P.S в соответствующем разделе всегда все есть

P.S в соответствующем разделе всегда все есть
April 9, 2002
* Option added to main section to auto-open the CaptorBar when the
mouse is over it.
* Multiple instance issues, default browser issues fixed.
* Big, messy memory leak fixed.
* New current doesn't work when its the default CTRL + N action.
Баг с окнами исправили ?
Перешла со стабильной 6.5 на 7.0 b. 5, ой как недовольна, фейс дурацкий
но главное - как-то некорректно она обращается к системе. Синие экраны из-за этого бывают...
MAY 6, 2002
* Full XP theme support NetCaptor UI, including icons, toolbars,
loading animation, and logos.
* Tabs now display site-specific FavIcons (optional).
* CaptorBar now supports "auto-hide" mode. The tabs now sit
sideways and can dock to either side of the screen. In auto-hide
mode the CaptorBar will slide out when the cursor is over it.
* Repositioned close, close all buttons for better usability
* Information button address bar lets you lookup Whois, Related
Links, Backward links, cached pages, Anonymizer, etc. about the
current page. Fully customizable. This is a nice one!
* PopupCaptor will now flash an icon in the status bar when tab
popups are closed
* Added option to PopupCaptor to automatically close tab popups
when they are launched when a tab closes (great for not getting
trapped at sites that don't want you to leave).
* Middle mouse click on links open in new window.
* Added option to enable/disable NetCaptor user-agent setting
* Added an automation interface for use in getting active tab
url and title and in opening new tabs from URLs, CaptorGroups,
and links.
* Favorites sidebar, popup form now support auto-expanding of
folders when dragging items between folders.
* With FavIcon support turned on, tabs which are finished but not
yet viewed now display the tabs FavIcon with the regular green
checkbox in the bottom left corner.
* Changed orientation CaptorBar tabs. Now, when in autohide mode,
you click on a tab to slide the CaptorBar out, while activating
the selected tab. Much cleaner and easier to use!
* Toolbar Locking - right click on the main coolbar and lock the
toolbar positions from the "Lock Toolbars" menu item.
* CTRL + D now brings up "Add to Favorites" dialog
* CTRL + SHIFT + D now toggles the data-entry mode setting
* Tray icon now minimizes, restores on a single click instead of
requiring a double-click
* PopupCaptor URL matches are now case-insensitive
* Added a button that sorts the list view used by QuickSearch,
Aliases, Address Tools, Translators, Search Engines, Search Bar.
* Added additional control character for use with Url Blocking
and PopupCaptor. Generally, both assume a trailing *, so they
can't be used to match against the "end" of a string. By
appending a "$" character, they will match against strings
which end with the specified pattern. To block al GIF images,
you would specify *.gif$.
* Tooltip hints now display drop-shadow in XP
* Added option to use flat browser borders (on by default). Turn
this option off to use the "fat" borders as found in IE.
* Added "Explore Data Folder" item to File Menu. This lets you
explore the directory (it can be hard to find) where NetCaptor
stores your option data
* Added horizontal scrollbar (when necessary) to Url Blocking
and PopupCaptor lists
* Added "New Folder" to Favorites tab on CaptorBar
* Added "Privacy Settings..." menu item to Security Menu. IE6
"breaks" the older Cookies/Session cookies handling, and newer
method is not documented so we just pop the Privacy tab on IE
* Added "Privacy Report..." menu item to Security Menu (only IE6)
* Added "NetCaptor Application" as EXE description to assist
some firewalls in identifying NetCaptor to users.
* Fixed toolbar positioning code relating to "locked toolbars"
У Вас случайно не стоит Windows XP и антивирус DrWeb 4.26-4.27?
Я Вам скажу,в чём у Вас проблема.У Вас случайно не стоит Windows XP и антивирус DrWeb 4.26-4.27?Если да,то проблема тогда в резидентном мониторе Спайдере.Он конфликтует с NetCaptor'ом.Проверено.
Вот вышел новый DrWeb 4.28,там,похоже,эту проблему программисты решили.
Вот это интересно. Надо снова поставить - проверить.
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