BONDBIGчто в кеш логе в этот момент трудно сказать там записи в основном вида:
2009/04/15 09:25:12| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to ''
2009/04/15 09:25:12| ipcacheParse: No Address records in response to ''
2009/04/15 09:26:35| httpReadReply: Excess data from "GET" 2009/04/15 09:29:26| httpReadReply: Excess data from "GET" 2009/04/15 09:36:40| httpReadReply: Request not yet fully sent "POST" 2009/04/15 09:41:40| urlParse: Illegal character in hostname 'detsys.r%d0%b3'
2009/04/15 09:41:44| urlParse: Illegal character in hostname 'detsys.r%d0%b3'
2009/04/15 09:41:53| urlParse: Illegal character in hostname 'detsys.r%d0%b3'
2009/04/15 09:45:53| httpReadReply: Excess data from "GET" 2009/04/15 09:55:08| WARNING! Your cache is running out of filedescriptors
и опять появилось предупреждение о дескрипторах
Цитата: Debug рулит, не?
debug_options ALL,5
tail -f cache.log
столько сообщений сыплется (за пару минут лог вырос на ~100Мб):
2009/04/15 09:17:26| file_open: FD 173
2009/04/15 09:17:26| fd_open FD 173 /var/run/
2009/04/15 09:17:26| leave_suid: PID 13494 called
2009/04/15 09:17:26| leave_suid: PID 13494 giving up root, becoming 'squid'
2009/04/15 09:17:26| file_close: FD 173, really closing
2009/04/15 09:17:26| fd_close FD 173 /var/run/
2009/04/15 09:17:26| Ready to serve requests.
2009/04/15 09:17:26| comm_select: timeout 709
2009/04/15 09:17:26| httpReadReply: FD 128: len 2404.
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeAppend: appending 2404 bytes for '54A49D1FA5D9E65FC47397900106C35A'
2009/04/15 09:17:26| InvokeHandlers: 54A49D1FA5D9E65FC47397900106C35A
2009/04/15 09:17:26| InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataLock: 0x99a08b0
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeClientCopy2: 54A49D1FA5D9E65FC47397900106C35A
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeClientCopy3: Copying from memory
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataValid: 0x98df810
2009/04/15 09:17:26| clientSendMoreData:, 2404 bytes
2009/04/15 09:17:26| clientSendMoreData: FD 418 '', out.offset=71692
2009/04/15 09:17:26| comm_write: FD 418: sz 2404: hndl 0x80742a0: data 0x98df810.
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataLock: 0x98df810
2009/04/15 09:17:26| commSetSelect: FD 418 type 2
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataUnlock: 0x98df810
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataUnlock: 0x99a08b0
2009/04/15 09:17:26| commSetTimeout: FD 128 timeout 900
2009/04/15 09:17:26| commSetSelect: FD 128 type 1
2009/04/15 09:17:26| httpReadReply: FD 332: len 1069.
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeAppend: appending 1069 bytes for 'C25A66B10FA318C510F7B7ACD0DE05D9'
2009/04/15 09:17:26| InvokeHandlers: C25A66B10FA318C510F7B7ACD0DE05D9
2009/04/15 09:17:26| InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataLock: 0x8f55e48
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeClientCopy2: C25A66B10FA318C510F7B7ACD0DE05D9
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeClientCopy3: Copying from memory
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataValid: 0xa0e2378
2009/04/15 09:17:26| clientSendMoreData:, 1069 bytes
2009/04/15 09:17:26| clientSendMoreData: FD 297 '', out.offset=22410
2009/04/15 09:17:26| comm_write: FD 297: sz 1069: hndl 0x80742a0: data 0xa0e2378.
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataLock: 0xa0e2378
2009/04/15 09:17:26| commSetSelect: FD 297 type 2
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataUnlock: 0xa0e2378
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataUnlock: 0x8f55e48
2009/04/15 09:17:26| commSetTimeout: FD 332 timeout 900
2009/04/15 09:17:26| commSetSelect: FD 332 type 1
2009/04/15 09:17:26| httpReadReply: FD 86: len 274.
2009/04/15 09:17:26| ctx: enter level 0: ''
2009/04/15 09:17:26| httpProcessReplyHeader: key '6ADD1434C5CDD7FEC24F543F4E2F7B78'
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeAppend: appending 274 bytes for '6ADD1434C5CDD7FEC24F543F4E2F7B78'
2009/04/15 09:17:26| httpProcessReplyHeader: HTTP CODE: 304
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeExpireNow: '6ADD1434C5CDD7FEC24F543F4E2F7B78'
2009/04/15 09:17:26|'s clock is skewed by 344979 seconds!
2009/04/15 09:17:26| ctx: exit level 0
2009/04/15 09:17:26| InvokeHandlers: 6ADD1434C5CDD7FEC24F543F4E2F7B78
2009/04/15 09:17:26| InvokeHandlers: checking client #0
2009/04/15 09:17:26| cbdataLock: 0x9e75d68
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeClientCopy2: 6ADD1434C5CDD7FEC24F543F4E2F7B78
2009/04/15 09:17:26| storeClientCopy3: Copying from memory