displayed when right-clicking a scheduled download in FeedStation now includes a "Download Now" item
- Changed: Clicking an enclosure's paper clip icon in the newspaper adds the enclosure to FeedStation's download queue
- Changed: "Manage Channel Groups" now uses Alt rather than Ctrl to toggle copy/move
- Changed: Temp files are now stored in the Windows temp folder for the current user (previous versions stored temporary files - such as those used during newspaper creation - in the \Temp subfolder of FeedDemon's cache folder)
- Changed: Performance improvements with large watches and searches
Автор: Key_Altos
Дата сообщения: 27.12.2004 15:38
Обновилась одна из лучших RSS читалок - FeedDemon 1.5 Beta 4a.
Технология RSS завоевала интернет очень быстро, сейчас уже любой популярный сайт имеет свой RSS канал. Кто не знает - RSS это доставка новостей с любимых сайтов "на дом". Вы читаете непосредственно контент всех интересных вам сайтов без их оболочки.

Учитывая что RSS есть почти у всех, причем, каждый сайт может иметь несколько "каналов" RSS, самое главное в RSS читалке - удобство. Тут FeedDeamon на высоте! Все каналы, которые вы будете читать, легко заносятся в программу через Wizard. Есть поддержка русского языка, чтобы было еще проще Отличная фича - можно "мониторить" каналы на определенное слово. Это очень удобно контентщикам - людям которые пополняют тематические сайты. Например, если вы увлекаетесь сотовыми телефонами, вводите "сотовый" в поле "поисковое слово" и натравливаете на RSS Яндекс-Новостей.
Автор: DmitryKuznetsov
Дата сообщения: 30.12.2004 19:03
А как с русским? У меня не хотят показываться слева названя лент по-русски, вместо русских букв - вопросики, хотя справа - все в полном порядке. Это при импорте из OPML-файла.
Автор: slavaman
Дата сообщения: 11.01.2005 22:55
FeedDemon 1.5 RC1
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 14.01.2005 11:28
FeedDemon 1.5 RC1a Beta

Latest Changes:
- Added: "Check for new version" hyperlink added to Options
- Added: "Show news item descriptions" added to Appearance page in Options (this is still available from the toolbar above the news item list)
- Added: Czech language file
- Added: Deutsch language file
- Added; "View release notes" added to end of installer
- Changed: The option to clear the auto-discovery list when browsing to a new URL has been changed to clear it when switching channels
- Changed: The installer now renames the existing FDLANGs to avoid having older language files
- Fixed: Duplicate "Mark as unread" items in news item menu
- Fixed: "Expando" style opens expanded items in external browser
- Fixed: Multiple copies of FeedStation launched when enclosures added to download queue in rapid succession
Автор: slavaman
Дата сообщения: 20.01.2005 22:22
FeedDemon 1.5 RC2
[q]Latest Changes:
Added: Chinese language files
Added: Hungarian language file
Added: Japanese language file
Added: Korean language file
Added: Improved auto-discovery of RSS feeds generated by WordPress
Changed: "Show news item descriptions" defaults to True again
Changed: Auto-discovery in previous versions would detect RSS feeds
Fixed: Multiple instances of FeedDemon are allowed, but they shouldn't be
Fixed: Registry access denied errors during install when not logged on as an administrator
Fixed: Duplicate accelerators in several menu items
Fixed: FeedStation comes to the front after downloading an enclosure if it's running in the background but not minimized
Fixed: "Max news item per channel" on Newspaper page in FeedDemon's options isn't being applied when building newspaper
The "RSS isn't email" tip has been removed from the last page of the Welcome wizard[/b]
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 27.01.2005 21:08
FeedDemon 1.5 RC3

