GoodSync 9.9.37 Изменения: * Amazon CD: run Analyzes that involve ACD in MD5 compare mode, as file mod time is unreliable on ACD.
* Amazon CD: MD5 from ACD is cheap to get, make sure the other job side is Local, or its MD5 is cheap too.
* Amazon CD: add delay to listing cache, as a workaround for files not appearing on ACD after upload.
* SFTP: speed up, fix memory leaks, improve randomness.
* GSTP Client: fix problems in Forwarder change, reconnections did not always happen.
* GSTP Server: fix delayed PickupSession UDP messages kill current session.
* GSTP Server: request authentication to show Server stats.
* Explorer: fix uploading entire folder placed files into wonrg folder.
* Encrypted Files: improve error message that occurrs when password is wrong.
GoodSync for Mac v 5.2.7 Изменения: * SFTP: speed up, fix memory leaks, improve randomness.
* Improve handling proxies.
* All changes from GoodSync Windows 9.9.37.