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» FlashFXP

Дата сообщения: 21.09.2014 01:23
Данная софтина может показывать список новых файлов на фтп с момента последнего входа на фтп к примеру?
Автор: frost745
Дата сообщения: 19.01.2015 20:36
FlashFXP 5.0.0 Build 3803


- Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.1l
- Updated SFTP engine to the latest version.
- Fixed missing Unicode to UTF-8 conversion in the "Find dialog", as a result some Unicode text was not found when searching the file list.
- Added automatic end of line (LF to CR/LF) conversion when pasting text into the raw command prompt.
- The toolbar theme feature has been updated to support 64x64 icons.
- Minor tweaks to improve the user interface on high DPI monitors. (We`re working on a large version of the Tango toolbar theme)

Автор: frost745
Дата сообщения: 19.01.2015 23:32
FlashFXP 5.0.0 Build 3804


- This update addresses a critical flaw in the memory manager that slipped into the previous build.

Автор: kromvel
Дата сообщения: 14.03.2015 15:42
5.1.0 build 3816 - Stable Release |от 03/13/2015|
[more=Что нового?]
Version HistoryFlashFXP v5.1.0.3816 @ 3/13/2015
Fixed: When FlashFXP is running as a scheduled task, if the user restored FlashFXP from the system tray the main application window was blank.
Fixed: High DPI scaling issue where the statusbar transfer progress panel was not scaled.
Fixed: An issue where in some situations the remote file listing cache was stale and regardless of the settings it should of been purged and re-cached. i.e. within a single queue; upload a folder to a site followed by downloading the same folder to the users computer in new location. The download would fail because the cache was stale.
Fixed: An issue uploading files where the source path+filename was 260 characters or longer.
Fixed: on the confirmation prompt "Opening separate shell session" the check-box "Don't show this dialog again" the text was missing a UTF-8 to Unicode conversion.
Fixed: In the remote file browser when sorting by column (owner, group, attrib) the sorted result was incorrect due to a logic error evaluating the "parent directory" item.
Fixed: SFTP / Keyboard authentication issue. [BUG ID: 1020]
Updated SBB library (used for x.509 certificates, public/private keys, ssh, and sftp)
New command script macro: /busybox Displays a busy dialog during script execution with a cancel button.
Major change to the way FlashFXP handles remote directory listings. Now the auto-detect setting detects UTF-8 and converts non-UTF8 text using the operating system code page. Previously non UTF-8 was displayed using the Windows 1252 code page. This caused problems displaying non-English text such as Korean and Chinese. This change may result in some text being displayed incorrectly. If you experience problems please let me know ASAP. Please provide the name and version of the FTP server software and the language as well as the OS version and language. Additional information may be required.
Changed: Many internal Unicode to UTF-8 conversions were changed from using CP 1252 to using the operating system locale CP.
Fixed entering a Unicode pathname in the drop-down path breadcrumb could fail.
Fixed the Active Edits feature did not always handle Unicode file-names correctly.
Fixed an issue with timestamps in the session console window, resulting in some incorrect timestamps.
Changed: Timestamps in the session console window, if you turn timestamps on you will now see timestamps for pre-existing lines in the window.
Fixed issue with the font select dialog; the font preview used the wrong color.
Cleaned up parts of the transfer queue routine and removed some flawed code that attempted to swap the direction of a queue item.
Changed: When a delete operation is performed via the transfer queue FlashFXP makes sure that there are no failed transfers pending, if any are found then they are reset and retried, if the transfer fails again then the transfer queue is now aborted. In Previous builds the delete operation was marked as failed and skipped and the queue continued.
Major speed improvement when downloading from a ProFTPD/mod_sftp Server.
Fixed SSH/SFTP compatiblity issue with Sun_SSH that resulted in incomplete/failed uploads.
Major overhaul to the custom command script engine to resolve an issue where command blocks and script macro includes were sometimes executed in the wrong order. THIS MAY BREAK PRE-EXISTING CUSTOM COMMAND SCRIPTS THAT RELY ON OUT OF ORDER EXECUTION. PLEASE VERIFY THAT THEY WORK AS EXPECTED.
Fixed an issue in command scripts that caused /shell { } command blocks to stop working.
Improved the %c (clipboard text) token when the clipboard contains multiple lines of text and is used with the /shell command. i.e. "/shell %c"
Fixed Unicode encoding issue in the /writeln command when the output filename contained non-UF8 characters.
Fixed an issue with the /select* commands in the remote browser where the current item selection wasn't correctly cleared before being applied.
Fixed an issue in the local browser where in some situations the wrong icon was displayed for an item.
Fixed an issue with using -get with a ftp:// url via the command line.
Fixed an issue with FTPS uploads where the file transfer would fail and was treated as if it was successful. This could occur if the control channel was lost and the data data channel successfully completed a graceful TLS shutdown without actually sending the entire file.
Added raw command "/set app.icon.static 1" to set the taskbar/window icon to a static icon, rather than change based on the current state.
Added raw command "/set app.closetotray 1" to change the behavior of FlashFXP when clicking the close button to minimize to the tray rather than exit. To exit FlashFXP you need to either use Exit from under the Session menu or the tray right-click menu.
Fixed UTF-8/Unicode encoding issue when using a selective transfer rule that contains UTF-8 encoded characters in the Edit Queue and Edit Scheduled Task dialogs.
Fixed an issue with selective transfer rules; when the files list action is set to transfer and folder list action is set to skip and the entry in the folder list is an exact match (no wildcard/regex) the folder list action could be ignored and allow the matching folder to transfer.
Fixed Site Manager > Site Profile > TCP/IP Buffer size > Send/Receive values were reversed on load.
Fixed double UTF-8 encoding on some SFTP status messages shown in the console window.
Fixed local browser modified date was rounded to the nearest even second. The SHGetDataFromIDList api doesn't mention this limitation.[/more]