Latest Changes:
- Added: Improved auto-discovery of FeedBurner feeds
- Added: Polish language file
- Added: Nederlands language file
- Added: Separator added between "Style" and newspaper filter
- Fixed: "All News" newspaper filter cuts off newer items
- Fixed: Install detects when FeedDemon is running, but not FeedStation
- Fixed: Duplicate "New Channel" entry in keyboard shorcuts
- Fixed: FeedStation stills comes to the front after synching
- Fixed: FeedStation doesn't retain folder to copy podcasts to when entered via keyboard
-Fixed: Hand cursor doesn't disappear after mousing over enclosure column when flag column is hidden
- Fixed: Enclosure icons missing from channel newspaper when using "Headlines" style
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 03.02.2005 01:25
FeedDemon 1.5 RC3a
Автор: ivanopulos
Дата сообщения: 03.02.2005 07:34
FeedDemon обновляет в бэкграунде ТОЛЬКО АКТИВНЫЙ channel group. Соответсвенно другие channel group не обновляются если например FeedDemon болтается в трее. Как результат можно пропустить обновления каких-то RSS-каналов, если канал в неактивной группе часто обновляется!

Из-за этого пришлось отказаться от использования FeedDemon. Юзаю и доволен как слон!
Автор: BuHHu
Дата сообщения: 12.02.2005 14:21
FeedDemon сохраняет настройки в каталоге Local Settings каждого пользователя. Для меня это не очень удобно, т.к. компьютер в домене. И бываю я частно на разных компьютерах, в результате чего настройки не сохраняются. Никто не знает как это исправить?
З.Ы. Русификации никто не видел?
Автор: ivanopulos
Дата сообщения: 14.02.2005 07:12
В настройках Демона можно кэш например на сетеву папку настроить. Эт в доке даже написано. Иногда полезно курить документацию.
Автор: MAC18
Дата сообщения: 18.02.2005 19:32
Русификатор FeedDemon 1.5
Автор: Dead_Moroz
Дата сообщения: 06.06.2005 17:38
В чем может быть проблема: FeedDemon 1.5, Windows 2000 SP2 - не показываются Group Newspaper и вообще, если стать на какую-то новость, то все, что показывает браузер - это надпись

favchannel channel
{$imgtitle} {$imgtitle}

и несколько placeholder'ов для картинок?
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 15.07.2005 00:13
FeedDemon 1.6 Beta 1
Latest Changes:
- Added: Significantly improved synchronization with NewsGator Online (surprise!), including synching of read/unread/deleted items. To configure synching on a per-folder basis, select Edit | Folder Properties. You can also merge your FeedDemon and NewsGator
- Added: "Updating" page added to FeedDemon's options, which enables choosing whether feeds in all folders or just the active folder should be updated in the background
- Added: Folders with unread items are shown in bold in the folder dropdown
- Added: "Import Feeds" which enables importing OPML from NewsGator, Bloglines or a URL, and includes the ability to create separate folders in FeedDemon from folders in the imported OPML
- Added: "Export Feeds" which combines previous OPML/RSS exporting into a single dialog
- Added: "Surfer" newspaper style
- Added: "Folder Properties" dialog which enables changing settings for all feeds in a specific folder
- Added: Redesigned "Expando" newspaper style
- Added: "Newspaper" added to Watches and News Bins
- Added: "Copy to News Bin" added to favorites menu above the browser, which adds the URL being browsed to the selected news bin
- Added: "Browse Related Articles" added to news item list context menu
- Added: "Last 48 hours" added to newspaper filters
- Added: "Reset feed URL on permanent redirect" checkbox added to connection settings
- Added: "Minimize to system tray" added to FeedDemon's options
- Added: "Mark all watches as read" and "Mark all news bins as read" added under Edit > Mark As Read
Автор: TCPIP
Дата сообщения: 15.07.2005 01:00
Nick 2003
Я что-то не понял, сожрал его NewsGator или нет?
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 23.07.2005 01:08
FeedDemon 1.6 Beta 2
Ничего такого не слышал, даже не знаю
Автор: TCPIP
Дата сообщения: 25.07.2005 22:37
Nick 2003
02:08 23-07-2005
Ничего такого не слышал, даже не знаю

Вот сообщение на блоге Ника Брэдбери:

NewsGator Acquires FeedDemon, TopStyle...and Me!
Yes, it's true: NewsGator has acquired FeedDemon and TopStyle, and brought me on board in the process.

