Weather Watcher 5.6.24a
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Latest Changes:
FIXED: Detailed forecast was not processing and/or displaying properly on weather updates
Weather Watcher Live 0.0.57 Beta
Weather Watcher Liveи Weather Watcher - это две совершенно разные программы, они даже погоду берут с разных серверов
Да ну..., а ну да:
Weather Watcher Live
version 6.0.1
A customizable desktop weather station, displaying your neighborhood weather conditions in real-time from WeatherBug weather stations, or as reported by NWS.
Weather Watcher
version 5.6.41
A customizable desktop weather station, displaying weather conditions as reported by The Weather Channel.
совершенно разные прогиТак и интерфейс разный. Хоть и от одного производителя. Мало ли кто что выпускает. Windows и Office не одно и то же
У меня практически совсем не пошла... Море проблем. Установила взад 5.6.41как раз и подтверждает, что
совершенно разные проги
Прога-то одного производителя
как раз и подтверждает, чтоВы действительно верите в то, что говорите? Или чтоб поприпираться тока от нечего делать?
Вы действительно верите в то, что говорите? Или чтоб поприпираться тока от нечего делать?Блондинко, что ли?
Блондинко, что ли?ПАдонАк что-ль? Дальнейший разговор бессмыслен. Работайте, а то ещё начальник надерёт, на домашний комп не заработаете
ADDED: 20 NWS enhanced radar maps covering major areas of the US
- ADDED: "TWC" forecast/tray icon skin
- ADDED: "Grzanka" forecast/tray icon skin (created by Wojciech Grzanka at
- ADDED: Option to keep maps as-is when new maps are installed by the Weather Watcher installer
- ADDED: "Blend edges of ClearType text" checkbox to "Tray Icon" tab of the Weather Watcher Options window to improve the appearance of the tray icon text when ClearType is enabled in Windows
- CHANGED: "Today's High"/"Today's Low" tray icon labels to "Forecasted High"/"Forecasted Low"
- CHANGED: Made adjustments to improve tray icon background transparency when ClearType is enabled in Windows
- CHANGED: Made changes to the weather data download process to prevent the cursor from switching to a busy cursor while the data is being retrieved
- FIXED: Single left-click/right-click actions were not responding on Windows 98 SE
- FIXED: "Snow accumulating to x to x inches" was not being converted properly in the detailed forecast when using a precipitation conversion other than inches
- FIXED: Tray icon was not reverting to previous settings if the tray icon font or text color was changed and the Weather Watcher Options window "Cancel" button was pressed
- FIXED: Tray tooltip window text was completely removed after modifying the Tray Icon font settings in the Weather Watcher Optons window
- FIXED: When using the "Update wallpaper when a severe alert is downloaded" option, the wallpaper was updating for severe alerts that were being filtered out
Судя по всему, существенно отличается стабильностью работы: Lite всё ещё глючит
Lite - это совсем третья программа, которой вовсе нет.
Ну, описался человек, с кем не бываетДействительно, не обращай внимания, это у нас с ним свой давний спор
* ADDED: Proxy server and port text boxes to the "Internet" tab of the Weather Watcher Options window.
* CHANGED: Rewrote DL.EXE application to work around some data retrieval issues created by the recent IE8 and Windows updates. The new DL.EXE application downloads data more quickly and should work for those people who found that Weather Watcher could no longer retrieve the weather after installing those recent Windows updates.
* CHANGED: Aligned the "Observed" and "Downloaded" time stamps at the bottom of the main Weather Watcher window.
* FIXED: Various GUI issues in the main Weather Watcher window that appeared after IE8 was installed.
* FIXED: The status window that shows the weather retrieval progress will now load inside of the main Weather Watcher window, regardless of the screen position of the main window.
- ADDED: An "Auto-detect proxy settings for this network" checkbox has been added to the Advanced --> Internet section of the Weather Watcher Options window to automatically import the current IE proxy settings
- CHANGED: Made some changes to the DL.EXE application to resolve Internet connection issues
- FIXED: If using the wallpaper map feature, Weather Watcher will automatically update the URLs for the selected wallpaper map(s) when new maps are installed at startup
- FIXED: The Daylight Remaining tooltip item was not calculating correctly when the sunrise and sunset occurred on different days
- FIXED: Weather Watcher was not releasing object handles used by the DL.EXE application after retrieving the weather
- FIXED: Updated map list links to fix the maps that were no longer updating
Предыдущая тема: EditPro v1.54