PDF-XChange Viewer 2.053 >>>
- Fixed bug with "PAGE" name-generating macros in "Export to Images" feature.
- Resolved issue with bullets with non-embedded fonts.
- Resolved issue with 'goto destination' when page's bounding box starts from negative coordinates. (8310)
- Fixed some issues with initial view. (8283)
- Resolved issues with rendering some tiling patterns.
- Added some additional information about document digital signatures (tooltip, singature properties dialog).
- Added message to indicate the last occurance of the target was reached when using the find operation. (8361)
- Added exclusive mode for commenting tools (see commenting settings in Preferences).
- Changed hit-testing 'sensitivity' for link annotations. (8053)
- In Document -> Rotate Pages command page's rotation is determined using visible page's dimensions.
-Changed appearance of multiline form fields