Т. е., Kaylang абсолютно прав, что судья не должен смотреть на то, что была игра в мяч или нет.
Более того, любой агрессивный и опасный подкат должен наказываться удалением.
Serious foul play
A player is guilty of serious foul play if he uses excessive force or brutality
against an opponent when challenging for the ball when it is in play.
A tackle that endangers the safety of an opponent must be sanctioned as
serious foul play.
Any player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the
front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force
and endangering the safety of an opponent is guilty of serious foul play.
Advantage should not be applied in situations involving serious foul play unless
there is a clear subsequent opportunity to score a goal. The referee must send
off the player guilty of serious foul play when the ball is next out of play.
A player who is guilty of serious foul play should be sent off and play is
restarted with a direct free kick from the position where the offence occurred
(see Law 13 – Position of free kick) or a penalty kick (if the offence occurred
inside the offenders penalty area).
Т. е., Kaylang абсолютно прав, что судья не должен смотреть на то, что была игра в мяч или нет.
Пепе за слишком агрессивную игру
Более того, любой агрессивный и опасный подкат должен наказываться удалением.