kullibbin Command line scanner -
http://www.avup.de/personal/en/ave32.zip Код: Usage is: AVE32 [options] [path[\*.ext]] [*.ext]
where options are:
-? / -h ......... display this help text
-allfiles ....... scan all files
-allboot ........ scan all boot records
-alldrives ...... scan all drives
-allhard ........ scan all hard disks
-allremote ...... scan all network drives
-wub ............ save unknown boot records to file '.\UKB.SAV'
-s .............. scan subdirectories
-z .............. files in ZIP archives will be extracted and scanned
-nomem .......... disable memory check (not recommended)
-noboot ......... do not check any boot records
-nombr .......... do not check any master boot records
-nobreak ........ disable Ctl-C and Ctrl-Break
-nodef ......... do only check the given file types (eg. *.DOC)
-v .............. verbose scan mode
-nopack ......... do not scan inside packed files
-e [-del | -ren] repair infected files if possible
[-del] non-repairable files will be deleted
[-ren] non-repairable files will be renamed
-ren ............ rename infected files (*.COM->*.VOM,...)
-del ............ delete infected files
-dmnoheur ....... disable macro heuristic
-dmdel .......... delete documents containing suspicious macros
-dmdas .......... delete all macros if one appears to be suspicious
-dmse ........... set exit code to 101 if any macro was found
-heuristic[:|=]1 heuristic detection rate low
-heuristic[:|=]2 heuristic detection rate medium
-heuristic[:|=]3 heuristic detection rate high
-r1 ............. just log infections and warnings
-r2 ............. log all scanned paths in addition
-r3 ............. log all scanned files
-r4 ............. select verbose log mode
-rs ............. select single-line virus messages
-rf<filename> ... name of log file
?d = day, ?m = month, ?y = year (two digits each)
-ra ............. append new log data to existing file
-ro ............. overwrite existing log file
-q .............. quiet mode
-lang[:|=]DE .... use German texts
-lang[:|=]EN .... use English texts
-once ........... run only once a day
-tmp<dir> ....... specify the directory for temporary files
-x<dir> ......... AntiVir looks for it's files eg 'antivir.vdf' in <dir>
-if<dateiname> .. AntiVir uses the given ini file
-kf<filename> ... AntiVir uses the given license file
@<rspfile> ...... read parameters from the file <rspfile>
with each option in a separate line
list of return codes:
0: Normal program termination, no virus, no error
1: Virus found in a file or boot sector
2: A virus signature was found in memory
3: Suspicious file found
100: AntiVir only has displayed this help text
101: A macro was found in a document file
102: The option -once was gven and AntiVir already ran today
200: Program aborted, not enough memory available
201: The given response file could not be found
202: Within a response file another @<rsp> directive was found
203: Invalid option
204: Invalid (non-existent) directory given at command line
205: The log file could not be created
210: AntiVir could not find a necessary dll file
211: Programm aborted, because the self check failed
212: The file antivir.vdf could not be read
213: An error occured during initialisation
test/debug options:
-d1 ............. the log file will be flushed after each output
-d2 ............. use only if instructed to do so by our hotline!
scan all files on drive C:
AVE32 -s C:\*
scan, repair & delete damaged/overwritten files on drives C: and D:
AVE32 C:\ D:\ -s -e \*.* *.*