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» FreeArc: бесплатный open-source архиватор - Часть 2

Автор: spider91
Дата сообщения: 09.06.2009 23:42

а попонятней можно? я не оч понял
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 09.06.2009 23:48
степени двойки - это 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4196,8192,16384
Автор: spider91
Дата сообщения: 09.06.2009 23:51

Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 01:27

без facompress что?

тоже самое, примерно

Using rep:1670mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1670mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1670mb:h26+
Memory for compression 1926mb, decompression 10.3%
ОШИБКА: невозможно выделить память, необходимую для (рас)паковки в rep:1670mb:h26

ну так фрагментация

раньше такого не было
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 01:28

раньше такого не было

можешь поискать когда появилось?
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 01:34

можешь поискать когда появилось?

поищу, но днём
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 08:55

можешь поискать когда появилось?

проверял без facompress

началось это с 15.05.2009
Arc.exe 15.05.2009 14:34 - FreeArc 0.52 alpha (May 14 2009)

последний рабочий Arc.exe (из того что у меня есть)
Arc.exe 07.05.2009 16:04 - FreeArc 0.52 alpha (May 7 2009)


а сколько выше описаный тобой способ требует памяти для распаковки?

для распаковки минимум размер словаря - 1600m
это не способ, а выяснение предела сжатия, к чему пытаться стремиться при меньших настройках, для данного набора данных, обычно в конце цепочки стоит lzma, но здесь от него нет толка.

Arc.exe a a_rep5.arc -mrep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+
tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26 nativePC2\ -di -di+%$# -lc- -ld-

rep:1800mb:h26: bytes (3055МБ)
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.914.577.877 bytes (2780МБ)
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.867.663.368 bytes (2735МБ)
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.867.635.985 bytes (2735МБ)
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.867.631.326 bytes (2735МБ)

дожатие с помощью Winrar скоростной - 2725МБ
Автор: CTACKo
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 13:09

В очередной раз убеждаюсь что некий skullptura знает freearc лучше чем все здесь вместе взятые, включая автора фа
В частности я про его репак игры DeadSpace уже спрашивал - мало того что его результат остался недостижим, так он умудряется еще как-то сортировать или, скажем так, подбирать порции данных для упаковки так, что результат сжатия в итоге просто потрясающий. Чем он руководствуется - я не знаю, но как-то он это делает, и если бы знать как, то можно было бы усовершенствовать алгоритмы сжатия у фа.
Интересно что я тут жал ресурсы игрухи Stranglehold и получилось следующее, если жать -mx -ld1gb всю папку, которая весит 9гб, получаю архив размером 4,2гб. Но дело в том что 4,2гб - это плохо для fat32 систем, поэтому я решил разделить данные на 2 порции, примерно по половине объема каждая, и паковать их по-отдельности с теми же параметрами - и результат получился 3,8гб, т.е. на 400 метров лучше! В чем же здесь секрет? хз... Для эксперимента я пошел далее - разделил данные на порции по 0,95-0,99гб. Вышло 9 порций, которые паканул с теми же параметрами и получил в итоге 4,11гб...
На этом бы все, но еще такой прикол - я объеденил те 2 архива в 1 с помощью гуяшного фа и конвернул полученное в ехе. Теперь если заходить в архив с помощью гуяшного фа он показывает что в архиве только 300 файлов, т.е. только те что шли во втором архиве, хотя реально распаковует все файлы, но в конце распаковки падает с критической ошибкой типа "Память не может быть read".
Кроме того очень часто при конвертировании архива в ехе теряется его иконка, т.е. у получаемого ехе иконка отсутствует вообще, и такой архив получает иконку неизвестного приложения типа как у ДОС-овских ехе-шнегоф.
Использовались console freearc 0.52 (may 31 2009) / GUI FreeArc 0.51 (Apr 28 2009)

Такой вопрос - ну вот функция join есть, я ею воспользовался, а есть обратка? Т.е. как получить обратно те 2 куска из которых был слеплен этот 1?
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 13:22

На этом бы все, но еще такой прикол - я объеденил те 2 архива в 1 с помощью гуяшного фа и конвернул полученное в ехе. Теперь если заходить в архив с помощью гуяшного фа он показывает что в архиве только 300 файлов, т.е. только те что шли во втором архиве,

вот это мне не нравится. тебе эти архивы долго будет в инет выложить?

