Проблема ещё не решилась?
Из форумов - в одном случае человеку помогла переустановка драйверов USB-принтера
А скорее всего - решение связано с правами доступа на ветку реестра HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Zone Labs (см. топики на форуме ZoneLabs: http://forum.zonelabs.org/zonelabs/board/message?board.id=access&message.id=21006#M21006 и http://forum.zonelabs.org/zonelabs/board/message?board.id=inst&message.id=5320#M5320)
Проблема ещё не решилась?
Во время установки ZoneAlarm Pro 6.0.667.000 возникли следующие ошибки. В результате ZAP вешает после коннекта всю систему намертво.
Из форумов - в одном случае человеку помогла переустановка драйверов USB-принтера
А скорее всего - решение связано с правами доступа на ветку реестра HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Zone Labs (см. топики на форуме ZoneLabs: http://forum.zonelabs.org/zonelabs/board/message?board.id=access&message.id=21006#M21006 и http://forum.zonelabs.org/zonelabs/board/message?board.id=inst&message.id=5320#M5320)
For users who receive an error message that Admin rights are required to Install or Uninstall:
First, verify that you are using an account with Admin rights. If not, use only an Admin account.
Otherwise, this is usually due to a failed install or uninstall. The following requires use of the registry editor. WARNING - Improper use of the registry editor can create system problems! If you have any questions or doubts please seek help from someone familiar with these tools!
Always make a backup copy first, and TEST that backup, before editing the registry (see the local Windows help files, or see Help from inside the Registry Editor program).
XP users can use REGEDIT. W2k users must use REGEDT32 - this can be found on the original W2k CD if it not already installed.
When an uninstall or install fails, sometimes Windows does not reset to the default permissions, although the program thinks it is installed.
Click Start -> Run -> type REGEDIT (XP) or REGEDT32 (2000), and click OK.
Navigate to the main Zone Labs registry key at
Right-click on that key and select Permissions. Make sure that SYSTEM account, and the account you are trying to uninstall with, show that they have FULL and READ permissions, and SPECIAL is not checked. Nothing should be checked in the right column for Deny.
Once you save that change, rerun the installation or uninstall.