добрый вечер делаю сейчас CorelDRAW 13... на вирт. машине запускается, а на другой пишет
Цитата: Не удается создать документ DOM.
Класс не зарегистрирован
Убедитесь, что установлена программа MSXML4.
что может быть? почему не берется из проекта?
Скачал MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2 (Microsoft XML Core Services), но не толку нет! Самое интересное, что на виртуалке запускается на чистой винде, а на основном компе нет!
навсякий случай прикладываю Package.ini
Код: [Compression]
;Enable MSIFilename if you want to generate a Windows Installer package.
;MSIFilename=CorelDRAW 13.msi
;When generating a .msi, the following entries are recommended but optional
;MSIInstallDir=KB884016 (Thinstalled)
SuggestedName=CorelDRAW 13
SandboxName=CorelDRAW 13
AutoShutdownServices = 1
; InventoryName is used by desktop management systems to identify packages for usage reporting purposes
InventoryName=CorelDRAW 13
;;PermittedGroups allows you to restrict access to only users who belong to specific ActiveDirectory Groups
;PermittedGroups=Administrators;Remote Desktop Users
;The following option causes the sandbox to be deleted when the application exists
;This essentially resets the application to it's original captured state
;If the application spawns child processes, the clean up with be postponed until all quit
;Enable this option if you want changes for Network mapped drives to go into the sandbox
;By default users can read and write normally to network mapped drives
;Enable this option if you want changes for Removable disk (floppy/flash) to go into the sandbox
;By default users can read and write normally to removable disk
;Enable this option if you want Out-of-process COM objects to be loaded outside of the virtual environment
;By doing this, the application may indirectly modify the machine - for example the MSI installer service COM object
;The default is to create all Out-of-process COM objects inside the virtual environment
;VirtualDrives=Drive=c, Serial=e8e74859, Type=FIXED; Drive=d, Serial=b0df0133, Type=FIXED
;VirtualDrives=Drive=a, Serial=00000080, Type=REMOVABLE; Drive=c, Serial=e8e74859, Type=FIXED; Drive=d, Serial=b0df0133, Type=FIXED; Drive=e, Serial=eacd7ebe, Type=CDROM