Такой вопрос - ну вот функция join есть, я ею воспользовался, а есть обратка? Т.е. как получить обратно те 2 куска из которых был слеплен этот 1?

да, просто удалить лишние файлы. дай команлу lt на исходных и объединённом архиве, затем выдели из общего списка файлов (команда l) те что попадают в те или иные куски


получаю архив размером 4,2гб. Но дело в том что 4,2гб - это плохо для fat32 систем, поэтому я решил разделить данные на 2 порции, примерно по половине объема каждая, и паковать их по-отдельности с теми же параметрами - и результат получился 3,8гб, т.е. на 400 метров лучше! В чем же здесь секрет? хз...

просто rep нахордит повторения на дистанции до гига, ты расположил данные более удачно - вот и получил выигрыш
Автор: CTACKo
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 14:44

вот это мне не нравится. тебе эти архивы долго будет в инет выложить?
ну так 3.7Гб выкладывать будет долго - сам понимаешь. к тому же цельным я его не смогу выложить, такое врядли какой-то из файлообменников поддерживает...
но я думаю что если баг имеет место быть, то его смоделировать не будет тяжко.
с другой стороны если очень хочеццо мой архив - мне не жалко. попробуем тогда какой-нить торент или договоримся мылом - могу выложить на свой фтп и дать тебе доступ.
да, просто удалить лишние файлы. дай команлу lt на исходных и объединённом архиве, затем выдели из общего списка файлов (команда l) те что попадают в те или иные куски
в целом понятно, но в данном случае интересно т.к. удалить-то я могу только то что видно хотя это я про гуяшный фа... может в консольном-то все видно.
просто rep нахордит повторения на дистанции до гига, ты расположил данные более удачно - вот и получил выигрыш
т.е. при -мх получаем реп:1024, так?
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 15:27

ну так 3.7Гб выкладывать будет долго - сам понимаешь. к тому же цельным я его не смогу выложить, такое врядли какой-то из файлообменников поддерживает...
но я думаю что если баг имеет место быть, то его смоделировать не будет тяжко.
с другой стороны если очень хочеццо мой архив - мне не жалко. попробуем тогда какой-нить торент или договоримся мылом - могу выложить на свой фтп и дать тебе доступ.

у кого как. у меня сейчас до гига за час прокчивается. давай через ftp - выложи и напиши мне на

т.е. при -мх получаем реп:1024, так?

rep:1024m - разумеется если у тебя достаточно памяти

> но я думаю что если баг имеет место быть, то его смоделировать не будет тяжко.

попробовал - не получается
Автор: spider91
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 15:43

В частности я про его репак игры DeadSpace уже спрашивал - мало того что его результат остался недостижим

как ето недостижим? я силнее его пожал
Автор: CTACKo
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 18:52

> но я думаю что если баг имеет место быть, то его смоделировать не будет тяжко.
попробовал - не получается
тоже попробовал повторить - не получилось... идем через фтп.

Тут такой еще вопрос, кажется егор_23 поделилсо такой прогой, которая типа про память рассказывает (memo2g.exe/memo4g.exe). Так вот, эта прога говорит, если я все правильно понимаю, что наибольший нефраментированный участок памяти у меня 1326 метров:
[more]There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 3327 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2788 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 5210 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4715 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2047 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 2032 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1326 mb, addr=10060000
Allocated 294 mb, addr=62F10000
Allocated 246 mb, addr=009C0000
Allocated 72 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 25 mb, addr=7C9B0000
Allocated 24 mb, addr=76380000
Allocated 18 mb, addr=7E400000
Allocated 13 mb, addr=755B0000
Allocated 7 mb, addr=7F7F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=77C60000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 3327 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2788 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 5210 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4711 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2047 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.[/more]
но почемуто при этом нельзя задать сжатие для rep: больше чем 800Мб, при 832 фа говорит что для сжатия нада 1088Мб, для распаковки 832. По ходу для 1326 можно и больше чем 832, но фа отваливается с сообщением Can't allocate memory for (de)compression...

