Не стояла. Поставил - все ОК! В жизни бы не догадался

Не стояла. Поставил - все ОК! В жизни бы не догадался

Я первым делом настроил кокраз автоформатирование, зачем его бароть если можно настроить под себя?!
The Delphi and C++Builder 2010 Updates 4, 5 (Database Pack), and Boost Library are now available.Readme: Updates 4, 5, and Boost Library
Updates 4, 5, and Boost Library are a re-release of previous updates (Updates 2, 3, and Boost Library). This re-release is intended to fix registration issues that were reported with Updates 2, 3, and Boost Library.
Updates 4, 5, and Boost Library are a re-release of previous updates (Updates 2, 3, and Boost Library). This re-release is intended to fix registration issues that were reported with Updates 2, 3, and Boost Library.
This re-release is intended to fix registration issues that were reported with Updates 2, 3, and Boost Library. Additional fixes have been added to the updates, making the new updates no longer identical to the original updates, and so the update numbers have been incremented.
Хотел уточнить, апдейт 4/5 ставится обязательно поверх 2/3 или update 2/3 просто включен в последний?
You can install the new updates (Updates 4, 5, and Boost Library) over the RTM version or any earlier update (Update 1, 2, or 3).
Хотел уточнить, апдейт 4/5 ставится обязательно поверх 2/3 или update 2/3 просто включен в последний?
I installed Update 2 during the brief period it was available. What should I do?
Install Update 4/5.
I have the original RTM version and havent updated anything yet. What should I do?
Install Update 4/5
Ive only installed Update 1. What should I do?
Install Update 4/5
I have <done/not anything at all with regard to updating/not updating RS 2010>. What should I do?
Install Update 4/5
Delphi & C++Builder 2010 (Weaver)
//Delphi & C++Builder 2011 (Fulcrum)
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