The Lunatics - The Best Of Ska
Некий таинственный ансамбль
The Lunatics взялся перепеть наиболее известные песни в стиле ска. Ну, обычное дело,
Stars On 45s, занимавшийся такими перепевками, был очень популярен в свое время. На обложке диска никаких данных про этих Лунатиков нет, даже фотографии их отсутствуют, да и год выпуска почему-то тоже не указан. Выпущен диск голландской фирмой Rainbowcd Records, но что-то никакой инфы про этот диск на сайте фирмы я найти не смог. Про группу эту в интернете тоже инфы нет никакой, попалось только упоминание про финскую группу с тем же названием, но она играет совсем другую музыку. В общем, абсолютный кот в мешке. В сети есть только сведения, что такой диск продается на за фантастическую сумму - аж полтора еврика.
Надо сказать, что подбор песен для исполнения Лунатики сделали блестящий, от одних названий крышу снести может:
1. One Step Beyond [Campbell]
2. Ghost Town [Dammers/Hounsell]
3. On My Radio [Davis]
4. Baggy Trousers [Foreman/Mc Pherson]
5. Special Brew [Hymen/Farren/Stewart/Marsen/Cook/Sayag/Kane/Trendle]
6. Driving In My Car [Barson]
7. Whine & Grine [Campbell]
8. Our House [Smith/Foreman]
9. Too Much Too Young [Dammers]
10. Camden town [Mc Pherson, Barson]
11. My Girl [Barson]
12. Big Seven [Edward/Lemon/Hurghes]
13. Gangsters [Dammers/Hall/Panter/Staples/Golding/Ryers/Bradbury]
14. Missing Words [Davis]
15. Just A Feeling [Bad Manners]
16. Embarrasment [Barson/Thompson]
17. Rat Race [Beyers]
18. Three Minutes Hero [Davis]
19. Can Can [Trendle/Hyman/Marsen/Stewart/Kane/Farren/Cook/Sayag]
20. Night Boat To Cairo [Barson/Mc Pherson]
Но когда слушаешь, крышеснесения что-то не происходит. Хотя, надо сказать, исполнение этих Лунатиков вполне приличное. Наибольшее впечатление на меня произвели песни группы Selecter - тут Лунатики сделали практически невозможное: откопали где-то певицу, исполнение которой не слишком проигрывает в сравнении с Паулиной Блэк. Хотя перепевка Three Minutes Hero мне как-то не понравилась. Весьма прилично выглядят песни группы Madness, My Girl вообще душевно спели, но вот Embarrasment испортили. С песнями Specials чуток похуже. Gangsters получились замечательно, Ghost Town какой-то анемичный, а с песней Too Much Too Young Лунатики прокололись серьезнее всего, взявшись имитировать не более спокойный альбомный вариант, а знаменитый концертный сингл. Как и следовало ожидать, результат чудовищно не дотягивает до оригинала.
В общем, альбомчик стоит того, чтобы его послушать, особенно тем, кто имеет слабое представление об оригинальных записях этих песен. Тот, кто знает эти песни хорошо, наверняка будет поначалу плеваться: здесь музыка упрощена, здесь звук не такой плотный, здесь у солиста голос слишком наглый, и все такое прочее. Я и сам плевался. Но со второго прослушивания понял: это у Лунатиков такая малость своеобразная трактовка классических произведений в стиле ска.
Забираем здесь:
Part 1 -
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Part 2 -
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Part 3 -
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Part 4 -
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One&Step%Beyond@ Для проверки программой auCDtect делался отдельный рип в WAV-файлы. В папочке WAV в архиве лежат Log-файлы auCDtect и EAC, относящиеся к этому копированию.
rapidshare - - 1894 KB
EAC Log:
[more]Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 1 from 25. May 2007
EAC extraction logfile from 22. October 2007, 21:54
The Lunatics / The Best Of Ska
Used drive : _NEC CDRW/DVD CB1100A Adapter: 3 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 670
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : Monkey's Audio Lossless Encoder v3.99 DLL
Sample format : High Lossless Compression
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector
1 | 0:00.00 | 2:11.64 | 0 | 9888
2 | 2:11.64 | 3:43.17 | 9889 | 26630
3 | 5:55.06 | 3:09.35 | 26631 | 40840
4 | 9:04.41 | 2:17.20 | 40841 | 51135
5 | 11:21.61 | 3:15.64 | 51136 | 65824
6 | 14:37.50 | 3:18.11 | 65825 | 80685
7 | 17:55.61 | 3:44.39 | 80686 | 97524
8 | 21:40.25 | 3:16.35 | 97525 | 112259
9 | 24:56.60 | 1:55.34 | 112260 | 120918
10 | 26:52.19 | 3:57.06 | 120919 | 138699
11 | 30:49.25 | 2:45.69 | 138700 | 151143
12 | 33:35.19 | 3:28.32 | 151144 | 166775
13 | 37:03.51 | 2:44.39 | 166776 | 179114
14 | 39:48.15 | 3:32.57 | 179115 | 195071
15 | 43:20.72 | 3:05.54 | 195072 | 209000
16 | 46:26.51 | 2:43.56 | 209001 | 221281
17 | 49:10.32 | 3:04.40 | 221282 | 235121
18 | 52:14.72 | 2:56.28 | 235122 | 248349
19 | 55:11.25 | 2:43.72 | 248350 | 260646
20 | 57:55.22 | 3:18.74 | 260647 | 275570
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename D:\_downl_arch\_upload\The Lunatics\Image\The Lunatics - The Best Of Ska.ape
Peak level 99.8 %
Range quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 484A8156
Copy OK
AccurateRip summary
Track 1 not present in database
Track 2 not present in database
Track 3 not present in database
Track 4 not present in database
Track 5 not present in database
Track 6 not present in database
Track 7 not present in database
Track 8 not present in database
Track 9 not present in database
Track 10 not present in database
Track 11 not present in database
Track 12 not present in database
Track 13 not present in database
Track 14 not present in database
Track 15 not present in database
Track 16 not present in database
Track 17 not present in database
Track 18 not present in database
Track 19 not present in database
Track 20 not present in database
No errors occurred
End of status report
auCDtect Log:
[more]auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.