Цитата:В частности я про его репак игры DeadSpace уже спрашивал - мало того что его результат остался недостижим
как ето недостижим? я силнее его пожал
ну, я, например, так и ниасилил. Можешь поподробнее как жал и почему?
Автор: spider91
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 19:04

да не так ето сложно, самый простой способ ето реп и сверху лзма и все нормально жмется
Автор: CTACKo
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 19:49

да не так ето сложно, самый простой способ ето реп и сверху лзма и все нормально жмется
ну так а -mx это не то же самое чтоли? я вот пробовал при -mx и -ld512 - на выходе получалось куда больше чем у скульптуры. озу 4 гектара, вынь ХРх86, видны только 3.2Гб
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 20:06

которая типа про память рассказывает (memo2g.exe/memo4g.exe)

она про свои блоки рассказывает
на данный момент есть VMMap
запустите arc.exe (только arc.exe без команд) и нажмите паузу (сделать надо быстро, чтобы arc.exe не успел завершить работу)
и в VMMap будет всё в деталях показано.
Автор: CTACKo
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 20:37
Как не пробовал - всегда выдает только хелп и все. где ни останови. либо пусто под ним, либо ключи идут...
А по-другому как-нить низзя узреть VMMap? может есть какая-то сторонняя прога вроде memo2g.exe/memo4g.exe?
И если все неочень, как исправить?
Я вот попробовал дефрагментаторы для памяти - чет не помогло, неправильные что ли скачал...
В частности пробовал RAM Def 2.5 XTreme!
Непонятно - фигли прогам выделяют память таким образом, что свободная память не остается одним куском?

а, вот забыл еще такой прикол сказать. все по тому же объединенному архиву - когда он сделан гуяшным ехешником, то при распаковке прогресс бар (пб) показывает статистику не на файлы, а на создание какого-то временного файла. Т.е. вот архивов там как бы два. Как только первый временный файл создан, пб показывает 50% выполнено, но именно в этот момент только начинают появляться файлы. Так же и со вторым - создается второй временный файл, по пб уже 100%, но фа только начал извлекать вторую порцию файлов...
Получается что смотришь на этот пб, но реально он не отображает хода событий и непонятно что происходит... В таком случае надо было бы делить половину отведенного на один архив в пб статуса на 2 части, т.е. всего 4 на 2 архива. Первые 25% отображали бы создание времянки и следующие 25% непосредственно извлечение файлов, ну и далее по тексту
Автор: spider91
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 20:50

ну так а -mx это не то же самое чтоли? я вот пробовал при -mx и -ld512 - на выходе получалось куда больше чем у скульптуры. озу 4 гектара, вынь ХРх86, видны только 3.2Гб

нет не тоже самое. попробуй


или второй вариант:

сначала -mrep:512m:a99 и потом -mlzma:512m:a2:128:mc2
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 20:55

может есть какая-то сторонняя прога вроде memo2g.exe/memo4g.exe?

VMMap и есть сторонняя прога

Как не пробовал - всегда выдает только хелп и все.

запускаете консоль набираете arc.exe жмёте Enter и жмёте Pause (практически одновременно), может с первого раза не получится повторяете.
или можно запустить на упаковку, например с rep:1m, и нажать паузу, но это не удобно.

и кстати добаьте -di -di+%$# и в самом arc.exe увидите какие блоки есть.
Автор: spider91
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 21:06


Цитата:а сколько выше описаный тобой способ требует памяти для распаковки?

для распаковки минимум размер словаря - 1600m

вот ето какраз много, нельзя сделать такой же размер и чтоб требовало ~700мб для распаковки?
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 21:06
Егор, я посмотрел, но с 7 по 14 мая почти ничего кроме GUI не менялось. имхо, это ошибка просто чуть-чуть "сместилась", т.е. раньше она возникала скажем при словаре в 1669 мб. можешь потестировать соседние значения со старой версией?

а ещё возьми и запусти ту же команду с -di+%. я счас добавил вывод на консоль карты памяти перед запуском каждого алгоритма сжатия - интересно будет взглянуть. я и сам в принципе попробую


вот ето какраз много, нельзя сделать такой же размер и чтоб требовало ~700мб для распаковки?

