coherent: 21:18 11-01-2015 Цитата: естественное желание взглянуть на соответствующий диалог
Код: ; -- Сеть ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group, SI_IDPREFS_ADVPREFERANSER, Network_group, 110, 0, 360, 270, Center
Button, DI_IDLABEL_PROXY, Proxy_servers_button, 0, 0, 175, 23, Fixed = Show proxy servers
Button, DI_IDLABEL_SERVER, Name_completion_button, 177, 0, 175, 23, Fixed = Show name completion
Checkbox, DI_IDM_UTF8_URLS, International_address_checkbox, 0, 22, 350, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, DI_IDM_AUTO_LOAD_TOGGLE, Enable_redirection_checkbox, 0, 36, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, D_PREFS_ENABLE_REFERRER, Enable_referrer_logging_checkbox, 0, 50, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, D_GEOLOCATION_ENABLE, Enable_geolocation_checkbox, 0, 64, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Включить Spdy2", , 0, 78, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy2=1" | Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy2=0"
Checkbox, "Включить Spdy3", , 0, 92, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy3=1" | Set preference, "Network|Use Spdy3=0"
Checkbox, "Конвейерная обработка (pipelining)", , 0, 106, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Enable Pipelining=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Enable Pipelining=0"
Checkbox, "Синхронный поиск DNS-адресов", , 0, 120, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Synchronous DNS Lookup=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Synchronous DNS Lookup=0"
Checkbox, "Запрос DNS-сервера при наведении мыши на ссылку", , 0, 134, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|DNS Prefetching=1" | Set preference, "Network|DNS Prefetching=0"
Checkbox, "Немедленное отключение от серверов (HTTP/FTP/RSS)", , 0, 148, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|No Connection Keepalive=1" | Set preference, "Performance|No Connection Keepalive=0"
Checkbox, "Дополнительные простаивающие соединения с текущим сервером", , 0, 162, 340, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Extra Idle Connections=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Extra Idle Connections=0"
Checkbox, "Открывать простаивающие соединения", , 0, 176, 300, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Open Idle Connections On Close=1" | Set preference, "Performance|Open Idle Connections On Close=0"
Separator1, , , 0, 188, 354, 20, Fixed
Label, "Ожидание ответа от сервера (сек):", , 0, 200, 190, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, , , 185, 200, 50, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=10",,-9 > Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=20",,-17 > Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=30",,-18 > Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=60",,-19 > Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=300",,-25 > Set preference, "Network|IP Address Seconds To Live=600",,-26
Label, "Постоянных подключений к серверу:", , 0, 224, 190, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, , , 185, 224, 50, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=1",,-7 > Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=4",,-8 > Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=8",,-10 > Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=10",,-9 > Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=24",,-12 > Set preference, "Performance|Max Persistent Connections Server=32",,-13
Label, "Буфер сети:", , 242, 224, 70, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, , , 306, 224, 46, 23, Fixed = Set preference, "Performance|Network Buffer Size=8",,-10 > Set preference, "Performance|Network Buffer Size=16",,-11 > Set preference, "Performance|Network Buffer Size=32",,-13 > Set preference, "Performance|Network Buffer Size=64",,-14 > Set preference, "Performance|Network Buffer Size=128",,-15 > Set preference, "Performance|Network Buffer Size=255",,-16
Label, DI_IDM_MAX_CONNECTIONS_SERVER_LABE, label_for_Max_connections_to_server_dropdown, 0, 248, 190, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Max_connections_to_server_dropdown, 185, 248, 50, 23, Fixed
Label, DI_IDM_MAX_CONNECTIONS_TOTAL_LABEL, label_for_Max_connections_total_dropdown, 263, 248, 40, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Max_connections_total_dropdown, 306, 248, 46, 23, Fixed, End