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» InvisionBoard News
Вышла IPB 1.1.2
Обращается внимание, что это еще не обещенная IPB 1.2 . Это всего-лишь небольшой апрегрейд в первую очередь связанный с безапаснотью IPB 1.1.2
Для обновления с версии 1.1.1 достаточно скачать маленький пакет обновления:
Саму же новую версию качать где обычно
Обращается внимание, что это еще не обещенная IPB 1.2 . Это всего-лишь небольшой апрегрейд в первую очередь связанный с безапаснотью IPB 1.1.2
Для обновления с версии 1.1.1 достаточно скачать маленький пакет обновления:
Саму же новую версию качать где обычно
Анонсирована дата выхода IPB 1.2 Betta
Это будет 15ого Июня.
Обещается, что это уже будет очень стабильный продукт!
Это будет 15ого Июня.
Обещается, что это уже будет очень стабильный продукт!
И так, вышла IPB 1.2 Betta 1
Тут http://www.invisionboard.com/download.cgi?subc=show&pid=invboard1_2b1
можно скачать.
Напомню, что обсуждается она у нас на форуме здесь:
Тут http://www.invisionboard.com/download.cgi?subc=show&pid=invboard1_2b1
можно скачать.
Напомню, что обсуждается она у нас на форуме здесь:
IPB 1.2 BETA 2
Bugs Fixed
# : Incorrect URL in "Who Posted" feature
#68593: Typo in ACP, full text set up
# : Email address showing after lost password request
#68852: ACP, MMod, Selecting sub forum(s) alone - state not saved
#68919: ACP, Skin Home, wrong ID used for edit HTML (fix by Jabberwocky)
#68888: Incorrect avg post per day in topic history
#68840: Signature w/HTML not parsed in profile and msgr
#68834: Calendar number format inconsistancy
#68592: Latest news link not working
#68817: Link errors in nav when replying to a topic
#68704: Typo when viewing forums / mask preview
#68781: Redirect forums available to move topics to
#68718: Calendar add/edit event not showing "Show Emoticons" checkbox
#68895: JS bug when editing macro set name
#68758: IE6+XHTML+Scrollbar errors
#68827: JS error when revalidating
#68886: Upload photo + open base_dir restricition = error
#68882: Spaces in avatar name / directory not allowed
#69048: ACP, Warn set-up: Some settings not being saved
#69066: Mod CP, Stats not recounting after mod Q approve
#68803: Incorrect XHTML for report this post form
#68754: Incorrect time offset used in ACP, Last 5 admin actions
#69433: Incorrect language bit on search form
#69412: Window size of MyAssistant too small by default
#69192: Mod CP profile edits not showing ACP Mod logs
#69348: Typo in emailer error screen
#69445: Incorrect number of results returned when using quick search
#69220: Warn logs not removed when member deleted
#69303: Minor HTML error in online list
#69606: Search bug when using a forward slash in the keywords
Bugs Fixed
# : Incorrect URL in "Who Posted" feature
#68593: Typo in ACP, full text set up
# : Email address showing after lost password request
#68852: ACP, MMod, Selecting sub forum(s) alone - state not saved
#68919: ACP, Skin Home, wrong ID used for edit HTML (fix by Jabberwocky)
#68888: Incorrect avg post per day in topic history
#68840: Signature w/HTML not parsed in profile and msgr
#68834: Calendar number format inconsistancy
#68592: Latest news link not working
#68817: Link errors in nav when replying to a topic
#68704: Typo when viewing forums / mask preview
#68781: Redirect forums available to move topics to
#68718: Calendar add/edit event not showing "Show Emoticons" checkbox
#68895: JS bug when editing macro set name
#68758: IE6+XHTML+Scrollbar errors
#68827: JS error when revalidating
#68886: Upload photo + open base_dir restricition = error
#68882: Spaces in avatar name / directory not allowed
#69048: ACP, Warn set-up: Some settings not being saved
#69066: Mod CP, Stats not recounting after mod Q approve
#68803: Incorrect XHTML for report this post form
#68754: Incorrect time offset used in ACP, Last 5 admin actions
#69433: Incorrect language bit on search form
#69412: Window size of MyAssistant too small by default
#69192: Mod CP profile edits not showing ACP Mod logs
#69348: Typo in emailer error screen
#69445: Incorrect number of results returned when using quick search
#69220: Warn logs not removed when member deleted
#69303: Minor HTML error in online list
