coherent: 01:11 05-01-2015
[more=Вот диалог]
Код: ; -- Сеть ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group, SI_IDPREFS_ADVPREFERANSER, Network_group, 110, 0, 360, 270, Center
; MultilineLabel, D_NEW_PREFERENCES_CONFIGURE_PROXIES, , 0, 0, 340, 40, Fixed
Button, DI_IDLABEL_PROXY, Proxy_servers_button, 0, 0, 170, 23, Fixed = Show proxy servers
; MultilineLabel, D_NAME_COMPLETION_DETAILED_LABEL, , 0, 60, 340, 40, Fixed
Button, DI_IDLABEL_SERVER, Name_completion_button, 173, 0, 170, 23, Fixed = Show name completion
Checkbox, DI_IDM_UTF8_URLS, International_address_checkbox, 0, 24, 350, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, D_PREFS_ENABLE_REFERRER, Enable_referrer_logging_checkbox, 0, 38, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, DI_IDM_AUTO_LOAD_TOGGLE, Enable_redirection_checkbox, 0, 52, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, D_GEOLOCATION_ENABLE, Enable_geolocation_checkbox, 0, 66, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Включить Spdy2", , 0, 80, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy2=1" | Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy2=0"
Checkbox, "Включить Spdy3", , 0, 94, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy3=1" | Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy3=0"
Checkbox, "Запрос DNS-сервера при наведении мыши на ссылку", , 0, 108, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|DNS Prefetching=1" | Set preference, "Network|DNS Prefetching=0"
Checkbox, "Синхронный поиск DNS-адресов", , 0, 122, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Synchronous DNS Lookup=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Synchronous DNS Lookup=0"
Checkbox, "Конвейерная обработка (pipelining)", , 0, 136, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Enable Pipelining=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Enable Pipelining=0"
Checkbox, "Немедленное отключение от серверов (HTTP/FTP/RSS)", , 0, 150, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|No Connection Keepalive=1" | Set preference, "Performance|No Connection Keepalive=0"
Checkbox, "Дополнительные простаивающие соединения с текущим сервером", , 0, 164, 340, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Extra Idle Connections=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Extra Idle Connections=0"
Checkbox, "Открывать простаивающие соединения", , 0, 178, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Open Idle Connections On Close=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Open Idle Connections On Close=0"
; Checkbox, "Использовать веб-поиск, при ошибках определения сервера", , 0, 201, 356, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|Enable HostName Web Lookup=1" | Set preference, "Network|Enable HostName Web Lookup=0"
Separator1, , , 0, 196, 350, 20, Fixed
MultilineLabel, "Время ожидания запроса (сек):", , 0, 207, 160, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "10", , 160, 205, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=10"
Checkbox, "20", , 190, 205, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=20"
Checkbox, "30", , 220, 205, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=30"
Checkbox, "60", , 250, 205, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=60"
Checkbox, "300", , 281, 205, 32, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=300"
Checkbox, "600", , 320, 205, 32, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=600"
Separator2, , , 0, 216, 350, 20, Fixed
MultilineLabel, "Постоянных подключений к серверу:", , 0, 226, 184, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "1", , 197, 224, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=1"
Checkbox, "4", , 227, 224, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=4"
Checkbox, "8", , 258, 224, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=8"
Checkbox, "10", , 288, 224, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=10"
Checkbox, "24", , 320, 224, 32, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=24"
Separator3, , , 0, 235, 350, 20, Fixed
Label, DI_IDM_MAX_CONNECTIONS_SERVER_LABE, label_for_Max_connections_to_server_dropdown, 0, 248, 180, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Max_connections_to_server_dropdown, 184, 248, 50, 23, Fixed
Label, DI_IDM_MAX_CONNECTIONS_TOTAL_LABEL, label_for_Max_connections_total_dropdown, 254, 248, 40, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Max_connections_total_dropdown, 298, 248, 50, 23, Fixed, End
По логике - это ширина по у. Но ее уменьшение сдвигает строку вверх, а увеличение - вниз.Правильнее сказать высота элемента.
Что означает Fixed в конце?Значит что данный элемент не повлияет на ширину всего диалога, в случае если он будет шире самого диалога. Т.е. запрет растягивания диалога.