Processing file: [01 - One Step Beyond.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.013682e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.415519e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.193046e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.464277e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 7.078760e-001
First order smothness: 3.161972e-001
Second order smothness: 6.042254e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [02 - Ghost Town.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.013155e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.253525e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.181373e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 6.813754e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 4.510180e-001
First order smothness: 4.134775e-001
Second order smothness: 5.303661e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [03 - On My Radio.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.044047e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.366732e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.191820e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.283846e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.218152e-001
First order smothness: 5.446473e-001
Second order smothness: 4.928466e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [04 - Baggy Trousers.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.120085e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.469808e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.191813e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.940115e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.463197e-001
First order smothness: 4.472260e-001
Second order smothness: 8.031123e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%
Processing file: [05 - Special Brew.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.046339e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.409911e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.193559e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.508152e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.532183e-001
First order smothness: 5.571361e-001
Second order smothness: 5.784732e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [06 - Driving In My Car.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.102499e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.530119e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.180387e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.922847e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.006842e-001
First order smothness: 5.103093e-001
Second order smothness: 8.111528e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [07 - Whine & Grine.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.150227e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.675963e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.192409e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 2.058795e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.171900e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.011506e-001
First order smothness: 5.818859e-001
Second order smothness: 7.717122e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 92%
Processing file: [08 - Our House.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.041755e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.505255e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.190304e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.286751e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.502351e-001
First order smothness: 4.087902e-001
Second order smothness: 5.860113e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [09 - Too Much To Young.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.024876e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.398983e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.185313e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.035054e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.796454e-001
First order smothness: 4.308682e-001
Second order smothness: 5.450161e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [10 - Camden Town.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.043895e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.364757e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.193224e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.648268e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.246065e-001
First order smothness: 4.520172e-001
Second order smothness: 7.011359e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [11 - My Girl.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.043343e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.516808e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.189314e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.482502e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.644773e-001
First order smothness: 3.715725e-001
Second order smothness: 6.373811e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [12 - Big Seven.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.019518e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.287851e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.187443e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 7.646408e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 6.574719e-001
First order smothness: 4.031180e-001
Second order smothness: 6.097996e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [13 - Gangsters.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.030588e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.336785e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.177138e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.015413e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.576460e-001
First order smothness: 4.841986e-001
Second order smothness: 5.423251e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [14 - Missing Words.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.023955e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.444144e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.189944e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.121050e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 3.216132e-001
First order smothness: 4.491488e-001
Second order smothness: 5.543431e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [15 - Just A Feeling.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.018792e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.261533e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.189933e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.368396e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 2.992253e-001
First order smothness: 3.980000e-001
Second order smothness: 6.580000e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [16 - Embarrasment.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.036344e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.483932e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.184704e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.194308e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 6.349960e-002
First order smothness: 3.732275e-001
Second order smothness: 5.450936e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [17 - Rat Race.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.030388e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.471773e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.190019e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.043883e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 4.472580e-001
First order smothness: 4.715652e-001
Second order smothness: 5.234021e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [18 - Three Minutes Hero.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.028925e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.452002e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.191491e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.137597e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 1.228035e-001
First order smothness: 4.349658e-001
Second order smothness: 4.965771e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%
Processing file: [19 - Can Can.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.010478e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.347323e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.183455e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 8.964778e+003 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 4.006024e-001
First order smothness: 3.510759e-001
Second order smothness: 4.688562e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 99%
Processing file: [20 - Night Boat To Cairo.wav]
Detected average hi-boundary frequency: 2.002495e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-boundary frequency: 1.379184e+004 Hz
Detected average hi-cut frequency: 2.192808e+004 Hz
Detected average lo-cut frequency: 1.256985e+004 Hz
Maximum probablis boundary frequency: 2.189100e+004 Hz
Coefficient of nonlinearity of a phase: 5.004917e-001
First order smothness: 3.404055e-001
Second order smothness: 5.058934e-001
This track looks like CDDA with probability 100%