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A Snake's Life version 2.0 If you've never tried this game or you tried it a long time ago you might want to have a look. This version is quite different from the original release of the game in many respects.
This is a free upgrade for anyone who already owns the game, however a few words of caution. This is not a strict upgrade in the sense that it's the same game you already have + more stuff added on. It's a refinement of the game. So if you choose to upgrade to the new version then please install it to a new directory, as we will not always be able to easily give you back the old version if you prefer that one for some reason. That being said I do think the new version is an improvement overall.
An easy way to see how the new version plays would be to try the demo, but here's a brief list of the changes.
2 new scenes, a cave and a new lawn area.
Many modified scenes like versions of the forest with less logs and smaller subsections of the forest.
The game now has music throughout every scene.
You may now save and return to your game later.
You can no longer die by crashing into scenery.
The level progression is completely new.
The user interface outside the game has been totally reworked and improved.
There is no more Arena Mode
There is only 1 skill selection which is the same as medium speed in the original game.
Some improved graphics
icedank Ну подставить сернум хоствинчестера - это скучно и уже у всех есть.
А вот кейген давай, там реверс прикольный. Очень хотелось бы взлянуть.