Можно ли вставить свой Dropdown?Можно, только названий пунктов не видно (не знаю как сделать их видимыми), хотя сам Dropdown работает, значения меняет.
Можно ли взглянуть на соответствующий код для этого [?] диалогового окна?Диалог частично привязан к размерам шрифтов, которые я менял и к ru.lng - некоторые названия я укоротил.
[more=Вот диалог]
Код: ; -- Сеть ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group, SI_IDPREFS_ADVPREFERANSER, Network_group, 110, 0, 360, 270, Center
; MultilineLabel, D_NEW_PREFERENCES_CONFIGURE_PROXIES, , 0, 0, 340, 40, Fixed
Button, DI_IDLABEL_PROXY, Proxy_servers_button, 0, 0, 170, 23, Fixed = Show proxy servers
; MultilineLabel, D_NAME_COMPLETION_DETAILED_LABEL, , 0, 60, 340, 40, Fixed
Button, DI_IDLABEL_SERVER, Name_completion_button, 173, 0, 170, 23, Fixed = Show name completion
Checkbox, DI_IDM_UTF8_URLS, International_address_checkbox, 0, 24, 350, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, D_PREFS_ENABLE_REFERRER, Enable_referrer_logging_checkbox, 0, 38, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, DI_IDM_AUTO_LOAD_TOGGLE, Enable_redirection_checkbox, 0, 52, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, D_GEOLOCATION_ENABLE, Enable_geolocation_checkbox, 0, 66, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Включить Spdy2", , 0, 80, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy2=1" | Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy2=0"
Checkbox, "Включить Spdy3", , 0, 94, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy3=1" | Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy3=0"
Checkbox, "Запрос DNS-сервера при наведении мыши на ссылку", , 0, 108, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|DNS Prefetching=1" | Set preference, "Network|DNS Prefetching=0"
Checkbox, "Синхронный поиск DNS-адресов", , 0, 122, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Synchronous DNS Lookup=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Synchronous DNS Lookup=0"
Checkbox, "Конвейерная обработка (pipelining)", , 0, 136, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Enable Pipelining=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Enable Pipelining=0"
Checkbox, "Немедленное отключение от серверов (HTTP/FTP/RSS)", , 0, 150, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|No Connection Keepalive=1" | Set preference, "Performance|No Connection Keepalive=0"
Checkbox, "Дополнительные простаивающие соединения с текущим сервером", , 0, 164, 340, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Extra Idle Connections=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Extra Idle Connections=0"
Checkbox, "Открывать простаивающие соединения", , 0, 178, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Open Idle Connections On Close=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Open Idle Connections On Close=0"
; Checkbox, "Использовать веб-поиск, при ошибках определения сервера", , 0, 201, 356, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|Enable HostName Web Lookup=1" | Set preference, "Network|Enable HostName Web Lookup=0"
Separator1, , , 0, 196, 350, 20, Fixed
MultilineLabel, "Время ожидания запроса (сек):", , 0, 207, 160, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "10", , 160, 205, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=10"
Checkbox, "20", , 190, 205, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=20"
Checkbox, "30", , 220, 205, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=30"
Checkbox, "60", , 250, 205, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=60"
Checkbox, "300", , 281, 205, 32, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=300"
Checkbox, "600", , 320, 205, 32, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=600"
Separator2, , , 0, 216, 350, 20, Fixed
MultilineLabel, "Постоянных подключений к серверу:", , 0, 226, 184, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "1", , 197, 224, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=1"
Checkbox, "4", , 227, 224, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=4"
Checkbox, "8", , 258, 224, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=8"
Checkbox, "10", , 288, 224, 26, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=10"
Checkbox, "24", , 320, 224, 32, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=24"
Separator3, , , 0, 235, 350, 20, Fixed
Label, DI_IDM_MAX_CONNECTIONS_SERVER_LABE, label_for_Max_connections_to_server_dropdown, 0, 248, 180, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Max_connections_to_server_dropdown, 184, 248, 50, 23, Fixed
Label, DI_IDM_MAX_CONNECTIONS_TOTAL_LABEL, label_for_Max_connections_total_dropdown, 254, 248, 40, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Max_connections_total_dropdown, 298, 248, 50, 23, Fixed, End