#69606: Search bug when using a forward slash in the keywords
IPB 1.2 RC1
New Features in 1.2 RC1
Boolean operators introduced into the search function
Quick JS page jump added to all pages (inc. ACP)
Added options to the warning system
Fast reply: accesskey "f" opens, accesskey "s" posts
Fast reply: Tab index added
Fast reply: On mouse over, onfocus added
XML1.0 and RSS2.0 feeds added to ssi.php
IP Chat: Ability to deny groups access to chat
IP Chat: Auto-log in for members
Fixed Bugs
#70716: Long passwords with special chars create too long error
#70669: Zero for a poll choice doesn't show
#70557: ACP, Editing colours, http:// breaks url
#70271: Posting poll after adding topic - error is supmod && topic starter
#70455: Posting, if MessageMax is set to empty, some browsers cant post
#70262: Inability to name avatar files with [] or () in the name
#70040: Missing CSS atr from post form
#69988: Download contact card - incorrect filename used
#69771: Added </a> not needed in online list w/bots
#69631: Incorrect starting attr to emoticons checkbox in calendar
#70858: Incorrect HTML tag (breaks XHTML) when using safe mode skins
#69643: Avatar gallery not matching capitalized file extensions
#69899: ACP, removing skin tarball, link error
#69896: ACP, helpfiles, backslash not saving fix
#69921: Incorrect email subject link for PM reminders
#69904: Incorrect keyword filtering making words like 'spanish' unsearchable
#69103: ACP, Settings, backslashes being removed
#70243: Missing alt tags in group icon / pip
#70976: Extra <br /> not needed in copyright line
#70952: Missing spaces between page numbers / icons in search results
#70925: Extra space between mod link and ACP link
#70900: Moderator can't warn outside of forum they moderate when allowed to warn
#70316: Incorrect table alignment in board view
#70893: List items missing XHTML closing tag
#70953: Incorrect count showing on ACP index for members waiting validation
#70896: Uploading flash file as avatar displays incorrectly
#70895: Division by zero error when viewing a profile with no board posts
#70135: Last post info showing part HTML entity when quoting a post to reply
#69964: Member_extra not being removed when denied validation
#71091: Incorrectly formatted output when using printpage chooser
#71097: No character wrapping on signatures
#71111: Calendar not showing recurring events when clicking day link
#71114: Admin logs, incorrect link in pagination
#71238: Editing 1st post in a topic creates incorrect mod log
#71278: Poll options not showing when creating poll
#70649: Typo in warn error
#68338: Googlebots not showing on online list when not anonymous
#71563: Member title disabled when using '0'
#70023: 'Hidden' space stripper breaks mb languages
#69691: Previewing skin not selecting correct skin (JS bug)
#69667: News forum not able to select sub-wrapper
#53549: Incorrect icon when no child forums to show but is postable
#70509: Missing number_format in some areas
#68815: Incorrect display when previewing forum permissions
#71332: Downloading Mini Profile "card" gives JS errors when viewing
#66148: Switching off active users removes Today's birthdays too
#69360: Moving topics failed to add entry to moderator's log
#69678: Edit wrapper textarea not controlled by ACP prefs
#71392: Avatar files and categories not sorting
#70093: Incorrect XHTML when logging into MyAssistant
#72836: "Newest Member" stat not updated after member name edit
#72098: Integrity Messenger data not showing in profile or mini-profile
#72366: If override member permission mask, member does not show on forum/topic online
#72301: More missing number formatting; PM display, most online
#70032: Incorrect calculation to work out whether a mod has warned too many times
#70341: MySQL toolbox table prefix error
#69903: ssi.php not parsing [dohtml] tags
#73050: XHTML error on topic attachments
#73096: doHTMl not parsed in search results
#69842: Calendar date picking up time settings on board view
#70947: Images not resized if getimagesize fails
#71967: Missing information if cache/cache file not present
#71620: Deleting member does not remove member from contact lists
#70828: Unicode characters not displaying.
