Version 2016 (16.1) - 01-Jun-2016
[+] Add URL from Chrome: It's now possible to grab the URL from the currently opened Chrome browser tab (by installing a Chrome extension) - see for further instructions
[+] RSS feeds / Black/White list: Support for wildcards and regular expressions with syntax: regex(...)
[+] RSS feeds / Black/White list: Supports whole-word feature when words are placed within quotes, eg: "keyword"
[+] RSS feeds / Ignore articles older than X days: Support additional date formats
[+] RSS feeds: WSW shows the author field (if available)
[+] Bookmarks that are monitored with the check-by-screenshot method can now correctly be sent as HTML e-mails
[+] New program tweak: CheckIEBrowserSingleConnection=1 - That tweak limits the simultaneous connections of bookmarks with the checking method "Internet Explorer/Browser" to 1 (same behavior as in WebSite-Watcher 2015 and lower). You can use that tweak if simulatenaous connections with the checking method "IE/Browser" cause problems on your system.
[x] Improved filtering of javascript (some pages could be displayed blank under rare circumstances)
[x] Bookmark properties / RSS: If the RSS options are disabled due to a pre-configuration in the folder properties, it's now possible to still call the Analysis function (which is no longer greyed out now).
[x] Follow-Links: URLs that start with TEL: are no longer inserted as new bookmarks
[x] Follow-Links: option "Don't follow links inside filtered parts" works better with CSS based ignore filters
[x] Sending e-mails: WebSite-Watcher no longer handles the server status code #354 as an error
[x] Improvements when checking facebook pages which could report check errors lately
[x] Improved support of SVG images
[x] Find bookmarks: WSW circulates the list when the end of the list is reached
[+] Find bookmarks: WSW shows a message if no results are found
[+] New command line parameter: /EXIT - exits a running WebSite-Watcher (this parameter also aborts a running bookmark check)
[+] Send e-mails: If a checked page could not be converted into HTML e-mail format, then WSW adds an information to the generated e-mail in text format that the e-mail in HTML format could not be created.
[+] Bookmark properties / Keywords window: Window caption shows the number of entered keywords
[x] The portable edition of WSW is now identified as IE11 when checking bookmarks (instead of IE10)
[-] CSS based watch filter: If no matches were found, then WSW could use the whole content to detect updates instead of putting out the warning "whole content filtered"
[-] The special filter "Minimum number of words" didn't work correctly with RSS/Atom feeds
[-] Recording an Internet Explorer Macro could crash under certain circumstances
[-] Reports / Variable wsw_url_removed_content: MAXLEN value wasn't used to display removed content
[-] Export to Excel: Field "action_sendmail_template" did not work
[-] Taskbar Icon could cause minor problems on Windows 10
Smaller fixes and internal improvements
Various language files updated