С Днюхой!
С Днюхой!

Есть ли такая программа, которая может просматривать и открывать хитро запакованные папки? Такие папки часто имеют вид файла и расширения: .dat .pak .bin
Dragon Unpacker
к сожалению эта программка работает только со своим поддерживаемым списком файлов.
Те файлы, которые не в списке, она даже не видит
Update 1 - wikipedia.com
19 January 2008
Rapidshare.com, As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT.
Rapidshare.com, As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT.
As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT, Rapidshare's servers appear to not be responding, this is from two causes:
1. The DNS servers are not responding so web browsers don't know what address to try to connect to.
2. The servers - and are not responding on port 80; however is responding on port 80.
* This could be caused by a down link on the path to that address space.
The response from rapidshare's DNS servers before the incident is listed below:
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
rapidshare.com has address
There are rumors that Rapidshare has been shut down by the authorities after a court order, however, court records do not reveal any issued Rapidshare court order as of yet. The downtime is said to be caused by a server overload (a result of too many downloads, and thus, increasing bandwidth). Rapidshare have yet to comment on this issue.
refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RapidShare
Update 2 - personal
as of 20:50 GMT this information was removed from the rapidshare PAGE AT WIKIPEDIA
Update 3 - digg.com
As of 19 January 2008 16:00 GMT, Rapidshare AGs servers were shutdown by anti-piracy authorities in Germany. More than hundreds of Rapidshare servers were seized from their offices in Berlin although no arrests were made. Sources said, authorities are contemplating pursuing legal action against users who distribute and download pirated copies of software and movies from these servers.
Update 4 - personal
Servers arent down you can view the site via IP -
[edit] using a reverse DNS tracker the ip translates into a site teliacarrier.com yeh dont try signing in or anything
Update 5 - slashdot.com
"The GEMA (Germany's RIAA) obtained a temporary injunction against 'one-click-hoster' Rapidshare.com. If their lawsuit is successful, the GEMA intends to use it as a beachhead against their next targets, including Youtube and MySpace. From the article: 'According to GEMA, the service ... has at times boasted of making some 15 million files available to its users. The operator had however failed to obtain from GEMA a license for making copyright protected files available ... Through its injunctions the District Court in Cologne had now made it clear to the company that the fact that it was the users and not the operator of the services that uploaded the content onto the sites did not, from a legal point of view, lessen the operator's liability for copyright infringements that occurred within the context of the services, the spokesman added.'"
Update 6 - postchronicle.com
The "official" word is that the downtime is said to have been caused by a server overload.
Rapidshare technician Steven Gircham has reportedly commented on this issue - "There are rumors concerning attacks made on the Rapidshare.com servers. There are also rumors that Rapidshare has been shut down by a court order. These rumors are false. We would like to apologize to our users and inform them that no data has been lost. There have been some hardware issues as a result of high bandwidth and server overload. We are doing our very best to resolve the hardware issues, and users should expect uptime by midnight tonight (GMT)"
you can still view the site via IP -
slashdot says >>> They either got DOS attacked, and are having trouble getting there DNS working or they want it to at least appear that way. At the moment, it would appear that they where NOT taken down by any "anti-piracy originizations"
На 19 января 2008 16:00 по Гринвичу, серверы AG'S Rapidshare были закрыты немецкой антипиратской организацией GEMA. Больше чем сотни серверов Rapidshare были конфискованы из их офисов в Берлине, хотя никакие аресты не были сделаны. Также вероятны судебные преследования пользователей, которые скачивали и закачивали файлы с этих серверов.
Вот официальное заявление GEMA на немецком
С пол часа назад попробовал с л...ебита качать(ессно предварительно вытянув прямую ссылку с помощью LetitShit), скорость никакущая, плюс постоянные обрывы - ужос.
Ещё о рапиде
NEW: Upload up to 300 MB per file now!
Ура уже работает... рапида
Ура уже работает... рапида
Автор: Veloshut, Отправлено:20:12 11-01-2008
Если кому не трудно из "толстоканальщиков" - скачайте пожалуйста flash-файл отсюда:
и выложите на рапиду.
Автор: brevi, Отправлено:22:06 11-01-2008
Автор: Veloshut, Отправлено:12:13 12-01-2008
Спасибо, но действительно не пашет в оффлайне
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