Designer Дано:
1. Много чертежей (~300).
2. Часть моделей на основе которых сделанны чертежи изменены после создания чертежей.
Как распечатать правильные чертежи?
Если не известно каким из них надо сделать Update.
Я запускал:
1. макро Open & Save на все чертежи.
2. В отчёте Open & Save находил чертежи в которых произошли изменения.
3. Открывал и проверял изменённые чертежи.
4. Печатал все чертежи с помощью макро Batch. (Все чертежи А4).
Есть ли более короткий путь?
Добавлено Цитата: MaterialSelector
Prepared by: Barry Shillingford, Barry.Shillingford@eds.comDate: 2/4/2003
This program will allow the user to pick a material from a pull-down list, and then it will set the “Material” property, the density, and the “Faces Style” in the file. The program reads the information from an Excel spreadsheet called Materials.xls. The columns in the spreadsheet will be used as follows:
•First column is copied to: File > Properties > Project > Material:
•Second column is copied to: Tools > Physical Properties > Density:
•Third column is copied to: Tools > Color Manager > Base Styles > Part:
•The program is designed to work in part and sheet metal files only.
•A solid should be created first otherwise the density will not be set.
•The spreadsheet density needs to be in kg per cubic meter (kg/m3). The macro will display the value in the units set in the active file.
•The Faces Style is set “Use individual part styles” is not turned on.
•If the Faces Style in the spreadsheet is not present in the active file, nothing is set.
•The spreadsheet must be named Materials.xls and reside in the same directory as the executable file.
•If you are working with the standard metric templates the density values will probably display as “0.000 kg/mm^3” because the value is too small to display.
•Added a check box for the style. The style will be changed only if the box is checked. (Feature added by Phil Bauman 2/6/2003.)