those who have any AMD cpu, please help me: download http://freearc.org/download/testing/paq8px64_original.exe and http://freearc.org/download/testing/paq8px64_patched.exe , run both and write here your cpu and whether these programs work or not. i expect that only patched will be ok on your systems. if that will confirm, i will patch all executables in PowerPack
and one more test for AMDs: load and extract to separate dir http://freearc.org/download/testing/facompress.dll.zip , run test.cmd andgive here its output. thank you!
Fatal Error: This program was not built to run on the processor in your system.
The allowed processors are: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 and compatible Intel processor
s. Enables new optimizations in addition to Intel processor-specific optimizatio
paq8px archiver (C) 2008, Matt Mahoney et al.
Free under GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
To compress or extract, drop a file or folder on the paq8px icon.
The output will be put in the same folder as the input.
Or from a command window: To compress:
paq8px -level file (compresses to file.paq8px)
paq8px -level archive files... (creates archive.paq8px)
paq8px file (level -5, pause when done)
level: -0 = store, -1 -2 -3 = faster (uses 35, 48, 59 MB)
-4 -5 -6 -7 -8 = smaller (uses 133, 233, 435, 837, 1643 MB)
You may also compress directories.
To extract or compare:
paq8px -d dir1/archive.paq8px (extract to dir1)
paq8px -d dir1/archive.paq8px dir2 (extract to dir2)
paq8px archive.paq8px (extract, pause when done)
To view contents: more < archive.paq8px
Close this window or press ENTER to continue...
H:\Downloads\Compressed\facompress.dll>Arc6.exe a a Arc6.exe -mppmd
FreeArc 0.60 RC (December 8 2009) creating archive: a.arc
Compressing 1 file, 2,752,000 bytes. Processed 0%
Compressed 1 file, 2,752,000 => 801,417 bytes. Ratio 29.1%
Compression time: cpu 0.89 secs, real 0.90 secs. Speed 3,058 kB/s
All OK[/more]
Исправляюсь, AMD Phenom II x3 720 (Phenom II x4 20 )