#73179: Missing option to remove member's photographs
#67595: PM: tab order wrong, no access keys, popup for new msg when in msgr
#71435: MM on topic title with HTML breaks layout on "last post:" display
#59296: (Merged Topic) Poll not wrapping choices - breaks layout
#59296: (Merged Topic) Poll not using bad word filter
#59296: (Merged Topic) "Vote" button present when reviewing results
#70121: Custom profile fields on topic view dont parse fully if dropdown
#73384: Wrongly labelled PM link in profile view
Updated Files
ipchat.php (IP Chat customers only)
Skin Files: (uploads/Skin/s1/)
skin_boards.php (Bug fix: CatHeader_Expanded)
skin_buddy.php (Bug fix: login)
skin_emails.php (Fix: chat_inline, chat_pop)
skin_forum.php (Change: PageTop)
skin_global.php (Bug fix: mod_link, Change: signature_separator,board_header NEW: make_page_jump)
skin_msg.php (Bug fix: send_form, send_form_footer)
skin_mod.php (New bit: poll_edit_top)
skin_modcp.php (Fix: edit_user_form)
skin_post.php (Bug fix: get_javascript, nameField_unreg, poll_box)
skin_printpage.php (Bug fix: choose_form)
skin_profile.php (Bug fix: show_profile, show_card, show_card_download, New: warn_level_no_mod, warn_level_rating, warn_level_rating_no_mod)
skin_search.php (Bug fix: start,end || New: boolean_explain_*)
skin_topic.php (NEW: warn_level_warn, warn_level_rating, Show_attachments*)
skin_ucp.php (Bug fix: skin_lang_header)
Language Files: (uploads/lang/en/)
New Features in 1.2 RC1
Boolean operators introduced into the search function
Quick JS page jump added to all pages (inc. ACP)
Added options to the warning system
Fast reply: accesskey "f" opens, accesskey "s" posts
Fast reply: Tab index added
Fast reply: On mouse over, onfocus added
XML1.0 and RSS2.0 feeds added to ssi.php
IP Chat: Ability to deny groups access to chat
IP Chat: Auto-log in for members
Fixed Bugs
#70716: Long passwords with special chars create too long error
#70669: Zero for a poll choice doesn't show
#70557: ACP, Editing colours, http:// breaks url
#70271: Posting poll after adding topic - error is supmod && topic starter
#70455: Posting, if MessageMax is set to empty, some browsers cant post
#70262: Inability to name avatar files with [] or () in the name
#70040: Missing CSS atr from post form
#69988: Download contact card - incorrect filename used
#69771: Added </a> not needed in online list w/bots
#69631: Incorrect starting attr to emoticons checkbox in calendar
#70858: Incorrect HTML tag (breaks XHTML) when using safe mode skins
#69643: Avatar gallery not matching capitalized file extensions
#69899: ACP, removing skin tarball, link error
#69896: ACP, helpfiles, backslash not saving fix
#69921: Incorrect email subject link for PM reminders
#69904: Incorrect keyword filtering making words like 'spanish' unsearchable
#69103: ACP, Settings, backslashes being removed
#70243: Missing alt tags in group icon / pip
#70976: Extra <br /> not needed in copyright line
#70952: Missing spaces between page numbers / icons in search results
#70925: Extra space between mod link and ACP link
#70900: Moderator can't warn outside of forum they moderate when allowed to warn
#70316: Incorrect table alignment in board view
#70893: List items missing XHTML closing tag
#70953: Incorrect count showing on ACP index for members waiting validation
#70896: Uploading flash file as avatar displays incorrectly
#70895: Division by zero error when viewing a profile with no board posts
#70135: Last post info showing part HTML entity when quoting a post to reply
#69964: Member_extra not being removed when denied validation
#71091: Incorrectly formatted output when using printpage chooser
#71097: No character wrapping on signatures
#71111: Calendar not showing recurring events when clicking day link
#71114: Admin logs, incorrect link in pagination
#71238: Editing 1st post in a topic creates incorrect mod log
#71278: Poll options not showing when creating poll
#70649: Typo in warn error
#68338: Googlebots not showing on online list when not anonymous
#71563: Member title disabled when using '0'
#70023: 'Hidden' space stripper breaks mb languages
#69691: Previewing skin not selecting correct skin (JS bug)
#69667: News forum not able to select sub-wrapper
#53549: Incorrect icon when no child forums to show but is postable
#70509: Missing number_format in some areas
#68815: Incorrect display when previewing forum permissions
#71332: Downloading Mini Profile "card" gives JS errors when viewing
#66148: Switching off active users removes Today's birthdays too
#69360: Moving topics failed to add entry to moderator's log
#69678: Edit wrapper textarea not controlled by ACP prefs
#71392: Avatar files and categories not sorting
#70093: Incorrect XHTML when logging into MyAssistant
#72836: "Newest Member" stat not updated after member name edit
#72098: Integrity Messenger data not showing in profile or mini-profile
#72366: If override member permission mask, member does not show on forum/topic online
#72301: More missing number formatting; PM display, most online
#70032: Incorrect calculation to work out whether a mod has warned too many times
#70341: MySQL toolbox table prefix error
#69903: ssi.php not parsing [dohtml] tags
#73050: XHTML error on topic attachments
#73096: doHTMl not parsed in search results
#69842: Calendar date picking up time settings on board view
#70947: Images not resized if getimagesize fails
#71967: Missing information if cache/cache file not present
#71620: Deleting member does not remove member from contact lists
#70828: Unicode characters not displaying.