А вот и на сайте самого NewsGator:

NewsGator Technologies Acquires FeedDemon

Acquisition of FeedDemon and TopStyle Strengthens NewsGator’s RSS Platform. Nick Bradbury joins NewsGator team.
DENVER, CO— May 17, 2005 — NewsGator Technologies, Inc., the leading RSS software platform company, announced today that it has acquired Bradbury Software, whose primary products are FeedDemon, the premier Windows-based desktop aggregator, and TopStyle, the leading CSS/xHTML editor for Windows. NewsGator also announced that FeedDemon will integrate tightly with the NewsGator Online synchronization platform and be available as part of all of NewsGator’s paid subscriptions. Nick Bradbury, the developer behind both those products, will be joining NewsGator as well.

Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 25.08.2005 18:09
FeedDemon 1.6 Beta 3a

Latest Changes:
- Added: Welcome wizard now enables importing initial subscriptions from an OPML file (27622)
- Added: "Forgot your password?" link added to welcome wizard (28705)
- Added: Import dialog now enables adding from recommended feeds
- Changed: Watch keyword entry field now receives focus after clicking "Add" (31615)
- Fixed: WinInet's caching of authentication information makes it impossible to change your login without restarting
- Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't always synchronize with NewsGator Online before updating all feeds
- Fixed: New locations aren't automatically created
- Fixed: Error trying to print browser immediately after FeedDemon starts
- Fixed: "Hide Read News Items" function in toolbar marks the first unread item as read
- Fixed: News item and browser panes don't retain their size (31787)
- Fixed: Welcome dialog text wraps on large fonts displays
- Fixed: Tray icon menu shows two cancel items
- Fixed: Closing the Manage Subscriptions dialog causes newspaper to reload (31893)
- Fixed: Links in Baltimore Sun feeds cause FeedDemon's subscribe dialog to appear (31790)
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 02.09.2005 19:47
FeedDemon 1.6 Beta 4
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 15.10.2005 17:24
FeedDemon 1.6 RC1
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 04.11.2005 00:24
FeedDemon 1.6 RC2
Changes in FeedDemon 1.6 RC2
* Added: {Find Feeds} - online keyword search for new feeds
* Added: Timed synchronization now occurs in the background without requiring the UI to be locked by the "Synchronization" dialog. Note, however, that the dialog may appear when synchronization occurs before specific actions (such as deleting a synchronized folder or manually updating feeds) (37848)
* Added: The feed reports now include two new {Attention reports}, which are similar to the "Most/Least Visited" reports except that feed ranking is determined by several criteria other than simply feed clicks.
* Added: More information added to "Statistics" page in feed properties dialog
* Added: "Export Last Report to OPML" added to Tools | Feed Reports menu
* Added: "Prince" newspaper style now has "Add to news bin" icon
* Added: Options|Sounds now includes the option to play a sound when the desktop alert is shown (disabled by default)
* Added: Video podcasts (m4v/mp4/mov) added to FeedStation's default list of podcast file types
* Added: More informative display of activation problems
* Added: Proxy settings added to FeedStation (38156)
* Added: Improved OPML export based on tests with the {OPML Validator beta}
* Added: "Manage Subscriptions" now enables selecting multiple folders for deletion (39702)
* Changed: FeedDemon now downloads your NewsGator Online subscriptions at startup before upating, and if any changes are found it asks whether to apply them to FeedDemon. Note that the following changes are detected:
1. Deleted feeds
2. Renamed feeds
3. Moved feeds
4. Deleted folders
5. Renamed folders This feature may be disabled by clicking the "Synchronization" button in FeedDemon's options and disabling the "Check for subscription changes at startup" option.
* Changed: Converting a synched folder to a private one now always removes the folder from NewsGator Online
* Changed: The "Feed Defaults" button has been removed from options now that feed defaults are defined at the folder level
* Changed: Properties set at the folder level are now inherited by feeds that are later added to that folder. Note, however, the folder properties defined prior to this release will not be inherited, so you may need to redefine the folder properties. (38473)
* Changed: When "Create News Bin" is selected from the "Copy to News Bin" menu item, the selected post (or URL) is automatically added to the new news bin
* Changed: Simplified the news item context menu by moving several actions to a "Send To" submenu
* Changed: Newspaper styles now use special "fdaction:" protocol for downloading enclosures - this won't impact end users, but it may impact third-party newspaper styles
* Changed: Simplified "Manage Subscriptions" by removing statistics tab and no longer showing the state (unread/flagged coloring) of each feed and folder
* Changed: After a folder is deleted, the next folder is made active
* Changed: UFT8 byte-order-mark no longer added to exported OPML
* Fixed: Read/unread state not being synched when marking individual items as read using Ctrl+Q (33842)
* Fixed: Authenticated feeds can't be synchronized with NewsGator Online (36611)
* Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't ask for your correct login when importing OPML from Bloglines with an incorrect login (39500)
* Fixed: Performance problems when displaying very large news items which contain hundreds of HTML tags
* Fixed: Disabled feeds aren't grayed out in "Manage Subscriptions" (37303)
* Fixed: Folders renamed in NewsGator Online aren't renamed in FeedDemon
* Fixed: FeedDemon fails to start when attempting to parse an invalid FDSRCH file
* Fixed: Feed reports don't correctly display Unicode characters in feed titles
* Fixed: "Manage Subscriptions" is very slow when displaying a folder containing a large number of feeds
* Fixed: Empty synched folders don't get updated with feeds added in NewsGator Online (37454)
* Fixed: Can't subscribe to feeds containing undefined XML namespaces
* Fixed: "Add Subscription" wizard doesn't auto-populate URL when clipboard contains a feed: URL (39698)
* Fixed: Feed titles wrap in feed bar hints
* Fixed: Problems displaying Windows-1255 feeds
* Fixed: Exception when unsubscribing after clicking feed in report (38254)
* Fixed: Untranslated text on feed login dialog when first login attempt fails (37778)
* Fixed: Sporadic exception when closing if desktop alert is still visible and is fading
* Fixed: Ampersands show as accelerators in status bar text
* Fixed: Synchronization options dialog doesn't correctly validate changes to login
* Fixed: Toolbar doesn't resize correctly if customized to show a single item (39228)
* Fixed: FeedStation fails to add itself to 'App Paths' section of registry (38125)
* Fixed: Tray icon reset to show no unread items when switching feeds/folders regardless if doing so marked anything as read
* Fixed: Folder Properties dialog doesn't revert back to private if unable to convert folder to sync (39299)
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 13.11.2005 00:55
FeedDemon RC2

