» InvisionBoard News
УРА! Вышел final release 2.0.0, качать на оффсайте.
На ibresource.ru есть русский перевод
PS: "Дождались, дождались..." (С)
На ibresource.ru есть русский перевод
PS: "Дождались, дождались..." (С)
Уже есть ibp v2.0.1
Только теперь инвижин от версии 2 стал платным.
Кто не успел скачать бесплатно, ищите на варез сайтах.
Вот лол конкретный.
Кто не успел скачать бесплатно, ищите на варез сайтах.
Вот лол конкретный.
Кто нибудь подскажите где можно скачать русскую IPB(без регистрации и бесплатно).
Вышеприведённые ссылки мертвы.
Вышеприведённые ссылки мертвы.
Появился IPB v2.0.3.
уже есть почти русский модифицированный IPB 2.03
вот www.forum.exet.ru
вот www.forum.exet.ru
в сети появилась 2,0,4
Invision Power Board v2.0.4
Invision Community Blog v1.1.2
Invision Top.Site List v1.1
Invision Community Blog v1.1.2
Invision Top.Site List v1.1
Вышла IPB v2.1
Нееее, только-только IPB 2.1.0 FINAL: Released. 

Народ насколько я знаю форум стал платным. У кого нить есть 1.3 версия?
Де-факто можно использовать любую версию ipb, какую найдешь. Единственное, не стоит изменять копирайты, иначе можно огрести от русского оф сайта.
Де-факто можно использовать любую версию ipb, какую найдешь. Единственное, не стоит изменять копирайты, иначе можно огрести от русского оф сайта.
[offtop] А де-юре можно только, если я не ошибаюсь, 1.3, все что до нее и 2.0.0 Trial. Все что выше 2.0 - точно не бесплатное. [/offtop]
В этой теме только сами новости и никакого обсуждения!
IPB 2.1.5 Released
BUGS FIXED (IPB 2.1.4 -> IPB 2.1.5)
[ACP] If your ACP session times out, and you click on a template group, or template bit, you are redirected back to that page after logging in without the ACP wrapper
Using the search engine, members can read invisible posts and topics if the Mode is set to Manual, or is set to Full Text, with Advanced Method enabled.
Secondary member groups not honored for forum and topic tracker emails
API - member information is reset by the topics/posts API, can cause problems if API is used from within IPB source files where member information needs to be checked again later
My Assistant does not close properly if you do not have access to view the board
Admin logs show login name instead of display name
Submit button does not work in Firefox if you hit the back button on a form
Renaming an emoticon folder in the ACP causes the emoticons not to show up on the post screen
Users are able to post new topics to root categories (even though setting indicates they should not be able to)
Subscription Manager currency editor only allows up to 3 digits before the decimal point
Certain conditions can cause regex sql to print bad html
Hardcoded text
Smilies always insert at end of fast reply area
[RTE] IE - insert list does not work properly as of 2.1.4
[RTE] PHP variables used in the fast reply result in a regex error
Settings page sets all field types to 30 for input fields (instead of text)
Bad upload url getting inserted on install
Avatar setting under User Profiles is not used anylonger
Deleting a forum assigned to an RSS import causes a bad entry in the forum cache
[ACP] Number of registered members count does not update when adding a member from the ACP
open_basedir can produce php warning on some php versions if load limit is to be checked
[ACP] Changing the last registered member's name/display name does not update the stats
With force login enabled, the http_referer is not set, and users are not redirected back to the page they requested
[RSS] Some php versions returning inaccurate times for RSS imported articles if feed does not supply the time
Rebuild tools not running on the correct number of items at a time
Lost password form will not allow you to complete request if Script/Bot control is set to 'None'
RTE - Multiple font tag attributs (i.e. size and color) get nested into one tag and one value is not honored as a result
Doublequotes used in the prefix/suffix field when editing a group cause the form field to break
Max email length was increased, however the DB column was not updated in 2.1.4
Apostrophe's are converted to html entities when clicking 'More Options' from the Fast Reply
HTML used for table header in Messenger functions causes a small second th row
Personal photo popup window not dynamically sized, can result in scrolling
Minor javascript error in the pm card popup when logged in as a guest
Only one calendar event per day showing in forthcoming calendar events on board index
Inconsistent HTML used for profile view
Unterminated html tag for smilie table
Approving/unapproving posts from within a topic, the moderator action is not logged
Task Manager goes to top of page when you click link to see Cron CURL code
Minor typo in ipb_settings.xml
Forum inline moderation - 'With Selected' defaults to 1 if no topics selected
no_reg variable evaulated instead of being set in index.php when board is offline
UTF-8 charsets double decoded incorrectly when using AJAX
New ACP restrictions against Admin Splash page undesirable for some users - added a new perm key specifically for Admin Splash page
System javascript error in IE6 when using AJAX if using Russian character set
Some of the index.html files are outdated (refer to free copy of IPB)
0 byte index.html file causes upload issues with some FTP clients
SQL error for specific versions of MySQL using specific filtering options on forum view (ambiguous column error)
Email topic emails not applying email settings properly
Profile does not show anoynmous user location if group has ability to view anonymous users
Contact member emails not applying email settings properly
BUGS FIXED (IPB 2.1.4 -> IPB 2.1.5)
[ACP] If your ACP session times out, and you click on a template group, or template bit, you are redirected back to that page after logging in without the ACP wrapper
Using the search engine, members can read invisible posts and topics if the Mode is set to Manual, or is set to Full Text, with Advanced Method enabled.
