Автор: GreyGendalf
Дата сообщения: 19.03.2003 13:11
на русском доку врядли найдешь, BOLD технология малораспространенная, непосредственно относится к UML, а потому ищи на англицком...
хотя и на англицком мало доки...
The Bold technology offers a path to implement UML models. The various aspects of the Bold for Delphi product help simplify the transition from model to code by offering a wide range of services, such as schema generation, persistence and display mechanisms. It also make astonishingly little code do marvels in the running application. Implementing the model ensures the application does what the model claims. Driving both development efforts and applications with the model information is why we claim to offer the next generation technology; Model Powered Development.
Performance, whether measured in development time, user satisfaction or speed of execution is maximized using Bold technology. The RAD nature of the product gives a superior speed in iterative development and requires little coding. The framework offers a host of features you as a programmer as well as your users will not want to be without, such as model driven drag and drop, full model view et cetera. The OCL to SQL converter seamlessly transforms your OCL expressions to high performance SQL queries, reducing the burden on the local machine.
The Object Space Synchronization mechanisms together with the Enterprise propagation engine allows for business object layers to look the same throughout a huge set of clients. When a change is committed to persistence from one client, a notification is immediately sent to the other clients currently interested in the object or class that changed. The model view architecture handles retrieving fresh data from the DBMS when required by a client without any further intervention.
Bold 4 for D7 отдельно не встречал,
входит только в Delphi7 Architect, которую тоже не встречал.
в работе не юзал так как есть только триальная версия...
по тому что видел, вещь достаточно рульная, проектирование выполняется в терминах UML, достаточно безболезненно переезжает в одного сервера БД на другой (в разумных пределах конечно), при внесении изменений в логику работу, тут же перекраивает и структуру таблиц БД....
насчет производительности БД ничего сказать не могу...