Автор: socdef
Дата сообщения: 17.12.2006 22:23
Не могу открыть Вордом-2007 русским свои документы, сохраненные ранее в Word for Windows 2.x. Пишет, что заблокирована групповая политика. Инструкцию предлагают такую:
For restrictions on files that were created in Word for Windows 1.x, Word for Windows 2.x, Word for Macintosh 4.x, Word for Macintosh 5.x, or a prerelease version of Word 2003 or an earlier prerelease version of Word, a user who has administrator permissions can modify the behavior. For other restrictions that are imposed by an administrator, contact the system administrator.
• To disable the restriction so that you can open blocked documents that were created in a prerelease version of Word 2003 or in an earlier prerelease version of Word, follow these steps:
Note This does not apply to the release version of Word 2007. By default, the registry key was enabled only in the prerelease versions of Word 2007.1. Exit Word 2007.
2. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
3. Locate and then select the following registry subkey:
Note This registry subkey may not exist. If the subkey is not present, you must create it.
4. Right-click InternalFiles, and then click Modify.
5. In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.
6. On the File menu, click Exit to exit Registry Editor.
• To disable the restriction so that you can open documents that were saved in an earlier version of Word, follow these steps: 1. Exit Word 2007.
2. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
3. Locate and then select the following registry subkey:
Note This registry subkey may not exist. If the subkey is not present, you must create it.
4. After you select the subkey that is specified in step 3, point to New on the Edit menu, and then click DWORD Value.
5. Type FilesBeforeVersion, and then press ENTER.
6. Right-click FilesBeforeVersion, and then click Modify.
7. In the Value data box, type 0, and then click OK.
8. On the File menu, click Exit to exit Registry Editor.
Нашел у себя в реестре только строку HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft. Дальше ничего не было. Последовательно создал далее разделы Office\12.0\Word\Security\. Потом создал параметр DWORD, присвоил ему значение ноль (так понял инструкцию, может быть, неправильно). Проблема не решилась: старые документы по-прежнему не открываются. Что не так делаю?