#73179: Missing option to remove member's photographs
#67595: PM: tab order wrong, no access keys, popup for new msg when in msgr
#71435: MM on topic title with HTML breaks layout on "last post:" display
#59296: (Merged Topic) Poll not wrapping choices - breaks layout
#59296: (Merged Topic) Poll not using bad word filter
#59296: (Merged Topic) "Vote" button present when reviewing results
#70121: Custom profile fields on topic view dont parse fully if dropdown
#73384: Wrongly labelled PM link in profile view
Updated Files
ipchat.php (IP Chat customers only)
Skin Files: (uploads/Skin/s1/)
skin_boards.php (Bug fix: CatHeader_Expanded)
skin_buddy.php (Bug fix: login)
skin_emails.php (Fix: chat_inline, chat_pop)
skin_forum.php (Change: PageTop)
skin_global.php (Bug fix: mod_link, Change: signature_separator,board_header NEW: make_page_jump)
skin_msg.php (Bug fix: send_form, send_form_footer)
skin_mod.php (New bit: poll_edit_top)
skin_modcp.php (Fix: edit_user_form)
skin_post.php (Bug fix: get_javascript, nameField_unreg, poll_box)
skin_printpage.php (Bug fix: choose_form)
skin_profile.php (Bug fix: show_profile, show_card, show_card_download, New: warn_level_no_mod, warn_level_rating, warn_level_rating_no_mod)
skin_search.php (Bug fix: start,end || New: boolean_explain_*)
skin_topic.php (NEW: warn_level_warn, warn_level_rating, Show_attachments*)
skin_ucp.php (Bug fix: skin_lang_header)
Language Files: (uploads/lang/en/)
Вышел Graphic Development Kit (GDK) для 1.2.
Качаем здесь
Качаем здесь
Портал Invision Power Dynamic Lite - читать и смотреть здесь - http://forums.invisionpower.com/index42.php
Будет включен в дистрибутив IPB 1.2
IPDynamic Lite will be included with Invision Power Board v1.2 at no extra cost! You won't need to install any extra components and thanks to Invision Power Board's modular construction, if you don't require IPDynamic Lite performance will not suffer as the extra programming is simply not loaded! IPDynamic is great for building a quick website around your existing forums, for pulling off articles or news feeds or as a base for your own custom website.
PHP-Nuke отдыхает
Будет включен в дистрибутив IPB 1.2
IPDynamic Lite will be included with Invision Power Board v1.2 at no extra cost! You won't need to install any extra components and thanks to Invision Power Board's modular construction, if you don't require IPDynamic Lite performance will not suffer as the extra programming is simply not loaded! IPDynamic is great for building a quick website around your existing forums, for pulling off articles or news feeds or as a base for your own custom website.
PHP-Nuke отдыхает

Найдена серьезная уязвимость в файле ipchat.php. Необходимо срочно скачать обновленный файл и переписать его поверх старого!
IPB 1.2
IPB 1.1.*
зы. Если же вы вы не используете чат, то вышеупомянутый файл можно спокойно удалить.
IPB 1.2
IPB 1.1.*
зы. Если же вы вы не используете чат, то вышеупомянутый файл можно спокойно удалить.