- Added: The first time FeedDemon is run after installation, before loading your subscriptions it makes a backup named Subscriptions.opml.prev
- Added: Before automatically updating feeds, FeedDemon first connects to NewsGator's server to determine which synched feeds (if any) have changed, so that only ones that have changed are retrieved (note that this is skipped if you aren't subscribed to any synched feeds)
- Added: FeedStation's error log now includes HTTP status when download fails
- Changed: "Folder Properties" and "Add Folder" now use a single checkbox to toggle synchronization
- Fixed: Activation fails when FeedDemon started while offline (41962)
- Fixed: Converting a folder to private then back to synchronized may cause the "Subscription Changes" to think its feeds have been moved
- Fixed: Clicking "Open in new tab" newspaper icon opens in external browser when "Open external links in default browser" is enabled (41244)
- Fixed: If number of flagged posts equals the number set in auto-purge, newer posts aren't displayed (41998)
- Fixed: Problems adding multiple Gmail feeds (42230)
- Fixed: "Find Feeds" includes empty home page links
- Fixed: Error when changing FeedStation's download folder to an external/USB drive (42399)
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 28.11.2005 18:04
FeedDemon RC2
Release Notes
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 17.01.2006 05:39
FeedDemon 2.0 Beta 1 Build
Автор: Nick 2003
Дата сообщения: 16.02.2006 19:19
FeedDemon 2.0 Beta 2 Build
Release Notes

Страницы: 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738

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