Serv-U Version [more=Release Notes]
Features: Added automatic group name sorting to the Windows Groups list.
Added a right-click context menu for Windows Groups in the Windows Groups tab for Domain Groups.
Enhanced IPv6 address validation by supporting leading zeros in IPv6 address segments. For example: fe80::ad63:d4df:b25b:5d56%11 is treated the validated the same as fe80:0000::ad63:d4df:b25b:5d56%11 and fe80:0::ad63:d4df:b25b:5d56%11
Upgraded development environment and Microsoft runtime libraries from Microsoft Developer Studio 2010 to Microsoft Developer Studio 2010 with Service Pack 1.
Improved the image preview slide show in the Web Client to update the speed immediately upon moving the slider.
Bug Fixes: Corrected a race bug where SSH2 key renegotiation was not working correctly on a local connection when downloading files larger than 1GB using PuTTY based SFTP clients. Special thanks to Simon Tatham (PuTTY author) for his insight into the problem.
Corrected an SSH2 private key bug where clearing the key path would prevent Serv-U from being able to make SSH2 connections. Serv-U, instead, should attempt to use the default SSL key. This bug affected SSH2 only, SSL connections correctly handled this condition.
Corrected a potential problem when inflating (uncompressing) compressed data packets where any remainder data after decompression could be lost.
Corrected a bug where disabling the Nagle algorithm would not work, and instead put the socket into a debug state.
Corrected a path length bug where Serv-U would not list files that contained 1 or 2 characters more than the maximum allowed path name in Windows.
Corrected a path length bug where Serv-U would not accept path names that were 1 character less than the maximum allowed path name in Windows.
Corrected a problem where end-users could change from HTTPS to HTTP by changing the browser's address bar even while requiring a secure connection for a user, group, domain, or server.
Corrected the shadowing on the Tray "Stop Serv-U" menu icon.
Corrected a bug where Domain Administrators could not save the settings on the domain settings page.
Corrected a bug in the Management Console and Web Client where hovering over the directory path crumb bar would push any following objects down 1 pixel.
Corrected a bug in the Management Console where leading and trailing spaces were not trimmed correctly when adding or editing a domain name.
Corrected a bug in the Management Console where the indent formatting was being removed for large lists of Windows Groups.
Corrected a Management Console bug where Windows Groups "children" would not appear correctly when inserted out-of-order. This was a visual bug and did not affect Windows Group functionality.
Corrected a Management Console bug where it was possible to select a node in the tree without firing the event to change to the selected tab in the page.
Corrected a Management Console bug where clicking on a tree node did not select the correct tab associated with the tree selection.
Corrected a Management Console bug where cookies were not being saved correctly when connecting to Serv-U using an IP address and a Safari browser.
Corrected a Management Console bug where System Administrator limits were visible to Domain Administrators.
Corrected a Management Console bug where creating a directory in browse dialogs would cause a JavaScript error.
Corrected a Management Console bug where the "Edition Information" group box would cut off information at the bottom for certain languages when the license was an expired trial.
Corrected a bug in the Management Console where it was possible that advanced user and server limits would not display properly when selected.
Corrected a bug in the Management Console where an XML request for retrieving total users and users available was being requested for unlimited user licenses. This operation could possibly lock up a server that has a large amount of user accounts.
Corrected a bug in the Management Console and Web Client where crumb bar menus would create multiple DOM elements with the same ID.
Corrected a bug in the Web Client where it was possible to upload to the wrong directory if FTP Voyager JV was active and uploading to a different directory.
Corrected a bug in the Web Client where the session timeout alert dialog was being hidden behind the Web Client Media Player whenever a session timeout occurred.
Corrected a bug in the Web Client where it was possible for the file drag icon to not hide on mouse up events.
Corrected a bug in the FTP Voyager JV launch page where hovering over buttons would cause the background to overflow outside the page container.
Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where the type-ahead feature would fail to continue after '.' characters.
Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where the transfer "Status" and "Overall" fields were incorrect if the entire transfer consisted of empty (0 byte) files.
Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where a rename of a local "exe", "lnk", or "ico" file would fail to refresh the file icon in the listing.
Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where a tree node, when collapsed by clicking on the '-' sign, would expand itself once the listing had been received.[/more]