Да, ребята.. короче проблема жоская. с белым экраном спектров...
удалением файла ничего не решишь..
Пришлось долго рыться в интернете, нашёл тут:
http://www.adobeforums.com/webx?14@@.3c05555a/5 а решение было тут:
http://www.adobeforums.com/webx?128@@.3c05311f для тех кто знает английский:
Hi! I have the same problem. I compared the content of the good audition_settings.xml file and the bad one. It seems that there is a problem with characters "." (dot) and "," (comma).
Small part of bad audition_settings.xml file:
<Section label="Spectral"><KeyVal Key="Default" Type="string">6,3,0,1,0,75,1,1,2,260,192,0,689605,0,75, (...)
Small part of good audition_settings.xml file:
<Section label="Spectral"><KeyVal Key="Default" Type="string">6,3,0,1,0.75,1,1,2,260.192,0.689605,0.75, (...)
Marios Coumplis - 5:15pm Dec 11, 07 PST (#31 of 35) Edited: 11-Dec-2007 at 05:38pm
Folks, I've just uploaded a renewed version of my application that handles all three target areas (Spectral Frequency Display, Spectral Pan Display and Spectral Phase Display), not just the first one. The new link is right here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/75958195/AuditionFix.exe.html Just a reminder: You have to apply the fix EACH AND EVERY TIME right before launching Audition. Try building a small batch file and call that one from your shortcut instead.
Now on to your question Drik,
No, you don't really have to delete the settings file. You certainly don't have to reinstall Audition either! Even if you did, the problem would be solved until you try to run Audition for the second time! Then it messes up again. Now that's where my app comes in.
You possibly haven't paid any attention to my app's output because if you double-click on it, it executes and the console window immediately disappears. You have to provide my application the complete path and filename to the settings file (i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\Marios\Application Data\Adobe\Audition\3.0\audition_settings.xml). If the path and filename contain any blank spaces, you should enclose the whole thing in double brackets (""). In any case, before setting it up and making sure it works, it's best to call my app straight from the command line so that any status/error messages stay on even after it's executed.
Feel free to ask me anything else should things not work.
P.S. Audition will remember all changes you've made, except for the spectral display settings. My app removes these corrupt data from the .XML so that Audition doesn't get "confused" [Image]
Marios Coumplis - 3:34pm Dec 12, 07 PST (#33 of 35) Edited: 12-Dec-2007 at 03:36pm
Hey Drik,
I assume you have already located the settings file. If not, do a quick search for the "audition_settings.xml" file in your drive, you should find it instantly.
Let me explain how I've set this up on MY computer.
First, copy my application to Audition's installation folder. Open up a command-line console window and navigate yourself to that folder. Notice that if you try to run my app as-is, it will complain and say that you haven't told it WHERE to find the settings file. So, right from the console window, you call my app like this:
AuditionFix.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\...blah blah blah...\audition_settings.xml"
It should notify you that all went well and the file has been successfully fixed. Whatever you do, ALWAYS LOOK at my app's messages, if something went wrong, it should say it. If all went well, open up Audition, load up a file and test the spectral views. They should work as they should by now. Remember that when you close Audition, it will mess up the settings file once again. So now, you automate this whole process. You create a batch file, say "Audition.bat" in Audition's installation folder. It should contain the following:
AuditionFix.exe "<path where the settings file exists>\audition_settings.xml"
<Path to Audition's install folder>\Audition.exe
Optionally, do the following.
Modify your shortcut to Audition if you want so that it points to "Audition.bat" and not to "Audition.exe"! Alter your shortcut to run minimized if you want, and voila. Each time you click on Audition's shortcut, my app will run silently in the background, fix all of Audition's mess and THEN Audition will run.
Follow my steps carefully and let me know how it works for you.
Короче, проблема в том, что в настройках для россиян разделительный знак (целых от дробных цифр) = запятая. А у америкосов - точка. У нас все точки заменяются на запятые и в итоге вместо ряда чисел, разделённых запятыми и точками, получается ряд чисел только с запятыми.. (см. выше)..
Говорят что глючит из-за К-лайт кодек пака. Но это не выход.
Чувак написал прогу, которая восстанавливает настройки.. она весит 16кб и её надо запускать непосредственно перед запуском аудишна..
Качайте, пишите батник (см. выше как)...
зарегался на форуме специально. чтобы поделиться находкой) вроде на русских форумах больше нигде не обсуждалось. Если где увидите - тоже поделитесь решением проблемы.. счастья вам!)