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» MSI Afterburner

Автор: Engaged Clown
Дата сообщения: 31.07.2011 11:34
MSI Afterburner

MSI Afterburner - довольно популярная в среде оверклокеров программа для тонкой настройки и мониторинга видеокарты.
MSI Afterburner это программа от создателя Riva Tuner - Алексея Николайчука (Unwinder).

На первый взгляд, MSI Afterburner кажется совсем простенькой программуленкой, но это именно на первый. При более глубоком знакомстве, мнение о программе меняется.

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Позволяет снимать скриншоты и видео из игр.


Последняя версия: 4.1.1 || Features

Обсуждение в Hardware » Видеосистема

Опрос Лучший софт для захвата видео - 2012
Автор: Alex Zaguzin
Дата сообщения: 31.07.2011 12:24
Если такую картинку вставить (немного обработал)?

Автор: Dart Raiden
Дата сообщения: 31.07.2011 12:35
А точно "от создателя Riva Tuner" или всего лишь использует компоненты RivaTuner? Просто есть еще аналогичные утилиты от производителей железа типа EVGA Precision, которые тоже используют компоненты RivaTuner, но вряд ли все они за авторством Unwinder'a...
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 31.07.2011 14:48

так есть тема уже
Автор: Engaged Clown
Дата сообщения: 31.07.2011 18:42
Ок, в принципе пусть и тут будет, я лично всегда в программах такое ищу.
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 31.07.2011 21:05
Engaged Clown
Ну тогда сделай шапку. слишком подробное описание)))
Автор: embrace909
Дата сообщения: 06.08.2011 19:51
На ATI Radeon 9600 не запускаетцо. (от 2003г, AGP 8x, 128 мб, дрова Win7)
Автор: Aleks78
Дата сообщения: 06.08.2011 19:56
А она вообще AGP поддерживает ?
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 06.08.2011 22:04
не запускается это как? Что пишет?
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 26.08.2011 16:27
Вышла 2.2.0 Beta 6
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 11.09.2011 16:09

MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 7 (2011-09-06)
[more=Revision history:]•MSI Afterburner is no longer using native AMD ADL SDK GPU indices. Now it always sorts GPUs by PCI location to ensure that GPU indices stay the same in the system regardless of operating system, display driver version and GPU display outputs connection
•Added driver-level fan tachometer monitoring fallback for AMD graphics cards via AMD ADL SDK
•Added unofficial overclocking support for AMD graphics cards unattached to Windows desktop
•Improved Catalyst version detection for AMD graphics cards unattached to Windows desktop
•Improved GPU type definition format in hardware database to fix ambiguous GPU type selection on some custom design MSI graphics cards (e.g. MSI R5870 Lightning series)
•Now MSI Afterburner's startup daemon routine precaches graphics card state at the first Windows startup. Precached state is being used to improve default clocks detection and clock sliders calibration in some cases when display driver provides no trustworthy defaults detection mechanism (e.g. on AMD graphics cards in unofficial overclocking mode)
•Added unified vendor independent videomemory usage monitoring layer for graphics cards, having no generic videomemory monitoring interfaces implementation in display drivers. Unified videomemory usage monitoring layer is based upon RivaTuner's VidMem plugin technology under Windows XP and original concepts of accessing Direct3D kernel mode thunk statistics under Windows Vista and Windows 7, introduced by Mark Russinovich in ProcessExplorer 15. By default unified videomemory usage monitoring path is enabled as primary ath on AMD graphics cards and as a fallback path on NVIDIA graphics cards when generic NVAPI videomemory usage monitoring is not available (e.g. on NVIDIA graphics cards unattcached to Windows desktop, such as dedicated PhysX or other GPGPU graphics cards). Power users may redefine unified and generic videomemory monitoring paths usage behaviors for both AMD and NVIDIA hardware abstraction layers via the configuration file.
•MSI On-Screen Display Server has been upgraded to v4.2.3. New version fixes vertex buffer overflow issue causing improper On-Screen Display rendering or crashing in Direct3D10 / Direct3D11 applications when too many items are selected to be displayed in On-Screen Display
•Added multilanguage installer[/more]
Автор: frezy
Дата сообщения: 21.09.2011 03:42
В 64x не работает оверлей
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 21.09.2011 17:08
Всё работает. У вас лаги.
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 03.10.2011 19:25

MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 8 (2011-10-02)
[more=Revision history:]•MSI Afterburner is no longer using native AMD ADL SDK GPU indices. Now it always sorts GPUs by PCI location to ensure that GPU indices stay the same in the system regardless of operating system, display driver version and GPU display outputs connection
•Added driver-level fan tachometer monitoring fallback for AMD graphics cards via AMD ADL SDK
•Added unofficial overclocking support for AMD graphics cards unattached to Windows desktop
•Improved Catalyst version detection for AMD graphics cards unattached to Windows desktop
•Improved GPU type definition format in hardware database to fix ambiguous GPU type selection on some custom design MSI graphics cards (e.g. MSI R5870 Lightning series)
•Now MSI Afterburner's startup daemon routine precaches graphics card state at the first Windows startup. Precached state is being used to improve default clocks detection and clock sliders calibration in some cases when display driver provides no trustworthy defaults detection mechanism (e.g. on AMD graphics cards in unofficial overclocking mode)
•Added unified vendor independent videomemory usage monitoring layer for graphics cards, having no generic videomemory monitoring interfaces implementation in display drivers. Unified videomemory usage monitoring layer is based upon RivaTuner's VidMem plugin technology under Windows XP and original concepts of accessing Direct3D kernel mode thunk statistics under Windows Vista and Windows 7, introduced by Mark Russinovich in ProcessExplorer 15. By default unified videomemory usage monitoring path is enabled as primary ath on AMD graphics cards and as a fallback path on NVIDIA graphics cards when generic NVAPI videomemory usage monitoring is not available (e.g. on NVIDIA graphics cards unattcached to Windows desktop, such as dedicated PhysX or other GPGPU graphics cards). Power users may redefine unified and generic videomemory monitoring paths usage behaviors for both AMD and NVIDIA hardware abstraction layers via the configuration file.
•MSI On-Screen Display Server has been upgraded to v4.2.3. New version fixes vertex buffer overflow issue causing improper On-Screen Display rendering or crashing in Direct3D10 / Direct3D11 applications when too many items are selected to be displayed in On-Screen Display
•Added multilanguage installer[/more]
Автор: Vitaminka05
Дата сообщения: 06.10.2011 23:21
Видео и скриншоты снимает, но может чего недопонял - видео идет без звука. Происходит захват только с самой видюхи. Звук не может снять м материнки?
Автор: yuri230382
Дата сообщения: 07.10.2011 08:29

Видео и скриншоты снимает, но может чего недопонял - видео идет без звука.

Только что проверил на последней бете - звук пишет. В настройках галка "включить аудиозахват" стоит?
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 24.11.2011 17:35
последняя тестовая версия: MSI AfterBurner 2.2.0 Beta 9, 7.3 MB от 24.11.2011
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 10.01.2012 17:50
MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 10 (2012-01-06)
[more=Revision history:]1. Added AMD Tahiti graphics processors family support
2. Added core voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON 7970 graphics cards with CHL8228 voltage regulators
3. MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.3.0. New version gives you the following improvements:
1. Added new profile settings allowing to limit the framerate independently during gaming and during videocapture. Limiting the framerate during gaming can help to reduce the power consumption as well as it can improve gaming experience due to removing unwanted microstutteing effect caused by framerate fluctuations. Limiting the framerate during videocapture can improve resulting video smoothness
2. Added Vector 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode support for OpenGL applications
3. Added Raster 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode support for multithreaded OpenGL applications (e.g. ID Software's Rage)
4. Added workaround for AMD Direct3D driver issues causing OSD to be invisible in Direct3D8 and Direct3D9 applications when using Raster 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode
4. Now unofficial overclocking can be enabled without typing in the EULA into the configuration file. In this case the EULA is displayed and you're forced to accept it during MSI Afterburner startup
5. Added power user oriented command line switches allowing to extend Overdrive clock limits on AMD graphics cards attached to Windows desktop[/more]
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 29.01.2012 15:50
MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 11 (2012-01-18)
[more=Что нового:]- Added memory voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON 7970 graphics cards with CHL8228 voltage regulators
- Now MSI Afterburner displays target VID instead of real voltage sensor reading on "GPU voltage" graph on graphics cards equipped with CHL8228 voltage regulators. These changes are implemented to avoid confusing the beginners and prevent the hysteria about voltage drop on AMD RADEON 7970 series graphic cards spreading across different discussion forums. Experienced users, understanding the difference between target and real voltages, may still unlock the previous real voltage monitoring mode via editing the hardware profiles
- Core and memory clock limits have been extended to 180% on AMD RADEON 7970 graphics cards in unofficial overclocking mode
- Now MSI Afterburner's startup daemon routine precaches VRM I2C registers state at the first Windows startup. Precached VRM state is being used to detect default voltage instead of hardcoding default voltages into the database. Please take a note that you may forcibly perform precaching later with command line switch or disable the precaching at all via configuration file if necessary and force MSI Afterburner to use the previous hardcoded database based default voltage detection
- MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.3.1. New version gives you the following improvements:
o Added workaround for AMD OpenGL driver context switching issues causing abnormally low framerate in ID Software Rage when OSD is enabled
o Added workaround for AMD OpenGL driver PBO issues causing the driver to crash or perform abnormally slow during videocapture[/more]
Автор: askanag
Дата сообщения: 02.02.2012 18:54
MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 12 (2012-02-02)
[more=Что нового:]- Memory clock limit has been extended to 180% on AMD RADEON 79x0 graphics cards in unofficial overclocking mode
- Added low-level clock frequencies monitoring for AMD RADEON 79x0 graphics cards
- Added PowerTune adjustment slider for AMD HD 6xxx and 7xxx series graphics cards
- Improved overclocking profiles format provides compatibility with future graphics cards. Please take a note that existing overclocking profiles (startup overclocking profile and profile slots) will be ignored and must be recreated in new version
- MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to v4.3.2. New version gives the following improvements:
o Added gamma corrected video capture support
o Framerate limit ratio for video capture in no longer controlled via the server's profiles. Now it can be adjusted directly into MSI Afterburner's video capture properties
o Added Direct3D9Ex support (DOTA 2 and Darkness 2 demo)
o Improved desktop windows notification mechanism eliminates unwanted beeps occurring on some systems during the server startup / shutdown
o Output video dimensions are now cropped to be multiple of 16 to improve compatibility with some third party MJPG decoders
o Improved OpenGL On-Screen Display coordinates calculation for framebuffer coordinate space mode
o Now "Enable compatibility with modified Direct3D runtime libraries" option is compatible with Direct3D9 game engines using double FPU precision (MassEffect series)[/more]
Скачать 1
Скачать 2

