xChe Тут вот в чем дело. Разработка плагина решила - как пишут - достаточно много проблем стыковки WebDAB'a и облаков. В любом случае - это рабочий вариант. Сделать то же самое через WIndows оказывается не совсем просто. Из вики вся история:
Microsoft introduced WebDAV client support in Microsoft Windows 98 with a feature called "Web folders". This client consisted of an OLE object which could be accessed by any OLE software, and was installed as an extension to Windows Explorer (the desktop/file manager) and was later included in Windows 2000. In Windows XP, Microsoft added the Web Client service also known as the WebDAV mini-redirector[10] which is preferred by default over the old Web folders client. This newer client works as a system service at the network-redirector level (immediately above the file-system), allowing WebDAV shares to be assigned to a drive letter and used by any software. The redirector also allows WebDAV shares to be addressed via UNC paths (e.g.
http://host/path/ is converted to \\host\path\) for compatibility with Windows filesystem APIs. Some versions of the redirector are reported to have some limitations in authentication support.[11] In addition, WebDAV over HTTPS works only if a computer has KB892211-version files or newer installed. Otherwise Windows displays "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another" when adding a network resource. NOTE: 892211 has been superseded by KB907306. Windows Vista includes only the WebDAV redirector, but if you install a version of Office, Internet Explorer, OLE-DB or "Microsoft Update for Web Folders" you will get the original "Web folders" client. The update will only work on the 32-bit version of XP/Vista.[12] Microsoft states that 64 bit versions of Windows will never support the "Web folders" client. Instead users are limited to using WebDAV via the native Web Client service redirector.[13]
Когда пытаюсь ввести адрес webdab.yandex.ru , затем логин и пароль, то получаю, как здесь и написано, "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another". Нужно KB907306. 64-бита не поддерживают.
Облачных сервисов каждый день все больше. Нужно имхо в ТС иметь их как драйвы под буквами. Но не ко всем есть доступ через WebDAB, типа Google Drive.