только ручным подобром порядка блоков как это делал skulptura


Тут такой еще вопрос, кажется егор_23 поделилсо такой прогой, которая типа про память рассказывает (memo2g.exe/memo4g.exe). Так вот, эта прога говорит, если я все правильно понимаю, что наибольший нефраментированный участок памяти у меня 1326 метров:
но почемуто при этом нельзя задать сжатие для rep: больше чем 800Мб, при 832 фа говорит что для сжатия нада 1088Мб, для распаковки 832. По ходу для 1326 можно и больше чем 832, но фа отваливается с сообщением Can't allocate memory for (de)compression...

а вот ты тоже возьми и запусти в консоли

arc a archive ... -di+% -mrep:832m

и затем кинь мне что он там напечатал

вот, протестировал сам: [more]

C:\Temp>C:\!\FreeArchiver\Tests\Arc.exe create a_rep5.arc -mrep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+
tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26 D:\testing\vm -di -di+%$# -lc- -ld- --nodir
FreeArc 0.52 alpha (June 10 2009) using additional options: --logfile=c:\temp\freearc.log --display=hnwftsr --language=C
There is 55 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1802 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5262 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4015 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1661 mb, addr=03920000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 55 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1802 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5255 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 21 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Creating archive: a_rep5.arc using rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h2
Memory for compression 2056mb, decompression 1800mb, cache 1mb
Started: 0.00 secs
Compressing 1 file, bytes. Processed 0.0%There is 55 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1802 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5261 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4012 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1658 mb, addr=03C30000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 55 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1802 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5254 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Compressing 1 file of bytes: 0.03 secs
Using rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26
Memory for compression 2056mb, decompression 1800mb

Before 1: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 56 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1800 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5261 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4012 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1658 mb, addr=03C30000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 56 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1800 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5253 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 2: tempfile
There is 62 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1535 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 3200 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1953 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1400 mb, addr=03E30000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 62 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1535 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 3196 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 3: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 35 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2625 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 6006 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3980 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1627 mb, addr=05B30000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 35 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2626 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 6000 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 4: tempfile
There is 42 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2367 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 3946 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1923 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1371 mb, addr=05B30000
Allocated 246 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 42 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2368 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 3942 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 5: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 37 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2570 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5996 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3980 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1627 mb, addr=05B30000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 37 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2571 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5989 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 6: tempfile
There is 43 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2327 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 3940 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1923 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1371 mb, addr=05B30000
Allocated 246 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 43 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2327 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 3937 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 7: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 33 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2703 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5971 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3980 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1627 mb, addr=05B30000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 33 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2703 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5964 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 8: tempfile
There is 40 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2437 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 3906 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1923 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1371 mb, addr=05B30000
Allocated 246 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 40 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2443 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 3902 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 9: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 35 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2640 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5929 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3978 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1625 mb, addr=05D30000
Allocated 138 mb, addr=6B6D0000
Allocated 127 mb, addr=770D0000
Allocated 10 mb, addr=742C0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=74D50000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=764F0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=76690000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=762C0000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=75250000
There is 35 percent of memory in use.
There are 4094 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2641 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 8405 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 5922 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 20 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
99.8% Solid block compression results (119.247 seconds)
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.932.716.643 bytes in 30.841 seconds
tempfile: 2.932.716.643 bytes in 2.184 seconds
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.918.629.713 bytes in 20.811 seconds
tempfile: 2.918.629.713 bytes in 1.217 seconds
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.915.938.986 bytes in 20.623 seconds
tempfile: 2.915.938.986 bytes in 1.295 seconds
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.914.845.283 bytes in 20.577 seconds
tempfile: 2.914.845.283 bytes in 1.279 seconds
rep:1800mb:h26: 2.914.279.990 bytes in 20.421 s
Compressed 1 file, => 2.914.279.990 bytes. Ratio 68.6%
Compression time: cpu 164.18 secs, real 914.65 secs. Speed 4.640 kB/s
All OK

как видишь, после первого прохода памяти становится меньше. это имхо tempfile свои 8+8 мег отъедает, два tempfile (входной+выходной) - 32 мега съедено
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 21:56

вот, протестировал сам: Подробнее...
как видишь, после первого прохода памяти становится меньше. это имхо tempfile свои 8+8 мег отъедает, два tempfile (входной+выходной) - 32 мега съедено

перед каждым rep есть блок в 2047m
возникла мысль, может не успевает освобождаться память?