P.S. Только сейчас нельзя скачать ни по одной ссылке.
Автор: yuri230382
Дата сообщения: 09.05.2012 06:52
Зафиналили версию 220 еще 19 апреля...
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 04.06.2012 22:48
MSI Afterburner 2.2.1 (2012/5/14)
Added reference design AMD RADEON 7850 series graphics cards support
Added NVIDIA GeForce GTX 690 series graphic cards support
Added big editions of default and legacy skins
Updated localizations
Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 24.07.2012 18:23
MSI Afterburner 2.2.3 (2012/07/24)
[more=Revision history:]• Revised I2C access API for NVIDIA 301.xx and newer display drivers
• Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N680GTX Lightning series graphics cards with CHL8318+uP6262 voltage regulators
• Added memory and VRM temperature monitoring for custom design MSI N680GTX Lightning series graphics cards with NCT7718W thermal sensors
• Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N670GTX Power Edition series graphics cards with uP6262 voltage regulators[/more]
Автор: vladsmya
Дата сообщения: 19.08.2012 20:58
Эта прога работает на Windows 8 или нет??

Автор: tokar6all
Дата сообщения: 05.10.2012 01:01
MSI Afterburner 2.2.4 (2012/09/18)
[more=Revision history:]• Added new graphics cards support
• Change the NVIDIA Kepler series voltage control mode[/more]
Автор: NPC
Дата сообщения: 11.11.2012 09:18
Можно ли запустить отдельно сервер OSD, без самой проги? Как это сделать? последняя версия стоит.
Автор: telerubordik
Дата сообщения: 11.11.2012 10:15

Можно ли запустить отдельно сервер OSD, без самой проги? Как это сделать? последняя версия стоит.

Запустить-то не проблема ( "..\MSI Afterburner\Bundle\OSDServer\RTSS.exe" ), но вот что он выводить на экран будет? Значения ведь сам Afterburner ему передает. Или другие программы можно для этого использовать, например HWMonitor, через него нагрузку на CPU часто выводят люди.
Автор: mesir
Дата сообщения: 15.12.2012 08:58
Помогите решить проблему: Ошибка в функцииRTTSH.dll::AddTask, код ошибки -22! Переустановка программы не помогла.
Автор: Engaged Clown
Дата сообщения: 15.12.2012 10:27
Какая ОС?
Автор: mesir
Дата сообщения: 15.12.2012 12:35
W 7 64

Все, проблема решена. Может кому будет надо - вот решение:Go to your MSI Afterburner install folder and open up MSIAfterburner.cfg with Notepad. Find StartupViaTaskScheduler = 1 and change the 1 to 0 and click save. Restart MSI Afterburner.

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