Userrr (16:22 14-03-2015)
если разные индивидуумы не понимают по-хорошему, надо заставить. imho, надо делать как считаешь нужным, и пофиг на комментарии

Всё обновляется и проверяется.
Автор: kromvel
Дата сообщения: 22.03.2015 00:35
FlashFXP 5.1.0 Build 3818
[more=hot fix]
Fixed: Issue downloading translation updates when the translation name contains a space. i.e. Chinese Simplified.
Fixed: Issue with SSL session re-use when using active mode (PORT/EPRT) data connections.
Fixed: FTP proxy issue when connecting to the proxy via an IPv6 address to a IPv4 FTP server.
Fixed: Incorrect status message displayed on download when FlashFXP failed to open the local file for write.
Fixed: IPv6 addresses were not properly formatted when using the copy to clipboard feature.
Fixed: The URL parser failed to parse IPv6 addresses pasted into FlashFXP (Quick Connect / Site Manager).
Fixed: Failure to transfer to/from network shares \\<share>\path
Fixed: Custom commands > incorrect result when using /queue selected with a modifier within a command block.
Fixed: Custom commands > incorrect result when using $replacerx() to strip characters.[/more]
Автор: kromvel
Дата сообщения: 08.04.2015 11:07
FlashFXP 5.1.0 Build 3826
[more=hot fix]
This update addresses an issue where FlashFXP may inadvertently revert back to the trial edition.
Changes made in our previous release have revealed an uninitialized buffer used to store error messages from OpenSSL. This can lead to unexpected errors within FlashFXP.
Автор: Userrr
Дата сообщения: 13.04.2015 02:17
build 3829 ещё три строчки, из какого диалога не нашёл, тупо перевёл дословно

Код: 33D0B125=Идентификация
Автор: Userrr
Дата сообщения: 25.04.2015 17:27
обновили 'русский'

Код: 33D0B125=Удостоверяване
Автор: SAT31
Дата сообщения: 11.06.2015 19:17
- Fixed crash running scheduled tasks that perform site to site transfers, there was an error that referenced an object that didn't exist resulting in an access violation.
- When retrieving a directory listing over the SFTP protocol the bytes received is now shown in the status-bar panel.
- Added command tokens %n to reference the name part of a file without extension and %e to reference the extension (.ext)
- Added /set @var@ ("title","text") token modifier to allow the user to bring up the folder select dialog and store the result in @var@
Автор: Userrr
Дата сообщения: 10.07.2015 21:30