Secondary member groups not honored for forum and topic tracker emails
API - member information is reset by the topics/posts API, can cause problems if API is used from within IPB source files where member information needs to be checked again later
My Assistant does not close properly if you do not have access to view the board
Admin logs show login name instead of display name
Submit button does not work in Firefox if you hit the back button on a form
Renaming an emoticon folder in the ACP causes the emoticons not to show up on the post screen
Users are able to post new topics to root categories (even though setting indicates they should not be able to)
Subscription Manager currency editor only allows up to 3 digits before the decimal point
Certain conditions can cause regex sql to print bad html
Hardcoded text
Smilies always insert at end of fast reply area
[RTE] IE - insert list does not work properly as of 2.1.4
[RTE] PHP variables used in the fast reply result in a regex error
Settings page sets all field types to 30 for input fields (instead of text)
Bad upload url getting inserted on install
Avatar setting under User Profiles is not used anylonger
Deleting a forum assigned to an RSS import causes a bad entry in the forum cache
[ACP] Number of registered members count does not update when adding a member from the ACP
open_basedir can produce php warning on some php versions if load limit is to be checked
[ACP] Changing the last registered member's name/display name does not update the stats
With force login enabled, the http_referer is not set, and users are not redirected back to the page they requested
[RSS] Some php versions returning inaccurate times for RSS imported articles if feed does not supply the time
Rebuild tools not running on the correct number of items at a time
Lost password form will not allow you to complete request if Script/Bot control is set to 'None'
RTE - Multiple font tag attributs (i.e. size and color) get nested into one tag and one value is not honored as a result
Doublequotes used in the prefix/suffix field when editing a group cause the form field to break
Max email length was increased, however the DB column was not updated in 2.1.4
Apostrophe's are converted to html entities when clicking 'More Options' from the Fast Reply
HTML used for table header in Messenger functions causes a small second th row
Personal photo popup window not dynamically sized, can result in scrolling
Minor javascript error in the pm card popup when logged in as a guest
Only one calendar event per day showing in forthcoming calendar events on board index
Inconsistent HTML used for profile view
Unterminated html tag for smilie table
Approving/unapproving posts from within a topic, the moderator action is not logged
Task Manager goes to top of page when you click link to see Cron CURL code
Minor typo in ipb_settings.xml
Forum inline moderation - 'With Selected' defaults to 1 if no topics selected
no_reg variable evaulated instead of being set in index.php when board is offline
UTF-8 charsets double decoded incorrectly when using AJAX
New ACP restrictions against Admin Splash page undesirable for some users - added a new perm key specifically for Admin Splash page
System javascript error in IE6 when using AJAX if using Russian character set
Some of the index.html files are outdated (refer to free copy of IPB)
0 byte index.html file causes upload issues with some FTP clients
SQL error for specific versions of MySQL using specific filtering options on forum view (ambiguous column error)
Email topic emails not applying email settings properly
Profile does not show anoynmous user location if group has ability to view anonymous users
Contact member emails not applying email settings properly
Invision Power Board 2.1.6
Invision Power Board 2.1.6 is a maintenance release which consolidates the recent security updates and fixes two potential vulnerabilities where a moderator with topic deletion permission could force an SQL injection. IPB 2.1.6 also features an improved "IPB Update Available" notification system which includes a new image when a security update is released and an interal build number to make it easier to determine which updates need to be made.
Invision Power Services выпустила новую версию Invision Power Board — 2.2.1 (english version)
Это первое обновление форумов IP.Board 2.2.0. Направлено на исправление всех ошибок в IPB2.2, которые были найдены после выпуска новой версии для пользователей.
Поробно на английском языке здесь _http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=230902
Это первое обновление форумов IP.Board 2.2.0. Направлено на исправление всех ошибок в IPB2.2, которые были найдены после выпуска новой версии для пользователей.
Поробно на английском языке здесь _http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=230902
Invision Power Services выпустила новую версию Invision Power Board — 2.2.2 (english version)
Это очередное обновление форумов линейки IP.Board 2.2.х.
Подробнее прочитать можно здесь _http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=232702
Это очередное обновление форумов линейки IP.Board 2.2.х.
Подробнее прочитать можно здесь _http://forums.invisionpower.com/index.php?showtopic=232702
Компания IBResource официально объявила о выпуске новой русской версии форума Invision Power Board v2.2.2.
Подробнее здесь _http://www.ibresource.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=43030&pid=244717&st=0&#entry244717
Подробнее здесь _http://www.ibresource.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=43030&pid=244717&st=0&#entry244717
вышла финальная версия Invision Power Board 2.3.0 English
клиентам доступна для скачивания, скоро выйдет русская версии 2.3.0 на айбиресурс
полный список дополнений, изменений и баг фиксов
клиентам доступна для скачивания, скоро выйдет русская версии 2.3.0 на айбиресурс
полный список дополнений, изменений и баг фиксов
IBResource официально объявила о выпуске новой русской версии форума Invision Power Board v2.3.1
Вышла версия Invision Power Board 2.3.2 English
а где бесплатно скачать можно ???
Invision Power Board
Invision Power Board
кто точно знает, он платный или нет?
на офф сайте уже вроде только за деньги
на офф сайте уже вроде только за деньги
Invision Power Board (ipb)
Он платный. Из бесплатных легально можно использовать все версии 1.x.x, версии 2.x.x платные.
а где бесплатно скачать можно ???
Invision Power Board (ipb)
кто точно знает, он платный или нет?
Он платный. Из бесплатных легально можно использовать все версии 1.x.x, версии 2.x.x платные.
IBResource объявила о выпуске новой версии форума Invision Power Board v2.3.5
Форум Ru-Board.club — поднят 15-09-2016 числа. Цель - сохранить наследие старого Ru-Board, истории становления российского интернета. Сделано для людей.