Зачастили они что-то с секьюрити апгрейдами
Для версий:
Versions Affected
IPB 1.1.2 http://www.invisionboard.com/downloads/july16_112.zip
IPB 1.2 http://www.invisionboard.com/downloads/july16_12.zip
апгрейдятся Memberlist.php и functions.php
Для версий:
Versions Affected
IPB 1.1.2 http://www.invisionboard.com/downloads/july16_112.zip
IPB 1.2 http://www.invisionboard.com/downloads/july16_12.zip
апгрейдятся Memberlist.php и functions.php
Главное дополнение в версии 1.2 RC 2 - это встроенный портал Invision Power Dynamic Lite
А вот список основных исправлений:
#73560: Moving posts can result in minus post counts
#73609: Banning member center error
#73703: Wrong <div> tag applied when previewing messages
#73858: Pipes '|' in usernames not working
#73791: Editing topic desc alone doesn't work
#74067: List modifier incorrect when editing posts
#74716: Backslashes in macros causes errors/disappearing
#74852: Single quotes not stripslashed in suspend emails
#74826: Simple search not deactivated if manual search chosen
#74832: Single quote breaks textfield in forum rules
#74129: Validating members not removed properly when deleting users
#74857: Topic reply notification not unconverting HTML entities properly
#74839: BBCode javascript errors
#74400: Ability to remove from jump list added
#74331: Ability to use a # sign when entering an email address
#75625: "Allow poll to bump topic" forum option not working
#75685: Messenger: Deleting storage folders give unpredictable results
#76878: UCP: JS error with avatars
#76851: Search results not showing correct envelope icon
#76189: Online list: Member's reading hidden forums show lined to board index
#76085: Can't search member with | in name
#75092: Bug fix in log-in screen
#75316: Missing page title in lost password form
#77223: ACP: Searching for member names starting with + fail
#75300: Registering: Reloading form on error removes custom entry input
#74943: Inconsistent COPPA behaviour
#77313: Topic hi-lite, not matching multiple words
#78212: ModCP - incorrect forum marker display
#78188: Emailed notifications: links and newlines missing
#77913: Personal photos not deleting when edited via ACP
#77840: Search keyword highlighting can cause PHP error
#75298: Quoting dohtml leaves doHTML tags in place
#75214: Archiving messages not showing sent to field
#79623: Memberlist not removing hidden groups fully
#79018: Session management not functioning correctly
#79406: Mod CP: Removing member's photo incorrectly removes own photo/avatar
#78535: Msgr: Incorrect length of "full" indicator
#78558: Member's can reply to others topics when not allowed
#79755: Incorrect reply count on long topics
#80837: Editing a post with a font wrapped list produces incorrect display
#80595: Editing topic title allows spaces to create empty topic title
#80029: Errors showing when viewing empty avatar gallery directory
#78552: SQL tag shows errors when editing / quoting
#80794: Approving posts doesn't promote members properly
#73768: News won't work if set to a root subforum
А вот список основных исправлений:
#73560: Moving posts can result in minus post counts
#73609: Banning member center error
#73703: Wrong <div> tag applied when previewing messages
#73858: Pipes '|' in usernames not working
#73791: Editing topic desc alone doesn't work
#74067: List modifier incorrect when editing posts
#74716: Backslashes in macros causes errors/disappearing
#74852: Single quotes not stripslashed in suspend emails
#74826: Simple search not deactivated if manual search chosen
#74832: Single quote breaks textfield in forum rules
#74129: Validating members not removed properly when deleting users
#74857: Topic reply notification not unconverting HTML entities properly
#74839: BBCode javascript errors
#74400: Ability to remove from jump list added
#74331: Ability to use a # sign when entering an email address
#75625: "Allow poll to bump topic" forum option not working
#75685: Messenger: Deleting storage folders give unpredictable results
#76878: UCP: JS error with avatars
#76851: Search results not showing correct envelope icon
#76189: Online list: Member's reading hidden forums show lined to board index
#76085: Can't search member with | in name
#75092: Bug fix in log-in screen
#75316: Missing page title in lost password form
#77223: ACP: Searching for member names starting with + fail
#75300: Registering: Reloading form on error removes custom entry input
#74943: Inconsistent COPPA behaviour
#77313: Topic hi-lite, not matching multiple words
#78212: ModCP - incorrect forum marker display
