Сингл "The Unforgiven II".
Сингл "The Unforgiven II".
Я взял билет в фанзону за 8500 рэ при зарплате в 21000.
Я, наверное, болен!
Но зато ты увидишь отцов метала, а я нет
Мне же осталось билеты на самолёт заказать (в основном, кроме мелочей всяких), ибо на Метлу уже давно всё заказано.
Так что по общим затратам у тебя, наверное, еще больше получится.
кстати, в рекламе пишут, что вместо HIM на разогреве выступят Linkin Park
Как уже попсовая группа может разогревать отцов???
Как опозорились?
Но вот так вот с метлой такую музыку совмещать - не в тему, имхо.
Они и в Дублине были на разогреве в 2003-м и опозорились и были освистаны многотысячной толпой
А вот Сатриани на разогреве - это прикольно! Он и сам-то не мальчик!
А! А я вот ищу "I Disappear", но как минимум 320 кбпс... Может, кто-нить имеет?
Есть только на 160. Поискать надо, вроде и с лучшим качеством были.
Lars Ulrich and Connie Nielsen became the proud parents of a boy, Bryce Thadeus Ulrich-Nielsen on Monday May 21st in San Francisco. Mother's doing well, Dad's in awe, and brothers Layne, Myles, and Sebastian are psyched!
Metallica - The Golden Unplugged Album
качнуть бы Kill'em All (только там год неверно указан
8-го июля иду на Металлику!Гут будет! В фанзону?
На Уэмбли будут
В фанзону?
Неа... Билетов уже нет.Я свои в марте заказывал через метклуб, так что неудивительно.
Beatles & Metallica Salute Tribute Act
The publishers behind the Beatles' back catalogue and rockers Metallica have given tribute 'mash-up' act Beatallica permission to revamp classic album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
The quirky group has cleverly given Beatles classics like Taxman and Helter Skelter a heavy metal makeover - creating a new album of Metallica-fuelled Fab Four tunes.
Check out the new and improved LIVEMETALLICA.COM ! We thought we would surprise you with a brand new site just in time for the start of the "Sick of the Studio" tour . . . we hope you think it's cool. Among other new features, you can now search for your favorite song to find what shows it was played in, or if you're looking for a specific date, it's a little easier to locate.
To celebrate the new live site and the start of the tour, we've got a sale for you too - all the "catalog" shows (anything before 2007) are on sale with a 10% discount AND there are two new free Vault shows. Look for "Sick of the Studio" shows ready for download starting late this weekend.
The "Sick of the Studio" tour starts Thursday in Lisbon and you can follow the tour with Met On Tour. We'll have pix, details about what's going on behind the scenes (check it out now for set-up and rehearsal shots) and even video from all the shows.
Our European vacation is on . . . see you there!
This is the fifth time Metallica has played in Portugal. They previously performed in Portugal in 1993, 1996, 1999, and 2004.
This was the first time Ride the Lightning was performed in Portugal. The last time Ride was performed was on October 17, 2004 in Washington D.C.
This was the second time The Memory Remains was performed in Portugal. The last time Memory was played in Portugal was on July 16, 1999 at the Super Rock Festival and the last time Memory was performed was on November 22, 2004 in Salt Lake City, UT.
This was the first time in 18 YEARS that …And Justice For All was played in full. It was last performed in October of 1989 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
This was the first time in 9 YEARS that the full version of Am I Evil? was performed. The full version was last performed on November 24, 1998 in New York City. The last time the song has been performed in any capacity was on May 1, 2004 in Cincinnati, OH.
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