Понимаю, что не будет качать заново.
Уже интегрировано 34 обновления.
На 18.01.2016:
Важных - 84
Необязательных - 87
После скриптов очистки:
Важных 83
Необязательных 81
Сейчас решил в виртуальной машине скачать с WU эти 83 апдэйта и использовать этот способ:
Интеграция обновлений в образ Windows 8
Ещё нашёл Using WSUS repository and DISM to inject updates into WIM:
Never did get the PowerShell version to work. In the end, the process I'm using is:
1. Install VLS Windows 7 to VM. (Or Custom WIM)
2. Scan run WSUS update (with nothing approved).
3. After machine reports back, approve everything except .NET 4.x, Silverlight, and IE 9, 10, and 11.
4. Re-scan machine, repeat steps 3 and 4 until no more updates show as needed.
5. From DISM CMD, mount WIM. (dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\MDT\WIM\install.wim /mountdir:C:\Mount /index:1)
6. Run command: Start /w for /R \\virtualmachine\C$\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\ %f in (*.cab) do DISM /image:C:\Mount /add-package /packagepath:"%f"
7. When completed, dismount and commit. (Dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:C:\Mount /commit)
8. Replace install.wim in MDT OS Sources folder.
"Most" updates are already applied when the updated WIM is installed.
WSUS is necessary to prevent Express Install Files typically fetched from Windows Update.[/more]
Понимаю, что не будет качать заново.
Уже интегрировано 34 обновления.
На 18.01.2016:
Важных - 84
Необязательных - 87
После скриптов очистки:
Важных 83
Необязательных 81
Сейчас решил в виртуальной машине скачать с WU эти 83 апдэйта и использовать этот способ:
Интеграция обновлений в образ Windows 8
Ещё нашёл Using WSUS repository and DISM to inject updates into WIM:
Never did get the PowerShell version to work. In the end, the process I'm using is:
1. Install VLS Windows 7 to VM. (Or Custom WIM)
2. Scan run WSUS update (with nothing approved).
3. After machine reports back, approve everything except .NET 4.x, Silverlight, and IE 9, 10, and 11.
4. Re-scan machine, repeat steps 3 and 4 until no more updates show as needed.
5. From DISM CMD, mount WIM. (dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\MDT\WIM\install.wim /mountdir:C:\Mount /index:1)
6. Run command: Start /w for /R \\virtualmachine\C$\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\ %f in (*.cab) do DISM /image:C:\Mount /add-package /packagepath:"%f"
7. When completed, dismount and commit. (Dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:C:\Mount /commit)
8. Replace install.wim in MDT OS Sources folder.
"Most" updates are already applied when the updated WIM is installed.
WSUS is necessary to prevent Express Install Files typically fetched from Windows Update.[/more]