Opera 10.60 Build 3426 Core fixes
By Haavard. Thursday, 17. June 2010, 14:05:00
[more=Very very BIG Changelog )))]Desktop
DSK-302028 (Serif fonts used as default in form elements (input/text fields and buttons))
DSK-302194 (Crash on Mozilla Web Workers demo)
DSK-302276 (Fixed App Cache issue when enabling "Work Offline")
CORE-25742 (Implemented validation of certificates used in widget signature using OCSP)
CORE-10748 (Documents where documentedit has been enabled stays in memory forever and so does every later document in the tab)
CORE-18646 (Expose current rendering mode in the opera object (opera.renderingMode))
CORE-19210 (No load event for not-yet-visible images (hp.com slideshow))
CORE-20517 (IMG x/y not supported (date picker in wrong location))
CORE-22697 (innerHTML doesn't strip quotes on attributes / innerHTML isn't lowercase)
CORE-22758 (Image upload to blogger.com appears to fail - attributes.removeNamedItem() called with ns:localname string throws only in Opera)
CORE-22936 (Page loads blank)
CORE-24156 (Rich text editing page crashes Opera)
CORE-24170 (Meta refresh without URL reload the page)
CORE-24679 (Crash on shutdown)
CORE-27590 (Print(preview)ing emails is broken)
CORE-27604 (Crash at kempinski.com)
CORE-27614 (New Java plug-in can't find applet on local pages because it doesn't understand "file://localhost/")
CORE-27766 (Large images only appear up to 5-10%, then nothing until fully loaded)
CORE-27795 (Y!Mail chat truncates output sent from Opera - ignore script setting ForeColor if same colour as current)
CORE-27825 (Crash after inspecting element with background attribute)
CORE-27932 (Fixed background corrupted on scroll (large negative text-indent))
CORE-28181 (Applet is not loaded when the codebase is #)
CORE-28236 (Not all param values are displayed)
CORE-28246 (Page scroll by dragging the scrollbar in print preview quits scrolling the document halfway through)
CORE-28275 (Range header not sent for redirected (301) URL)
CORE-28327 (Improvements to prevent broken searches in mail)
CORE-28430 (Broken comment form at heraldsun.com.au)
CORE-28441 (Crash in cookie dialog)
CORE-28488 (A large amount of overflow in vertical direction disables scrollbars.)
CORE-28563 (XHR custom headers not re-sent when redirected)
CORE-28656 (Unclosed absolutely positioned span freezes Opera if ancestors are relatively positioned, and one of them is inline-block)
CORE-28824 (Authentication info not propagated to Java)
CORE-28829 (MHTML file with "Content-Encoding:gzip" header make Opera crash)
CORE-28912 (Circumvents the popup blocker using JS URL and fake click)
CORE-28936 (IFRAME height property ignored in MSR mode if scrolling=no)
CORE-29079 (Setting same JS URL as src of script element twice halts loading)
CORE-29178 (active-window event is not sent after a dialog is closed and focus switches back to opener)
CORE-29413 (Crash on inline search)
CORE-29702 (Quake Live (and friends) plugin not working)
CORE-29769 (Renego-used flag not carried over when renegotiating a connection with a zero-length (non-resumable) TLS Session ID)
CORE-30675 (Offline cache size wrongly reported)
CORE-30706 (The list of application caches don't contain unvisited caches after shutdown/restart)
Generally improved plug-in scripting robustness (CORE-28411)
Voddler plugin scripting issues
CORE-29063 (Swedish BankID crashes Opera (pensionsmyndigheten.se))
CORE-27722 (Can't click links at dramaten.se - script resume after inserting non-plugin object)
CORE-26469 (Flash doesn't always paint initially until forced (YouTube channels))
CORE-24287 (Modifying OuterHTML on nested objects with document.onmouseover disables page interaction)
DSK-284103 (DivX Webplayer plugin crashes/shows plugin failed dialog)
CORE-28385 (Netflix streaming video does not work in Opera)
DSK-298158 (Opera crashes on hosting the Microsoft Silverlight plug-in)
DSK-271760 (Crash in unsigned_npgoogletalk.dll)[/more]
http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/26449_10.60-3426/Opera_1060_3426_in.exe http://snapshot.opera.com/windows/26449_10.60-3426/Opera_1060_3426_classic.exe сижу в ожидании апдейта или "новой сборки"