возникла мысль, может не успевает освобождаться память?

или выделение идёт параллельно...
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 22:36

перед каждым rep есть блок в 2047m
возникла мысль, может не успевает освобождаться память?

что ты имеешь в виду? учти, что это на моей машине и здесь эта упаковка проходит прекрасно. а вот у тебя это отъедание 32 мег может рушить всю малину. строго говоря, мне надо сделать проверку свободной памяти и соответствующее обрезание метода непосредственно перед началом сжатия. нынешний вариант когда обрезание производится в самом начале работы, не справляется с этой фигнёй с tempfile. ещё одно возможное объяснение почему -mx не работал
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 22:37

а ещё возьми и запусти ту же команду с -di+%

Arc.exe a a_rep5.arc -mrep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26 nativePC2\ -di -di+% -lc- -ld
FreeArc 0.52 alpha (June 10 2009) using additional options: --language=C:\temp\arc.languages\arc.russian.txt
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2143 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2137 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4021 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1657 mb, addr=03610000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2143 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2129 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Creating archive: a_rep5.arc using rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26
Memory for compression 2056mb, decompression 1800mb, cache 1mb

Before 1: storing
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2126 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4010 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1646 mb, addr=04120000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: storing
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2126 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2126 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: storing
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2126 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2126 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2126 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4006 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1642 mb, addr=045A0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 2: tempfile
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1875 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 65 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1947 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1384 mb, addr=047E0000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1876 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 62 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 3: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2148 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2120 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3999 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1799 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1635 mb, addr=04C20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2148 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2112 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

ОШИБКА: невозможно выделить память, необходимую для (рас)паковки в rep:1800mb:h26


Allocated 1799 mb, addr=8F790000
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 22:43
ага. а теперь попробуй то же самое с --nodir
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 22:43
а куда делся 2047m?
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 22:54
я всё понял!!!

его порезали из него взяли сначала 1800м, а затем tempfile там же выделил 256кб. я кстати ошибся - tempfile выделяет блоки по 256к, и не одновременно: выделили блок, записали данные в файл, осовбодили блок, выполнили внещний компрессор (для tempfile это просто rrename), затем выделил память снова и прочитали данные.

вот этот кусочек в 256к и разрезал память на две части. хотя почему там дальше не срасталось - я всё равно пока не понял. возможно, дело в том, что я тестировал с --nodir

тем не менее, я исправил tempfile чтобы он свои 256к выделял снизу. пробуй arc2 снова
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 23:10

ага. а теперь попробуй то же самое с --nodir

ОШИБКА: невозможно выделить память, необходимую для (рас)паковки в rep:1800mb:h26
Arc.exe a a_rep5.arc -mrep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26 nativePC2\ -di -di+% -lc- -ld- --nodir
FreeArc 0.52 alpha (June 10 2009) using additional options: --language=C:\temp\arc.languages\arc.russian.txt
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2144 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2138 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4023 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1659 mb, addr=03410000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2144 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2131 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Creating archive: a_rep5.arc using rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26
Memory for compression 2056mb, decompression 1800mb, cache 1mb
Compressing 2.465 files, 7.702.106.956 bytes. Processed 0.0%There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2136 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4020 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1656 mb, addr=03720000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2128 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: storing
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2127 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2127 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2127 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4006 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1642 mb, addr=045A0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 2: tempfile
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1875 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 65 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1947 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1384 mb, addr=047E0000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1876 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 63 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 3: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2148 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2120 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3997 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1799 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1633 mb, addr=04E20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2148 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2112 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

ОШИБКА: невозможно выделить память, необходимую для (рас)паковки в rep:1800mb:h26

тем не менее, я исправил tempfile чтобы он свои 256к выделял снизу. пробуй arc2 снова

сейчас гляну
Автор: Bulat_Ziganshin
Дата сообщения: 10.06.2009 23:28

ага. а теперь попробуй то же самое с --nodir

ОШИБКА: невозможно выделить память, необходимую для (рас)паковки в rep:1800mb:h26

ой, надо было ещё старый архив стереть - он на нём фигнёй страдает. или команду create использовать. 8мб блоки используются при чтении оглавления архива
Автор: egor23
Дата сообщения: 11.06.2009 00:06

ой, надо было ещё старый архив стереть - он на нём фигнёй страдает. или команду create использовать. 8мб блоки используются при чтении оглавления архива

там "мало" места на диске архивы удалются сразу, если они в дальнейшем не нужны.

