И еще небольшой списочек - теперь включающий рейтинг для наглядности:
http://www.absolutecross.com/ A tutorial for making designs with round edges.
rating: 6/10
http://www.actionfx.com/ A nice tutorial site for the basics of photoshop. Here you learn what each tool is used for.
rating: 7/10
http://www.adobeevangelists.com/ some tutorials containg information on how to use some effects in photoshop.
rating: 7/10
http://www.adobe.com/webstudio/ An official tutorial, released by adobe. In this one you learn how to get proffesional in blending layers.
rating: 8/10
http://development.alpha-project.net/tutorials.html A nice site for tutorials for photoshop. Here you can find tutorials for text effects, the basics and many other tutorials.
rating: 8/10
http://www.stab.se/aq/ny/pstips/fwf_all.htm Containts some various nice tutorials for photoshop. Although the tutorials are for pretty basic things, still very nice.
rating: 8/10
http://ard.virtualave.net/frame.htm Contains some various photoshop tutorials. Not really much, nor very good tutorials.
rating: 6/10
http://webreference.com/graphics/column36/ Another site with tutorials about the basics of photoshop. In this one, the basics are well explained.
rating 8/10
http://www.bizark.com/ A site containg some nice tutorials for photoshop. From basics to Intermediate tutorials.
rating: 7/10
http://www.bluesfear.com/ A good tutorial section, containing tutorials for photoshop, swish, and 3d studio max.
rating: 9/10
http://www.webdevelopersjournal.com A site, containing some tutorials for photoshop. Too mutch text, but too little images.
rating: 5/10
http://www.candeekis.com/alltutorials.html A site containing many tutorials for paintshoppro. Some nice tutorials.
rating: 7/10
http://www.cbtcafe.com/photoshop/ Although these are one of many basic tutorials for photoshop, they are one of the bests.
rating: 9/10
http://builder.cnet.com/ Not many tutorials for photoshop, nor good ones.
rating: 6/10
http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutorials/2d/ Pretty much, and pretty good tutorials for photoshop.
rating: 9/10
http://www.cyberinkdesign.com/tutor.htm Some intermediate tutorials for photoshop.
rating: 7/10
http://misery.subnet.at/ A site containing some medium and easy tutorials for photoshop.
rating: 7/10
http://www.deepspaceweb.com/ five sections of tutorials for photoshop. basic, text, interfaces, special, and photo.
rating: 8/10 STJДR BAKGRUND!!!
http://www.dsigning.com/ This site containts a large section of tutorials about effects on text in photoshop. Also some basic tutorials.
rating: 7/10
http://www.deviantart.com/ Needs no explanation.
rating: 10/10
http://www.digital-creativity.co.uk/ A pretty large section of photoshop tutorials. From medium to intermediate.
rating: 7/10
http://www.digitalthread.com/ An unclear site, containg some photoshop tutorials.
rating: 5/10
http://www.distortion.co.uk/freebies/tutorial.html A site containging a medium amount of basic/easy photshop tutorials.
rating: 6/10
http://www.dreaminfinity.com/tutorials/ps.shtml A nice site containging a large amount of tutorials for photoshop. from easy to intermediate.
rating: 9/10
http://www.edevcafe.com/docs.php?type=tutorial&catid=24 A site containing few photoshop tutorials, and 2 tutorials for fireworks 4. Few, but nontheless not too bad.
rating: 7/10
http://www.geocities.com/nessele/ some tutorials for photoshop, i believe i have also noticed some psp tutorials.
rating: 6/10
http://erk.free.fr/ Site containing 5 different photoshop tutorials. all at medium experience level.
rating: 7/10
http://www.evening.demon.co.uk/articles.html Various photoshop tutorials, from easy to medium level.
rating: 6/10
http://www.exquisitedesign.com/ A site containing some bare tutorials for photoshop.
rating: 5/10
http://www.extremeflash.com/ or
http://www.flashkit.com This is one of the best sites for flash tutorials. Highly recommendable for flash tutorials
rating: 9/10
http://www.eyeball-design.com/fxzone/frames01.htm This site contaings a large amount of photoshop tutorials. Another recommendable site. Tuts variating from easy to intermediate.
rating: 9/10
http://www.eyewire.com/tips/photoshop/ A site containing a lare amount of tutorials for photoshop. Some nice tutorials are between them.
rating: 8/10
http://www.freegraphics.com/10_Tutorials/Photoshop/ This site contaings some nice tutorials for photoshop. Most of them are easy/medium.
rating: 7/10
http://www.webspace.com.br/opus/web3.htm This site is a bit strange. Contains some tuts about the effects in photoshop i believe.
rating: 6/10
http://geda-online.com/ A nice site for intermediates in photoshop. The tutorials differ in experience level from intermediate to expert.
rating: 8/10
http://www.gifart.com/graphictips5.shtml a site with a pretty large amount of photoshop tutorials. Various from medium to intermediate.
rating: 7/10
http://gliebster.com/ Another site with a medium amount of tutorials. The tutorials are for intermediates to experts.
rating: 8/10
http://www.2ginc.com/tutorials/ps.html Nice tutorials, 20 in total, for medium to intermediate.
rating: 8/10
http://www2.gograph.com/fusion/EN/ Lots of tutorials, experience level from beginner to medium
rating: 7/10
http://graphicssoft.about.com/ A tutorial to make a snow globe.
