nodo134 [more=спойлер]depending on how well you treated Dean will effect how this meeting goes. If you chose the more confrontational speech options, you can pass a speech check of 75 to convince him for the key to the exit but unfortunately you need to kill him for the key. Then run for the exit as killing Dean results in his collar activating, and you must escape the room to save yourself. You have about a minute to do so. (Note: the key does not need to be taken from Dean's body; it will be immediately added to your inventory.) If you avoided any confrontation and/or avoided insulting his ego, he'll tell you his plans (following the right speech path) and allow you to finish his work.[/more] (ENG)
Все зависит от диалогов с Дином, с самого начала.
Если выбирать более дружелюбные опции ответа на протяжении игры, то в конечном итоге будет опция разойтись с Дином по мирному.