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Добавлено: Buttons
AutoScroll Scrolls a document without you having to hold down a mouse button or roll a mouse scroll wheel continuously.
When you click the button an anchor icon and a scroll cursor are displayed. Move the cursor away from the anchor icon to start scrolling. The distance between the cursor and the anchor determines the scrolling speed. The farther you move the cursor from the icon, the faster the scrolling.
Button 4/Back Sends the operating system's default command for button 4. When you are browsing the Internet or using a file manager such as Windows® Explorer, clicking the button displays the previous web page or file folder. Click the button repeatedly to display the previous web pages or file folders in the order they were accessed. In some programs, such as Microsoft® Office®, the button performs an Undo, i.e. cancels the last action performed.
Browser Back When you are browsing the Internet or using a file manager such as Windows® Explorer, clicking the button displays the previous web page or file folder. Click the button repeatedly to display the previous web pages or file folders in the order they were accessed. In some programs, such as Microsoft® Office®, the button performs an Undo, i.e. cancels the last action performed.
Browser Forward When you are browsing the Internet or using a file manager, such as Windows Explorer, this button is available only after you have clicked the Back button. In this context, clicking the button displays the web page or file folder that had been accessed before clicking the Back button. Clicking the button repeatedly displays, in succession, the web pages or file folders in the order that they were accessed until the last page or file previously displayed is reached. In some programs, such as Microsoft® Office®, the button preforms a Redo, i.e. repeats the last action performed.
Button 1/Click/Select Launches programs, selects menus and dialog box options, and manipulates objects. This function is usually assigned to the left-hand button of a mouse or trackball. The Click/Select function must be assigned to at least one mouse or trackball button.
Close Application Closes the active window.
Button 2/Context Menu Displays a context-sensitive menu containing the most frequently used commands for the item you are pointing at. Select a command from the menu by highlighting it and clicking the button again.
Clicking this button when the pointer is positioned over a specific feature within a program displays the What's This? command which, when selected, displays context-sensitive help for the specific feature.
Copy Copies the information you have selected to the Windows clipboard.
Cruise Control™ (Up and Down)
Scrolls the active window when you click the button, without you having to move your mouse or trackball. The window scrolls in the direction you have assigned to the button. To stop scrolling simply release the button.
Cut Cuts the information you have selected to the Windows clipboard.
Double-Click Performs a double-click with a single-click of the button.
DragLock Highlights a section of a document with the click of the button rather than holding down a button and dragging. To do this click the button once at the start of the section you want to select, and then again at the end of the section.
Explore My Computer Launches Windows Explorer.
Find Computer Opens a dialog box you can use to find a computer in the network. This performs the same function as holding down both the Ctrl key and the Windows key, , and pressing F.
Find Document Opens a dialog box you can use to find a file or folder on your computer. This performs the same function as holding down the Windows key, , and pressing F, or holding down both the Ctrl and Esc keys and pressing F twice.
Button 5/Forward Sends the operating system's default command for button 5. When you are browsing the Internet or using a file manager, such as Windows Explorer, this button is available only after you have clicked the Back button. In this context, clicking the button displays the web page or file folder that had been accessed before clicking the Back button. Clicking the button repeatedly displays, in succession, the web pages or file folders in the order that they were accessed until the last page or file previously displayed is reached. In some programs, such as Microsoft® Office®, the button preforms a Redo, i.e. repeats the last action performed.
Keystroke Carries out a task you would normally perform by pressing keyboard keys, for example generates a Ctrl + Z keystroke to undo your last action.
You can assign either an individual key or a combination of keys to Keystroke. You can't, however, assign the following keyboard keys:
iTouch keys.
Function keys when the F-Lock key or F key is activated.
Key combinations that are already used by your computer's operating system. This includes Ctrl + Alt + Del, Ctrl + Esc, Alt + Tab, Pause Break, and any key combinations that use the Windows key, .
If you assign a numpad key to Keystroke, the key action assigned is dependent on whether Num Lock is activated or not.
Main Windows Help Launches help for the Windows operating system.
Maximize Maximizes the window in focus.
Button 3/Middle Button Provides the functionality assigned to the middle button by certain software manufacturers. This function is only available for use in programs that specifically assigns a function to the middle button.
Minimize Minimizes the active window.
Minimize All Minimizes all open windows. This performs the same function as holding down the Windows key, , and pressing M.
Paste Pastes the content of the Windows clipboard to the current location.
Quick Switch Lists the programs currently running on your computer. Click on the program you want to display.
Recall Application Toggles between the active window you are viewing and the last window you viewed.
Resize Window Displays a double-arrowed cursor in the bottom right-hand corner of the active window. Move your mouse to proportionally increase or decrease the size of the window. Click the button again when you have finished.
Run Opens the Windows Run dialog box. This performs the same function as holding down the Windows key, , and pressing R, or holding down both the Ctrl and Esc keys and pressing R.
Start Menu Selects the Windows Start Menu.
Unassigned No function is assigned to the button, i.e. clicking it has no effect. This may be useful in computer gaming situations where accidentally clicking a button which is not required adversely affects your game play.
Undo Performs an Undo.
Undo Minimize All This button is available only after you have clicked the Minimize All button or held down the Windows key, , and pressed M. In this context, clicking the button restores the minimized windows to their default sizes. This performs the same function as holding down both the Windows key, , and the Shift key and pressing M.
Universal Scroll™ Scrolls a document without you having to hold down a mouse button or roll a mouse scroll wheel continuously.
When you click the button an anchor icon is displayed. Simply move your mouse or trackball to scroll the window. To stop scrolling click the button again.