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Короче, Brave Dwarves 2 существуют в 4-х версиях:
Brave Dwarves 2 - 6 эпизодов.
Brave Dwarves 2 Gold - 12 эпизодов.
Brave Dwarves 2 Deluxe - 16 эпизодов.
Brave Dwarves 2 RA - версия для Real Arcade и 2 levelpack'а к ней (всего получается как в Gold 12 эпизодов). После Deluxe вышли 3 levelpack'а.
January Pack Эпизоды:
Mystery tombs
Castle on the Hill
Winter Pack Эпизоды:
Winter Saga
Escape from Iceland
Spring Pack Эпизоды:
Orc's valley
Mountain gorge
Вот цитаты:
Brave Dwarves 2: January Expansion Pack.
We receive hundreds of requests for new episodes.
And it's a great pleasure for us to realize them for you. We had released this new set with 2 only episodes and it goes easy to download. We had also tested them well and hope it should be a real challenge for your skills!
The mood of holidays is everywhere! Two Dwarves are going to make all the best to finish their business in outgoing year to have some time for a great party! Don't stay away from this quest - help your heroes to choose the right way!
Just win the "Mystery tombs" and hurry in "Castle on the Hill".
Brave Dwarves 2: Winter Level.
Winter Level pack is a game about two Dwarves are going to make all the best to finish their business in outgoing year to have some time for a great party! Don't stay away from this quest - help your heroes to choose the right way! Just win the "winter Saga" and hurry in "Escape from Iceland".
Brave Dwarves 2: Spring Level Pack.
Even in Wonderland seasons change each other. Winter had retreated from the scene. Our friends - brave dwarves are ready for new quests.
Now they can get in territories that were closed by snow and ice. First place they approach is "Orc's valley". Wizard had received a secret message from his coleague. He writes that orcs are ready to invade Wonderland.
We need to forestall the enemy!
The second problem is that orcish allies can join main forces... They are now going through "Mountain gorge".
It's a best place where we can fight them! Hurry up!
Хотят по 8$ за каждый pack.