#78188: Emailed notifications: links and newlines missing
#77913: Personal photos not deleting when edited via ACP
#77840: Search keyword highlighting can cause PHP error
#75298: Quoting dohtml leaves doHTML tags in place
#75214: Archiving messages not showing sent to field
#79623: Memberlist not removing hidden groups fully
#79018: Session management not functioning correctly
#79406: Mod CP: Removing member's photo incorrectly removes own photo/avatar
#78535: Msgr: Incorrect length of "full" indicator
#78558: Member's can reply to others topics when not allowed
#79755: Incorrect reply count on long topics
#80837: Editing a post with a font wrapped list produces incorrect display
#80595: Editing topic title allows spaces to create empty topic title
#80029: Errors showing when viewing empty avatar gallery directory
#78552: SQL tag shows errors when editing / quoting
#80794: Approving posts doesn't promote members properly
#73768: News won't work if set to a root subforum
Invision Power Board 1.2 Final
Fixed Bugs
#82455: Error screen saved post not saving unicode properly
#82310: IPDl, switching off debug doesn't remove stats
#82449: IPDl, incorrectly labelled "show personal message info" button
#81501: IPDl, incorrect skin selection show when changing skins
#82518: PM, missing JS code causes roll over errors
#82762: Forums showing in disabled cats in moderating team page
#82814: ACP: Validating member's page links not working
#82106: ACP: Spaces removed from member's names
#81554: ACP: Editing wrappers, © not being converted properly
Fixed Bugs
#82455: Error screen saved post not saving unicode properly
#82310: IPDl, switching off debug doesn't remove stats
#82449: IPDl, incorrectly labelled "show personal message info" button
#81501: IPDl, incorrect skin selection show when changing skins
#82518: PM, missing JS code causes roll over errors
#82762: Forums showing in disabled cats in moderating team page
#82814: ACP: Validating member's page links not working
#82106: ACP: Spaces removed from member's names
#81554: ACP: Editing wrappers, © not being converted properly
Всё, версиям 1.1.х приходит пи****.
IBPlanet сворачивает приём модов для 1.1.
Всё, версиям 1.1.х приходит пи****.

IBPlanet сворачивает приём модов для 1.1.
1.1.1 дырка
-> апгрейдимся или фиксим руками
1.2 дырка
фиксим этим: http://www.invisionboard.com/downloads/patch_11_08_03.zip
1.1.1 дырка
-> апгрейдимся или фиксим руками
1.2 дырка
фиксим этим: http://www.invisionboard.com/downloads/patch_11_08_03.zip
Небольшой security fix для ipb 1.2: http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=88326
Скачать здесь.
Скачать здесь.
http://www.invisionboard.ru закрылся. Теперь форум русской поддержки IPB находится тут ( http://www.ibresource.ru/ )
Межсайтовый скриптинг в Invision Power Board 1.2 FINAL
Описание: Уязвимость обнаружена в Invision Power Board. Удаленный атакующий может выполнить XSS нападение против пользователей форума.
Удаленный атакующий может внедрить произвольный код сценария в COLOR и FONT тэги.
[FONT=expression(alert(document.cookie))]text[/FONT] will made the HTML :
<span style='font-family:expression(alert(document.cookie))'>text</span>
[COLOR=expression(alert(document.cookie))]texte[/COLOR] will made the HTML :
<span style='color:expression(alert(document.cookie))'>text</span>
Внесите следующие изменения:
In sources/lib/post_parser.php , just replace the lines :
while ( preg_match( "#\[font=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[/font\]#ies", $txt ) )
$txt = preg_replace( "#\[font=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[/font\]#ies" ,
"\$this->regex_font_attr(array('s'=>'font','1'=>'\\1','2'=>'\\2'))", $txt );
while( preg_match( "#\[color=([^\]]+)\](.+?)\[/color\]#ies", $txt ) )
$txt = preg_replace( "#\[color=([^\]]+)\](.+?)\[/color\]#ies" ,
"\$this->regex_font_attr(array('s'=>'col' ,'1'=>'\\1','2'=>'\\2'))", $txt );
by the lines :
while ( preg_match( "#\[font=([^;<>\*\(\)\]\"']*)\](.*?)\[/font\]#ies", $txt
) )
$txt = preg_replace( "#\[font=([^;<>\*\(\)\"']*)\](.*?)\[/font\]#ies" ,
"\$this->regex_font_attr(array('s'=>'font','1'=>'\\1','2'=>'\\2'))", $txt );
while( preg_match( "#\[color=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\](.+?)\[/color\]#ies", $txt ) )
$txt = preg_replace( "#\[color=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\](.+?)\[/color\]#ies" ,
"\$this->regex_font_attr(array('s'=>'col' ,'1'=>'\\1','2'=>'\\2'))", $txt );
Описание: Уязвимость обнаружена в Invision Power Board. Удаленный атакующий может выполнить XSS нападение против пользователей форума.
