Спасибо по поводу русского языка в названии папок - мне помогло !!!
ps это нужно в фак и в шапку
это нужно в фак и в шапку
Не помогло
Объясните, как сделать два профиля "anonymous" и "администратор".
anonymous чтобы заходил без пароля Толька по логину.
администратор по логину и паролю заходил.
появляется окно загрузка, крутится стрелка и ничего не происходит.
Поставил Serv-U 8, который слушает HTTP на 88 порту.
1. Так это же для администрирования?
2. SERV-U - это же FTP, а не WEB сервер.
Ну я-же заходя браузером
Может другой софт для реализации посоветуете, если Serv-U не умеет?
Здесь, в этой теме обсуждают НЕ проблемы обновления антивируса НОД, а кое что другое.
чтобы он мог зайти в эту мою папку
A complete list of changes and upgrades follows:
- Substantially reduced the RAM requirements for servers with many domains and very high traffic servers. Serv-U requires about half of the RAM or less as with previous versions through 7.0.
- Updated the look and feel for the "Windows | Office 2003" styles for FTP Voyager JV.
- Added additional checks to prevent high frequency login attempts on a single session (i.e., dictionary login attacks).
- Serv-U through cached Windows login tokens, user IDS, and passwords; previous versions did not. For potential security reasons, token logging has been removed for login.
- Improved the load time of the FTP Voyager JV startup page by loading only images that apply to the browser.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV, introduced in version, where the active frame failed to receive focus when the user clicked within the empty space of a grid.
- Corrected a bug where FTP Voyager JV would fail to launch if certain JavaFX resources could not be loaded.
- Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where sorting drives was being performed on the display name instead of the drive letter.
- Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where sorting special Window directories interfered with the sort results of certain folders and files.
- Corrected a bug where "Port Forwarding" could prevent FTP Voyager JV from getting a listing from Serv-U. This would only happen if the router's public port was different from Serv-U's private port that was listening for HTTP connections.
- Corrected a problem when starting Serv-U as a service, the service initialization could fail (timeout) when a very large number of domains were defined.
- Corrected a bug where French and Italian result strings were being interpreted incorrectly by the browser. In the case of the Web Client, an error message would appear for French and Italian once a file began uploading.
- Fixed a bug in the User's Group Membership dialog where scrolling would not work correctly when the number of groups in the list exceeded the viewable area of the list.
- Corrected an SSL/TLS bug where Serv-U would not recognize a closed socket after calling SSL_read() from OpenSSL.
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Предыдущая тема: А какой программой шрифты делаются?