тем не менее, я исправил tempfile чтобы он свои 256к выделял снизу. пробуй arc2 снова

теперь нормально, почти:
у второго и т.д. rep
Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Arc.exe a a_rep5.arc -mrep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26+tempfile+rep:1800m:h26 nativePC2\ -di -di+% -lc- -ld-
FreeArc 0.52 alpha (June 11 2009) using additional options: --language=C:\temp\arc.languages\arc.russian.txt
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2143 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2137 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4021 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1657 mb, addr=03610000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2143 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2129 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Creating archive: a_rep5.arc using rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26+tempfile+rep:1800mb:h26
Memory for compression 2056mb, decompression 1800mb, cache 1mb

Before 1: storing
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2127 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4010 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1646 mb, addr=04120000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: storing
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2127 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2142 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2127 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: storing
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2127 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2127 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4008 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1644 mb, addr=04360000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2126 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 4006 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 2047 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 1642 mb, addr=045A0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 16 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2141 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 2: tempfile
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1875 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 65 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1947 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1384 mb, addr=047E0000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1876 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 63 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 3: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2166 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3997 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1633 mb, addr=04E20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2166 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2111 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 4: tempfile
There is 25 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1901 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 58 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1941 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1377 mb, addr=04E20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 25 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1901 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 55 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 19 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 5: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2163 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2119 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3997 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1633 mb, addr=04E20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2163 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2111 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 6: tempfile
There is 25 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1898 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 59 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1941 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1377 mb, addr=04E20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 25 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1898 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 55 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 19 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 7: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2160 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2116 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3995 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1631 mb, addr=05020000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2160 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2109 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 8: tempfile
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1893 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 54 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 1937 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1373 mb, addr=05220000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 26 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 1893 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 50 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 19 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 9: rep:1800mb:h26
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2161 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2114 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3993 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1629 mb, addr=05220000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 15 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2161 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2399 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2107 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Before 1: lzma:1mb:normal:bt4:32
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2208 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2549 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2256 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3991 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1627 mb, addr=05420000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2208 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2549 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2248 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: storing
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2208 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2549 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2247 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3981 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1617 mb, addr=05E20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2208 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2549 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2239 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: lzma:1mb:normal:bt4:32
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2208 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2549 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2247 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3981 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1617 mb, addr=05E20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2208 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2549 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2239 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Before 1: storing
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2207 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2549 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2247 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 3981 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.

Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000
Allocated 1617 mb, addr=05E20000
Allocated 247 mb, addr=7FFF0000
Allocated 104 mb, addr=6B2D0000
Allocated 69 mb, addr=71C20000
Allocated 61 mb, addr=78B90000
Allocated 19 mb, addr=7DCE0000
Allocated 15 mb, addr=76250000
Allocated 11 mb, addr=78000000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=777B0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=7D0D0000
Allocated 3 mb, addr=772C0000
Allocated 2 mb, addr=6B050000
Allocated 1 mb, addr=7D6F0000
There is 13 percent of memory in use.
There are 2559 total Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2207 free Mbytes of physical memory.
There are 2549 total Mbytes of paging file.
There are 2239 free Mbytes of paging file.
There are 4095 total Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 18 free Mbytes of virtual memory.
There are 0 free Mbytes of extended memory.
Compressed 2.465 files, 7.702.106.956 => 2.867.631.326 bytes. Ratio 37.2%
Directory 80.808 => 23.984 bytes. Ratio 29.6%
Compression time: cpu 523.67 secs, real 2402.09 secs. Speed 3.206 kB/s
All OK

сейчас ещё гляну что будет, если второй rep:1801m будет


Allocated 1800 mb, addr=8F790000

вот лог vmmap, сделан на последнем rep

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