Удаленный атакующий может внедрить произвольный код сценария в COLOR и FONT тэги.
[FONT=expression(alert(document.cookie))]text[/FONT] will made the HTML :
<span style='font-family:expression(alert(document.cookie))'>text</span>
[COLOR=expression(alert(document.cookie))]texte[/COLOR] will made the HTML :
<span style='color:expression(alert(document.cookie))'>text</span>
Внесите следующие изменения:
In sources/lib/post_parser.php , just replace the lines :
while ( preg_match( "#\[font=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[/font\]#ies", $txt ) )
$txt = preg_replace( "#\[font=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[/font\]#ies" ,
"\$this->regex_font_attr(array('s'=>'font','1'=>'\\1','2'=>'\\2'))", $txt );
while( preg_match( "#\[color=([^\]]+)\](.+?)\[/color\]#ies", $txt ) )
$txt = preg_replace( "#\[color=([^\]]+)\](.+?)\[/color\]#ies" ,
"\$this->regex_font_attr(array('s'=>'col' ,'1'=>'\\1','2'=>'\\2'))", $txt );
by the lines :
while ( preg_match( "#\[font=([^;<>\*\(\)\]\"']*)\](.*?)\[/font\]#ies", $txt
) )
$txt = preg_replace( "#\[font=([^;<>\*\(\)\"']*)\](.*?)\[/font\]#ies" ,
"\$this->regex_font_attr(array('s'=>'font','1'=>'\\1','2'=>'\\2'))", $txt );
while( preg_match( "#\[color=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\](.+?)\[/color\]#ies", $txt ) )
$txt = preg_replace( "#\[color=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\](.+?)\[/color\]#ies" ,
"\$this->regex_font_attr(array('s'=>'col' ,'1'=>'\\1','2'=>'\\2'))", $txt );
Готовится к выходу IPB 1.2.1, залатана куча дыр. :o)
1.2.1 отменяется: нас ждет 1.3. В которой, помимо исправления найденных ранее ошибок будет добавлено:
-оповщение на заданные e-mail'ы при создании пользователями новых тем, ожидающих одобрения модератором.
-утилита для отслеживания ip адресов с которых те или иные пользователи посещают форум.
-утилита для сравнения и синхронизации skin'ов.
В ближайшие дни ожидается Team Release 1, за котрым вскоре последует Pre-Release 1.
Да, чуть не забыл, все подробности ищите на http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=9369
-оповщение на заданные e-mail'ы при создании пользователями новых тем, ожидающих одобрения модератором.
-утилита для отслеживания ip адресов с которых те или иные пользователи посещают форум.
-утилита для сравнения и синхронизации skin'ов.
В ближайшие дни ожидается Team Release 1, за котрым вскоре последует Pre-Release 1.
Да, чуть не забыл, все подробности ищите на http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=9369
Matt заявил, что работы над 1.3 идут весьма успешно (благодоря тестерам исправлен ряд серьезных и не очень багов) и он надеется, что в первой половине следующей недели будет public release.
Что-то запаздывают с 1.3. Новостей на сайте больше нет по этому поводу. Полное затишье... =\
Уже есть 1.3 pdr2 (public development release):
Слшайте, а как подписаться на тему не посылая сообщений в неё?