Код: BD249ECE=Создать резервную копию исходного файла перед выгрузкой
Автор: SAT31
Дата сообщения: 11.07.2015 00:56
- Updated OpenSSL 1.0.2d (CVE-2015-1793 / )
Автор: SAT31
Дата сообщения: 12.07.2015 18:47
- Fixed when Queuing/Transferring via the Server File Search dialog invalid characters in the source file-name were not replaced in the target file-name before attempting to download.
- Fixed the Queue Selected and Transfer Selected buttons were only functional when the browser pane was activated.
- When moving a file/folder via drag/drop in the local browser the "move file/folder" confirmation prompt is now correctly shown.
- Added new global remote edit option located in the Preferences dialog under the "View/Edit file" section named "Create a backup copy of file original file on upload". On the first edit of a file a backup is created named ., the timestamp is the current modified date/time of the file.
- Added new per-file-association option located in the File Associations dialog named "Create a backup copy of file original file on upload".
- Changed the behavior of the Server File Search dialog, you can now minimize this dialog.
- Added new /dialog custom command to open dialogs used within FlashFXP, this allows the user to bind a custom shortcut to open these dialogs, more information can be found in the help file.
- Fixed remote browser caching issue when connected to two remote servers (one in each browser pane) when performing a Server File Search on one side while navigating folders on the opposite remote browser caused the folders to not be cached.
- Fixed remote browser caching issue where a failed directory listing or aborting the list operation would clear the cache for all child folders.
- Fixed issue where FlashFXP would sometimes fail to refresh/update the directory content of shared folders when running under a VirtualBox VM, these drives are virtual mapped drives and certain Windows Network API's cannot be called on them otherwise the function calls fail.
Автор: SAT31
Дата сообщения: 23.08.2015 12:49
Автор: SAT31
Дата сообщения: 27.08.2015 16:28
Автор: Userrr
Дата сообщения: 15.10.2015 00:38
Host key algorithm %s, size %d bits.
как перевести? - 'алгоритм ключа хоста', чёй-то без перевода звучит понятнее ))))

EEEBE6BC=Алгоритм ключа хоста %s, размер %d бит.
Автор: SAT311
Дата сообщения: 01.12.2015 17:30
- Fixed issue where was closehandle() sometimes called twice (the second time on an invalid handle) after a sftp download error. This could lead to an unexpected crash or errors within FlashFXP.
Автор: SAT311
Дата сообщения: 04.12.2015 11:07
- Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.2e
- Fixed an issue with SFTP uploads + Preserve file date/time and the way the file transfer rules are evaluated, the millisecond part of the date/time was being skewed and this could result in the new file having a date/time that is 1 second newer than the original. When in fact the date/time should of been identical.
- Fixed goofy sorting in the local browser when sorting by type, date, or size columns and sub-sorting items with the same type, date, size.
- Fixed issue with "Confirm file replace" dialog, it flashes the taskbar/window to notify the user but in some cases if the user pressed enter quickly the visual notification did not stop when the dialog closed.
Автор: Daxycim
Дата сообщения: 12.12.2015 17:27
FlashFXP v5.2.0.3903 @ 12/11/2015
Fixed incorrect file list column order on restart (if the columns were re-ordered).
Fixed issue with file list columns not retaining their defined size when "auto size file list columns" was unchecked.
Fixed rare crash when the system theme is changed (triggered by invalid WinProc reference while re-creating the window handle)
Fixed rare crash on exit caused by an invalid memory overwrite.
Fixed non-fatal issue where some code was not executed for scheduled tasks. (resulted in incorrect UI if the main window is shown while task is running)
Fixed incorrect drawing of the checklist box control, the wrong part was used for the intermediate state. (was using the intermediate disabled part)
Автор: Userrr
Дата сообщения: 25.01.2016 06:43
кто-нибудь знает из каких это диалоговых окон?