rating: 6/10
http://user.fundy.net/morris/ A very nice site, containing very nice tutorials. Recommended by me. All the tutorials differ in experience level.
rating: 9/10
http://www.gurusnetwork.com/ A very good photoshop tutorial site. Medium amount of tutorials, good explanation level, experience level differs from medium to intermediate.
rating: 9/10
http://homepages.ihug.com.au/~mr_jr/tutorials.htm Tutorials differ from easy to medium. Pretty nice, although not too much tutorials.
rating: 7/10
http://www.hyperpark.com/ Large amount of text effects for photoshop. Also contains some miscelanious tutorials.
rating: 7/10
http://www.icehousedesigns.com/tutorials/photoshop/ Not too mutch, and not too good tutorials for photoshop.
rating: 6/10
http://the-internet-eye.com/HOWTO/default.htm Large amount of tutorials, also much for psp.
rating: 6/10
http://www.myjanee.com/jnetuts.htm Medium amount of tutorials, most of them with basic information.
rating: 7/10
http://jereme.gfxsites.net/ Little amount of tutorials, none the less, pretty good tutorials. Medium-intermediate.
rating: 8/10
http://www.jlswebsource.com/tutorials.html Three different types of tutorials, text effects, fundamental, and miscellanious. Medium-intermediate.
rating: 8/10
http://pionet.net/~jzeman/tips/contents.html Some basic tutorials for photoshop and html.
rating 7/10
http://www.iboost.com/build/software/pshop/index.html Medium amount of tuts for photoshop. medium-intermediate is the experience level.
rating: 8/10
http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/ A tutorial on photo editing for photoshop.
rating: 7/10
http://mccannas.com/pshop/photosh0.htm Large amount of photoshop tips, various from medium to intermidieate.
rating: 6/10
http://www.neofrog.com/ Some very nice tutorials for photoshop. From beginner to intermidiate.
rating: 9/10
http://www.opticnurve.com/ Some pretty nice tutorials for photoshop. They cover the basics, and some for intermidiates.
rating: 8/10
http://orgcon.jlswebsource.com/tips.html Some tutorials for photoshop. Not too much, and not too good...
rating 6/10
http://www.piscespub.com/pcpp50.html Various tutorials, for various programs. I couldnt check them all, but its not too bad.
rating: 7/10
http://www.perfectpixels.com/index.cfm?method=photoshop Some pretty nice tutorials for photoshop. Medium to intermediate.
rating: 7/10
http://www.phong.com/tutorials/ A very good and nice tutorial resource. Very nice photoshop tutorials. This site is also recommended.
rating: 9/10
http://www.planetphotoshop.com/tutorials.html Another very good photoshop tutorial site. I recommend you check this one too.
rating: 9/10
http://www.poidesign.com/ Not too much, but pretty nice tutorials for photoshop none the less.
rating: 7/10
http://www.pragt.net/ 4 different photoshop tutorials, and they cover the basics.
rating: 7/10
http://www.rainworld.com/oe_99/ a nice site for photoshop tutorials. I would definetly recommend this.
rating: 9/10
http://www.afn.org/~afn07395/ This is a very nice tutorial on how to make seamless textures. Level is intermediate.
rating: 8/10
http://www.shortcutcentral.com/ Here you can see all the shortcuts for photoshop. Nice if you like.
rating: 6/10
http://www.sketchpad.net/photoshp.htm A large amount of photoshop tutorials. The tutorials differ from grade to medium-intermidiate.
rating: 8/10
http://learn.smartplanet.com/ A high amount of tutorials for different programs. Seems all very nice.
rating: 8/10
http://webdeveloper.com/html/html_table_splicing.html A tutorial on how to slice images in photoshop.
rating: 7/10
http://www.spoono.com/ We all know this site. Very good, with very nice tutorials.
rating: 10/10
http://www.webslave.dircon.co.uk/photoshop/ Some different tutorials for photoshop. Medium grade.
rating: 6/10
http://www.stewartstudio.com/tips/phototip.htm Pretty large amount of photoshop tutorials. Many text effects.
rating: 8/10
http://strider-web.virtualave.net/ Some very nice tutorials, for all grades. beginner, intermediate and advanced.
rating: 8/10
http://www.sev.com.au/dtpzone/phtips.asp Little amount of tutorials for photoshop.
rating 6/10
http://members.tripod.com/~rddesign/prof.html medium amount of photoshop tutorials. Most of the tuts are for experts.
rating: 7/10
http://www.teamphotoshop.com/ Very nice site for photoshop tutorials. Another recommendable.
rating: 10/10
http://twh.telefragged.com/ different nice tutorials on various programs, including photoshop.
rating: 7/10
http://www.wastedyouth.org/ Another vйry good site, with very good tutorials for various programs. I recommend it.
rating: 10/10
http://www.webclass-101.com/photoshop6.shtml beginner and intermediate tutorials for photoshop.
rating: 7/10
http://wdvl.com/Authoring/Graphics/ A sort of log file on the learing curve of photoshop. Seems nice.
rating: 8/10
http://www.geocities.com/vitseeus/photoshop_recipes.htm some average text effect tutorials for photoshop.
rating: 6/10
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