наверху смотри
а вопще есть топики поддержки форума
ЗЫ. эти 4 сообщения надо грохнуть
• Подписаться
а вопще есть топики поддержки форума
ЗЫ. эти 4 сообщения надо грохнуть
Invision Power Board 1.3 pdr3
Исправлены нижеприведенные ошибки:
#92979 If BBCode is off, smilies are not unconverted upon post edit
#93649 ACP: Editing help titles with single quote gets truncated
#93780 Incorrect javascript in header of download profile card
#94257 Incorrect HTML output when showing payment ticket in SM
#94356 Member list incorrect pagination
#94514 Simple search results show incorrect pagination details
#94914 HTML entity #064; not converted in emails
#94915 Incorrect instructions for photo when upload removed
#94990 Stop quote embedding not working properly
#95094 When moderators allowed to post in closed topics can't edit post
#95873 Missing code to update sync_module when editing signature
#96090 Typo in ACP skin friendly names
#96097 Incorrect user agent for search engine spider
#96108 Incorrect mime settings when uploading png files
#96154 Deactivating SM gateways causes 'requires valid email' error
#96658 Incorrect form element in ACP - Index javascript
#96915 Group moderators not showing on moderator's page
#97051 Incorrectly linked category in uCP - forum subs
#97070 Topic sub: Not sub to topic when using auto-track and quick reply
#97662 Disabled categories still appear in search results / search box
#98226 Last post info not updating when deleting topic w/link
#98251 ACP: MySQL toolbox strips '+' in queries
#98619 Mod Q topics appear in Active Topics list
#99006 Macro exporting as part of a skin pack corrupts with newlines
#99018 Incorrect wording when printing a topic in the online list
#99032 Inaccurate IP address matching when looking for banned addresses
#99095 LIST wrapped in a SIZE tag shows error upon edit
#99113 Using single quote in bulk email title causes it to truncate
#100011 Bad logic when pruning members from the ACP
#100383 Quote tag corrupts with embedded code tag in name area
Исправлены нижеприведенные ошибки:
#92979 If BBCode is off, smilies are not unconverted upon post edit
#93649 ACP: Editing help titles with single quote gets truncated
#93780 Incorrect javascript in header of download profile card
#94257 Incorrect HTML output when showing payment ticket in SM
#94356 Member list incorrect pagination
#94514 Simple search results show incorrect pagination details
#94914 HTML entity #064; not converted in emails
#94915 Incorrect instructions for photo when upload removed
#94990 Stop quote embedding not working properly
#95094 When moderators allowed to post in closed topics can't edit post
#95873 Missing code to update sync_module when editing signature
#96090 Typo in ACP skin friendly names
#96097 Incorrect user agent for search engine spider
#96108 Incorrect mime settings when uploading png files
#96154 Deactivating SM gateways causes 'requires valid email' error
#96658 Incorrect form element in ACP - Index javascript
#96915 Group moderators not showing on moderator's page
#97051 Incorrectly linked category in uCP - forum subs
#97070 Topic sub: Not sub to topic when using auto-track and quick reply
#97662 Disabled categories still appear in search results / search box
#98226 Last post info not updating when deleting topic w/link
#98251 ACP: MySQL toolbox strips '+' in queries
#98619 Mod Q topics appear in Active Topics list
#99006 Macro exporting as part of a skin pack corrupts with newlines
#99018 Incorrect wording when printing a topic in the online list
#99032 Inaccurate IP address matching when looking for banned addresses
#99095 LIST wrapped in a SIZE tag shows error upon edit
#99113 Using single quote in bulk email title causes it to truncate
#100011 Bad logic when pruning members from the ACP
#100383 Quote tag corrupts with embedded code tag in name area
1.3 Pre Final 1 Released!
Еще какие-то баги исправили...
Качаем с http://www.invisionboard.com/download/index.php
Еще какие-то баги исправили...
Качаем с http://www.invisionboard.com/download/index.php
Исправлены следующие ошибки:
#101515 Pagination incorrect in Mod CP when using IP address tools
#101569 Integ msg edit function missing in ACP / Edit Member
#101728 Some emoticons showing when using [URL] tags
#101879 Pipe in username causes problem when logging into ACP
#102092 PHP notice when logging out
Берем там же. Т.е. на http://www.ibforums.com/download/
Исправлены следующие ошибки:
#101515 Pagination incorrect in Mod CP when using IP address tools
#101569 Integ msg edit function missing in ACP / Edit Member
#101728 Some emoticons showing when using [URL] tags
#101879 Pipe in username causes problem when logging into ACP
#102092 PHP notice when logging out
Берем там же. Т.е. на http://www.ibforums.com/download/
Welcome to v2.0 Alpha!
Официальный форум Invision Power Board обновился до версии 2.0 Alpha 1
Основные нововведения на данный момент:
-Неограниченные подфорумы
-Возможность присоединения к сообщению нескольких файлов
-Игнор лист пользователей
-Online/Offline индикатор для каждого пользователя
-Отображение дат в разном формате
Официальный форум Invision Power Board обновился до версии 2.0 Alpha 1
Основные нововведения на данный момент:
-Неограниченные подфорумы
-Возможность присоединения к сообщению нескольких файлов
-Игнор лист пользователей
-Online/Offline индикатор для каждого пользователя
-Отображение дат в разном формате
Форум Ru-Board.club — поднят 15-09-2016 числа. Цель - сохранить наследие старого Ru-Board, истории становления российского интернета. Сделано для людей.