А вот такая вот у меня ошибка на 2-х компах, с которых должна АД мониторится, как с клиентов. Вроде глобальный каталог на месте, по крайней мере на контроллере галочка стоит.
There are not enough GCs available. There are fewer GCs configured than are specified as the minimum number of available GCs.
Name: There are not enough GCs available.
Severity: Error
Resolution State: New
Domain: FORMOM
Computer: EXCH
Time of First Event: 27.10.2006 14:55:01
Time of Last Event: 30.10.2006 15:35:00
Alert latency: 3 sec
Problem State: Investigate
Repeat Count: 881
Source: AD Client GC Availability
Alert Id: ddec9b8b-4a10-4566-bdbc-3e177b8616f6
Rule (enabled): Microsoft Windows Active Directory\Active Directory Client Side Monitoring\There are not enough GCs available.
There are not enough GCs available. There are fewer GCs configured than are specified as the minimum number of available GCs.
Name: There are not enough GCs available.
Severity: Error
Resolution State: New
Domain: FORMOM
Computer: EXCH
Time of First Event: 27.10.2006 14:55:01
Time of Last Event: 30.10.2006 15:35:00
Alert latency: 3 sec
Problem State: Investigate
Repeat Count: 881
Source: AD Client GC Availability
Alert Id: ddec9b8b-4a10-4566-bdbc-3e177b8616f6
Rule (enabled): Microsoft Windows Active Directory\Active Directory Client Side Monitoring\There are not enough GCs available.