Код: 205806AC=Февраля
Автор: SAT31
Дата сообщения: 09.04.2016 15:11
- Improved backup/restore feature; backups now include scheduled tasks and their associated queue files.
- When restoring from a backup there's a new option (unchecked by default) to recreate the scheduled tasks in Windows Task Scheduler.
- Scheduled Tasks: Fixed an issue where repeated tasks would failing to run after Windows OS has been restarted. (Existing tasks must be manually re-saved for the fix to be applied to the scheduled task entry.)
- Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Автор: Userrr
Дата сообщения: 09.04.2016 23:48

Код: 999E5A79=Задача отсутствует в Планировщике Задач Windows и не будет запущена.
Автор: Ivan 3259 r1
Дата сообщения: 22.04.2016 18:58
FlashFXP v5.3.0.3929 04/22/2016

Updated all app services to use a single unified domain for program updates, translation updates/submissions, license key updates, and crash reports.
Fixed: In some cases program updates downloaded through LiveUpdate incorrectly failed the validation check and were reported as invalid or incomplete.
Fixed: The custom command macro "/loadstr " was not loading the specified rule set.
Fixed: The local browser breadcrumb was mangling non-English characters on keyboard input.
Fixed: Connecting to a FTP+TLS server via a proxy server on listening on with the option "use site IP for passive mode connections" checked didn't work as expected and the proxy IP was used.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Автор: Ivan 3259 r1
Дата сообщения: 04.05.2016 18:50
FlashFXP 5.3.0 Build 3930

Changes in 5.3.0 Build 3930:
Updated OpenSSL [1.0.2h]
OpenSSL Security Advisory [3rd May 2016]
Updated SecureBlackBox library.
Changed the way the OpenSSL library is loaded to ensure that our OpenSSL dlls are used.
Fixed an issue where two summary log file messages were only logged to file when session logging was enabled. The CanLog() evaluation was incorrectly checking against ltSession and not ltSummary.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Автор: Ivan 3259 r1
Дата сообщения: 06.05.2016 22:27
FlashFXP 5.3.0 Build 3932

Changes in 5.3.0 Build 3932:
This update resolves an issue where the automatic update check will cause FlashFXP to crash when attempting to download the update.
If you're upgrading from FlashFXP 5.3.0 build 3929 or 3930 and this update check window appeared automatically after starting FlashFXP please follow these steps.
1. Press the [X] in the top right of the window to close the update window.
2. Then from the main menu select Help > Check for new version.
3. Download the update and it should update without issues.
Автор: Ivan 3259 r1
Дата сообщения: 16.06.2016 05:37
FlashFXP 5.4.0 Build 3935

Changes in 5.4.0 Build 3935:
In response to a possible local memory corruption vulnerability that was reported by Vulnerability Laboratory; We have restricted the length of text allowed in all input controls, placed memory restrictions on certain functions to prevent out of memory errors from occurring, and if one gets past our checks we now prevent the application from continuing after an out of memory error.
Updated: The FlashFXP installer has been updated from InstallAware Studio 15 to InstallAware Studio X4, Now with full Unicode support and SHA265 authenticode code signing.
Change: The file list is no longer automatically re-sorted after a file rename operation.
Change: Several text phrases were changed and/or re-worded. Please take a moment and help us update the translations. Thank you.
Fixed: Memory leak when moving remote items to a new folder when the target folder is created from within the move dialog.
Fixed: On the 'Calculate Server Space Used' dialog the list-view sort arrows were broken.
Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Автор: Ivan 3259 r1
Дата сообщения: 17.06.2016 20:47
FlashFXP 5.4.0 Build 3936

Fixed: An issue parsing compressed IPv6 addresses when using the IP address dialog with [IPv6]:port pairs.
Fixed: An issue that prevented renaming files on the remote server when running FlashFXP under Wine.
Minor change to the Site Manager, the search bar has been reverted back to the top position to make the work-flow and TAB stops more logical.
Автор: Ivan 3259 r1
Дата сообщения: 27.06.2016 04:40
FlashFXP v5.4.0.3939

Our previous fix for parsing [IPv6]:port introduced an unexpected issue parsing IPv4:port on the hostname field. This update addresses the issue.

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