mitrichbel Основное (это копия моего сообщения годичной давности, на другом ресурсе; тогда еще относилось к планированию, но суть осталась):
Full Unicode support (Полная поддержка юникод; Наиболее трудоемкая часть в разработке 7.5)
Unicode can be used to display characters of different character systems simultaneously. This is e. g. useful for users who want to manage files with Russian and German file names. The development of this feature is by far the most time-consuming of all in version 7.5.
Breadcrumb bar (панель быстрого перехода к каталогам, расположенным выше текущей директории)
A breadcrumb bar can be used to navigate quickly to directories which are above the current directory in the file system hierarchy. The exact range of functions of the Total
Commander implementation of this feature is not yet known. The only known fact is that a custom control has been developed which is similar to the one used in Windows Vista. 3.
Line breaks in descript.ion comment files (функция перевода строк в файлах комментариев descript.ion)
This function allows it to use line breaks in file comments.
Categories for FTP server entries (Введение категорий в коллекции FTP)
FTP server entries have been managed in a potentially very long list so far. In the new version they can be grouped in categories.
Burning function*
(интегрированный прожиг CD/DVD)
In the new version of Total Commander will contain an integrated burning function. This function is based on the file system plug-in "Total Commander CD/DVD Burning Plugin". The author has acquired the source code of this plug-in. In addition a FoxBurner SDK license has been purchased. If this feature will be implemented as a file system plug-in or in another way has not been announced yet. 6.
Separate directory tree (обновление функционала "дерева каталогов в отдельном окне")
The separate directory trees introduced in Total Commander 7 have been criticized because of missing functionality. In version 7.5 some functions will be added to the separate directory tree.
Direct renaming
Copy & paste
Full drag&drop support
Collapse a directory by pressing space.
Expanding a directory when hovering with the mouse
Encryption of FTP passwords using AES (AES шифрование паролей ФТП)
Many security service providers criticized the weak passwords encryption of stored FTP passwords. In version 7.5 the AES encryption will be used to encrypt passwords. As matters stands Windows XP or an adapted AES packer plug-in will be required to use this feature.
Buttonbar enhancements (Панель инструментов: снятие ограничения на число строк тулбара, усовершенствованный механизм перевода строк тулбара при изменении размеров окна, добавление кнопкам функционала выпадающих меню)
Up to now the button bar was limited to two lines. If this space wasn't enough the buttonbar was cut and the remaining buttons weren't visible. In Total Commander the buttonbar can occupy an unlimited amount of lines.
Another point of criticism has been the line wrapping while the Total Commander window was resized. In the upcoming version the user can set line breaks explicitly to get a unified look and feel in all resolutions and window sizes. In additions buttons can be used as menus, similar to the popular add-on TCMenu. This function will also be used to avoid line breaks. 9.
Synchronizing of empty directories (синхронизация пустых каталогов)
The function "Synchronize directories" will be able to synchronize empty directories in the next version.
FTP: Display connection name in title bar of user name - and password - dialogs (ФТП: имя соединения в окнах диалогов пользователь:пароль)
Starting with Total Commander 7.5 the connection name will be displayed in title bar of user name- and password-dialogs. This is useful for password managers to automatically insert stored user name and password.
Support for very long path names (Поддержка путей длиной до 1024 символов)
In version 7.50 paths up to 1024 characters will be supported. This will work at least with the delete function. Probably this will work for all other file operations as well.
з.ы. Мое мнение:
1,4,7,8,11 - мечта поэта
10 - тоже ничего
2,3,9 - безразлично
5 - функция на данный момент не реализована
Добавлено: В принципе, имхо, поддержка Unicode - наиважнейший самодостаточный новый элемент 7.5, даже если никаких других нововведений не было бы осуществлено.
Но эти нововведения есть. И из них лично для меня, в частности, новый встроенный функционал тулбара (выпадающие меню) и AES шифрование паролей ftp, продленные пути - просто греют душу =)
Интегрированная функция прожига CD/DVD тоже не помешала бы, но пока увы.